Hello, if Alma and valentine (exact) conjunct the NN in composite chart? Very nice, Jane. I have a Moon conjunct North Node in synastry, going both ways with my girlfriend! Hi, Ive been researching for some asteroids and read couple of articles of you. I am trying to understand NN contacts in synastry. There may be issues of illness, poverty etc. The music Bolero by Ravel would be the feeling of your relationship, Apollo conj the NNThe NN person would adore the Apollo person. Do you have any thoughts or experience with Juno/psyche aspects. Hey, Ami. You can become too possessive. About Neptune conjunct NN : I confirm it can bring great sorrow I met a men 4 years ago, and his Neptune conjunct my NN he asked for a child during 2 years then he abandoned me when I was pregnant he said that he changed his mind (he didnt recongnize our child). Or my SN conjunct his Juno? Great sense of understanding each other and the purpose of each other. This aspect indicates that there is a strong connection, both spiritual and physical, between two people. They are standing at the threshold of your temple, asking to be let in. I hope I can do this in my articles. Vesta is named after the Roman goddess Vesta, the equivalent of Hestia in Greek mythology. This is highly secret dont tell anyone! Ermergerd thank you for this Ami! You are such a Yuge help to my Virgoine ocd about re-overanalyzing euerything. . thanks for sharing your knowledge amiann! So, Sun conjunct Pallas suggests you have the right personality for him to like you more and more as he gets to know you. And he said, I dont know, its like I feel like Im Moving away from my Moms.. Vesta True Lunar Node and Vesta conjunct in the synastry chart We are both deeply devoted to helping each other succeed on a shared mission. They are interested in hidden things and in the occult. The Nodes of the Moon, the North Node and the South Node are not planetary bodies, but rather points formed by the Moon's orbit around the Earth, intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. If not, they have a very similar life purpose, Oops! Vesta in Libra will place an emphasis on give-and-take, but you may end up sacrificing your desires (including your sexual desires) to make the Venus person happy. In astrology, this asteroid is among the most frequently used, along with Chiron, Juno, Ceres, Pallas. New articles are only viewable to the public for 30 days after publication. Vesta is one of the four main asteroids used in Astrology. http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a528/ftoc57/astro_61gw_01_30_ama_mr_funny6913713738_zps7da101d5.gif, I meant to put it on my Forum lol Go on the front page of my website and you will see the icon for my Forum. Wow Lili When this aspect is present in a relationship, [], Venus conjunct Venus in synastry indicates a strong attraction and mutual understanding between two people. Its content is about not being able to live without each other in case of As Amor conjunction Bs NN. I was wondering if you could help me out with this question because when I google I get different answers. Vesta is an asteroid in the asteroid belt, which takes place between Mars and Jupiter in the Solar System. The relationship between the North and South Nodes is very close. ..an extra twist their lilith also squares my north and south node on the other side!!! North Node trine Jupiter Vesta is an asteroid in the asteroid belt, which takes place between Mars and Jupiter in the Solar System. Hello my dear, Maybe emotional struggles that others can see. They dont easily relate well to Vesta person who is more likely to sacrifice their own ambition in order to serve others and fulfill their spiritual calling. The limitations are part of Vestas agenda to teach absolute focus. The best thing about this placement is finding great wisdom. Saturn energy is like a stern parent. This asteroid is named after the virginal goddess of the hearth fire, and gets lost in the rush to find juicier interaspects. Synastry is the branch within astrology where two people's romantic . It may not show up if it is not a committed long term relationship. Ill be waiting for your great reply. If you have Vesta in your 8th House (intimacy and shared resources) square your partners Saturn, you may end up sacrificing both money and sexual satisfaction to the Saturn person (who calls the shots). Thanks again! Thank you Becky. Relationships are very important to you with Vesta in Libra. I have this aspect natally. Vesta conjunct Pluto can be considered a generational aspect. You and he may bond over the betrayal the Sedna person had but this would not mean THIS person would be betray you, I think. Could you tell me what this means, me and this special person have a double-whammy: Venus square Retrograde North Nodes? But I wonder how it plays out. The book Asteroid Goddesses, by Demetra George and Douglas Bloch, describes Vestas fascinating mythology. what does it mean when you have a North Node conjunct Descendant in Composite Chart? People with this position want to help others and be needed. Their NN in also in my 12th with mine in their 8th. When talking about asteroids, the orb is supposed to be tight if not exact. xoxo. What does it mean ? I know theyre both considered feminine energies, so wondering how they relate to each other, and what it means for them to come into conjunctions in romantic relationships. I have that aspect to someone and wonder about the potesial for this?? You are born to connect and communicate. There is a strong inner fire burning in you. . Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Thank you very much. Eris sq NN has to be close(2-3 orb) and it is a rather small aspect so prolly not that significant. Jul 6, 2016. Wow, thank you! Proserpina conj the NNThe Proserpina Person would bring some kind of rite of passage from innocence into some form of corruption to the NN person. How this would play out exactly I am not sure but betrayal would be a theme of the relationship. It is the second largest asteroid. And my venus is conjunct his north node. Could you please give me your opinion about Eris square NN in synastry ? By registering with email or connecting with the social icons you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy, All rights reserved 2022 Apogeeks Pte. This is a theory which someone I know is studying. I saw the conjunction and started reading up about it. Wisdom is an important focus with this placement in the natal chart. Vesta Aspecting Pluto: Yes, Pluto concentrates too, but in a different way. IF it happened, I think it would start as off the wall passion but would not end well lol. Juno embodies the traits of a loyal wifedevotion, loyalty, fidelity and enduring love. Depth is a must for you in everything. Your controlling, jealousy and codependency issues. The North Node in Pisces must have the South Node in Virgo and so on. Some of the keywords of Vesta in astrology include: The energy of Vesta in astrology helps you focus on your goals and fully dedicate yourself to achieving them. Vesta in signs describes how you approach your duties and how you make commitments. Forexample, if your 3rd House (communication) Vesta conjuncts your partners 10th House cusp, your partners career may highlight your difficulties with being heard. How about the Sun conjunct NN? You give out the love but you both feel it. One of the dangers of this placement is becoming too rigid and forgetting to have fun. However, it is her alignment to the South Node at this moment that makes her influence so universally resonant among all of us. I cannot cover all of the wonderful aspects to the North Node in one article, but I will make a start. Will NN trine Neptune aspect bring sorrow as well? Woody Allen, whose chart is shown below Bill Clinton's, was born with Vesta at 12 Pisces, the North Node at 13 Capricorn, the South Node at 13 Cancer (the sign of family) and Chiron at 13 Gemini. Vesta person may find True Lunar Node person to be a kindred spirit. Does this mean this guy will want to be very sexual with me?! sexuality and possible issues in this area. Vesta person can help True Lunar Node person find practical ways to follow their spiritual path. Often, there is a need to live your authentic life, if you feel that you are fighting for causes imposed on you, you feel empty. Ceres would go to the ends of the earth to help her child. Youre devoted to your art; its not just a hobby, or a way for you to show off. Nessus is the asteroid of abuse. on this post. This placement stirs up a lot of feelings for both people. Sorry about that! If you wanted a more in depth opinion, I would have to do a one question chart for you but it looks super good from what you say. It is about impact. ( what meaneth this..my devotion to his mind blowing love?). It shows which life area is particularly important to you, and how you commit to your goals. Depending on the other synastry connections, you may deny them sexual access, or cut them out of your life completely. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Vesta in synastry can reveal if you dedicate yourselves to each other, or if your partner can give you what you need. When someone activates your Vesta limits, they are helping you become a master in that area. People with their Vesta conjunct Mars value action and new ideas. Yes, Friend. In the natal chart, the houses represent different areas of life. The relationship may be one of overcoming, but they would do so. I have literally never heard discourse on natal to composite aspects. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. (Curious to hear more? These people know that there is always something to explore and expand your knowledge. One suspects that the Vesta stories in Allen's life end up in his scripts, because Gemini rules writing. Your relationship will be very very passionate. Juno conj NN. 2. In synastry what if there is north node conjunct north node? [notpremise]. In the first part of your life, these are probably unfamiliar to you, and you get better at them as time goes. You have a strong sense of self, and you want to maintain your identity even in a relationship. Good moons can modify bad thing. Vesta in 8th house suggests that sexuality plays an important role in your life. You get involved with someone whose Mars (energy and initiative) opposes your Vesta. I dont know but I would be aware because awareness is always good. It was discovered in on 29 March, 1807 by a German astrologer called Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers. Hi! Vesta in Pisces is completely absorbed when they commit themselves to something (or someone). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Go to the front of the website and you will see Amis Soul to Soul Astrology Forum. The North Node is very, very important in a relationship. It often creates an instant connection. Ill look up for more posts about synastry on your site. Vesta in 12th house indicates an interest in hidden and mystical things. I can feel too parental. Lilith conj the NNthe person will bring his raw sexuality to the relationship. But dont let the word virginal throw you off. Doing great job is important for your self-esteem and it is part of your identity. Mental work is easy for you. So to say bad moons ruin everything seems a little black and white to me, considering there are myriad factors that can mitigate that right away. You can easily fuel each others desire to succeed and fulfill your mission. To have a relationship in which one's heart is at the center is about the best thing there is. The mythological background includes the priestesses of Vesta, who were required to dedicate themselves to worshiping Vesta and only they could enter her temple. You enjoy doing great work, but if you are not sure about your purpose in life, you might feel anxious and depressed. You want to stand out from the crowd. Vesta in Aquarius is often interested in new things and this placement can indicate a talent for technology. Valentine is, perhaps, the most unselfish of loves. Am I being silly Im just so in love with him. How to read a Composite chart 1) Interpret planets by House & Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The Neptunian person may be drawn to the North Node person's vision and idealism, and the North Node person may be drawn to the Neptunian person's dreamy, imaginative quality. He was neptune Im NN. His Pholus and my Ceres are exact conjunctions, his BML/Eros and my Pluto are exact conjunctions, and this doesnt even cover our personal/outer planet connections, of which there are many). What orbs do you allow at the North node to capture ant conjunctions? True Lunar Node person sees their mission as a part of their personal identity. She swears they had a wonderful marriage. Then, it would not matter much. TIA. Uranus shakes up the NN person so you could have both. I assume this is synastry. Their most important responsibility was to keep the sacred fire burning, because ancient Romans considered that as long as the fire was alive, Rome was protected. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. If you like this post, please upvote it on Reddit. Also, my Mars squares his North Node, too. The suspense is killing me. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Not alone, S. You would have to have some really bad things in synastry for that conclusion to be made like Atropos, Aphophis, Sado, Nessus etc. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice.