19. You want to rest? These are mysteries above us. The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness (Proverbs 21:5). Everybody in the world has been fascinated by the court case here in Florida. Therefore, I want you to decree loud and clear like this: Our public behavior, among those who, Certainly, unbelievers will use whatever sins or perceived inconsistencies we exhibit as a means to speak evil of our Lord and dismiss us, Him, and the gospel (. We need to be hard workers. Take it easy. Beaverton, Oregon 97005 read more, Scripture: Be Patient, Work Humbly Do Not Expect Overnight Success, or to Get Rich Quick, Too often, people are willing to work hard, but they expect the world or their employer to reward them equally. Develop Wisdom Do Not Waste Your Precious Efforts. Our application has focused primarily on physical labor. Another of the phases of the virtue, which Peter here regards as sovereign, is represented in our translation of the word by 'earnestness,' which is the parent of diligence. Romans 12:11 Proverbs 13:4 says, "The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing, but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. We are told there was so much demanding activity, they did not even have time to eat (, Rest for the hard-working is deserved and needed, but the diligent know how to dig a little deeper to accomplish needed tasks or help those in need. Hard work yesterday has to be followed up with hard work today to guarantee tomorrows prosperity. Heres the hard way. It says, Take a short cut. Psalm 32:9; Proverbs 6:6-8; Proverbs 26:3; Isaiah 1:3. God's will for the human spirit is that it would never suffer entropy. Diligence Matters As mentioned, the beginning or end of an important task can be the most difficult. There was one in Asheville, NC and one in Corbin, KY. whatever your image of God Go bigger. All that galaxy of light and beauty will shine forth on the one condition of diligence, and it will not appear without that. How much time off? 4/25/2010 In 1956, 16 years later, he was successful, but he was not known. Working hard and staying on task is a matter of self-control. Sadly, such analogies often insult the beast (. Find stories, quotes, humor, and statistics to bring your sermon on Work to life. read more, Scripture: Lazy people genuinely feel tired! For example, consider your choice of major in school, or sought position in employment: Many people advocate a job that makes you happy. How can I read through Psalms and Proverbs in a month? (For example, we may be diligent in service to needy saints but fail to stand for Gods truth and resist spiritual compromise , Such diligence will be in vain if we give up and quit before we finish. read more, Scripture: Noah would have been reduced to using much simpler technology (no power tools maybe no metal tools). The number one recipe in the restaurant at the motel was the best fried chicken in all the state of Kentucky, made from 11 herbs and spices. [Proverbs 6:6-11; 24:30-34]. Rivers upon rivers collected will make a sea. B. Of one fellow-worker, Paul said, "And we . Hard work is Gods work when you are doing what God wants you to do. It is the road that leads you to the top. May 5, 2013 Happiness in labor comes less from the work that comes to you, but it comes more from the attitude you bring to your work! God waited patiently, hoping for mankind to repent while Noah was building the ark (I Peter 3:20)God specifically worked with mankind for 120 years before sending the flood (Genesis 6:3)Question: What do we mean by the terms, "diligence", "work . I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw. Diligence is working out one`s dreams (Proverbs 13:4) Show how the Proverbs on diligence and laziness are important by reading them to your family and then applying the biblical principles. It is the way of getting up early and staying up late. Beware the great lie of procrastination. II. A sluggard does not plow in season, so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing. Proverbs 20:4, Do not love sleep or you will grow poor. (Would you be fired?) Earnestness is the sentiment, of which diligence is the expression. Lazy people never do anything, but yet they always complain about being tired! The Pattern for Life and Love -- Diligence Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are from the New King James Version, copyright 1994 The 'diligence,' of which the Apostle thinks such great things, reaches, as it were, a hand up into heaven and binds a man to that great unrevealed, electing purpose of God. Like The Tortoise and The Hare story, a person born with less advantages, or fewer talents, with diligence can overtake or out-perform those who were given more. If we become the people God wants us to be, then He will direct us in the path He wants us to take. Log In In more modern times, Ernest Hemingway warned, Never mistake motion for action. CONSISTENCY IS HARD WORK Lazy people often assume that others owe them a handout (whether theyve worked hard or not). In the process, Peter shares in this chapter 7 attributes we grow in as we become more spiritually mature. Half work, half watch (16-18a) Somebody said to me, Well, what about the work-aholics? I answered, One sermon at a time, please. Romans 16:12.Greet the beloved Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord. Presbyterian/Reformed. If you can put a task off for five more minutes, why not ten? Many people move but are not diligent. If you find yourself dating or even engaged to such a person, then like those who stumble upon a Plutonium-239 core, disengage carefully, raise your shields, and head for the hills, because you dont want to be anywhere nearby when that bomb self-destructs! So many Christians just while away the hours, looking at the flowers, consulting with the rain. You must be focused in life. Furthermore, the extreme shakiness of that excuse indicates their desperation to avoid their due labor. You may bear different fruit than you thought you would or even hoped for. Therefore, use wisdom, look ahead, exercise forethought, and choose tasks as objects of your work that are of the highest priority. D, Scripture: Rest and relaxation are good. Friend, may be you are poised, smart, educated, technically qualified, charming and Sermon illustrations on Work. He who diligently seeks good seeks favor, but he who searches after evil, it will come to him (Proverbs 11:27). Because we dont want you to incur expenditure for which you are not prepared, could you please confirm whether you are willing to pay this charge, if necessary? Work is our place of God's provision and a place of witness. It is so easy to just stay in bed, sleep a little longer, watch a few more minutes of TV, facebook just 5 more minutes, play one more level of a video game, etc. Notice, it was, Again, Jesus suffering from thirst and hunger used His thirst as an occasion to reach a lost Samaritan (. Noah still would have worked a day job to provide for himself and his family (, Three sons were born to Noah, approximately 100 years before the flood began (, Noahs father died 5 years before the flood (. Brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (II Peter 1:1011). 10 Must-Have Tips For Giving A Public Invitation, I'd Rather Preach To Angels Than A Megachurch Crowd, Five Preaching Applications From The Movie Gravity. There may be no wind at your back. What does the Bible say? Dont work too hard. He will serve before kings. In Scripture diligence is highly commended. (503) 644-9017. That is the easy way. Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity (II Peter 1:57). As the calendar records the years, it becomes increasingly evident that the easy way rests upon a hazardous foundation of shifting sands, whereas the hard way builds solidly a foundation of confidence that cannot be swept away. God is over on the hard road. Young Women: DO NOT under any circumstances whatever you do, DO NOT marry a lazy man! 'Giving all diligence, add to your faith ' -- 2 Peter i.5. The easy road looks easy but once you get on it, it turns into the hard road. Diligence is hard work (Proverbs 12:24) 2. Hard work is a Christian virtue. [Proverbs 10:5; 15:19; 22:13; 26:13, 16], 2. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were actively working through some preacher during these years of Divine longsuffering (, Only Noah and his family were saved after this time period (, Therefore, unless other preachers worked during this period and died before the flood, Noah and his family would have been the only shining light, which is corroborated by Gods approval of Noah (. The rest is excuses. Features Pricing Upload Sermon Get started for FREE. I am struck with how much Proverbs has to say about hard work. When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: and put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. We all know what 'diligence' means, but it is worth while to point out that the original meaning of the word is not so much diligence as haste. Message 33 in our exposition of Romans. The moments granted to any of us are too few and precious to let slip unused. On the one hand there are all great gifts and boundless possibilities as to life and godliness, and on the other diligence as the condition on which all these shall actually become ours, and, passing into our lives, will there produce all these graces which the Apostle goes on to enumerate. Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled (Hebrews 12:15). These simple commands elevate ones work to the status of moral obligation to our fellow man and the Lord. Laziness leads to depressing solitude and isolation, which leads to more laziness, and so it spirals out of control. Security promotes productivity But as the clock ticks away, the easy way becomes harder, and the hard way becomes easier. The more you sleep, the harder it will be to wake up from this way of life. Bankruptcy, debtors prison, law suits, and a lifetime of forced labor await such people. He's not even taking care of the things he has, whereas a diligent man prizes everything that he has because he had to work to earn it. The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty (Proverbs 21:5). Back in 1940 a man named Harlan Sanders was in Corbin, KY and he bought this old dilapidated restaurant and built a motel which was very advanced for that day. Find stories, quotes, humor, and statistics to bring your sermon on Diligence to life. Centuries ago others illustrated the same concept with the adages, Dripping water hollows a stone, or Drop upon drop collected will make a river. The rest is history. However, those who learn to work their way through the thorns and briars of this life will be better trained and prepared by their heavenly Father to overcome the difficulties of developing a spiritual life and growing into a mature Christian (. Hard work! #1567 Martin G. Collins Given 24-Oct-20; 70 minutes . Trust God to overcome any bad habits youve developed regarding work and diligence.d. If you want to be a strong Christian -- that is to say, a happy man -- you must bend your back to the work and 'give all diligence.' 'On this very account' -- because He has given so much -- we are to lay 'all diligence' by the side of His gifts, which are useless to the sluggard. We drove through that little town, looking for a fast food place. Even with a difficult, yet important endeavor, it's best to jump in and do the grunt work, get in your groove, and see it out to completion. We stopped in a little town called Corbin, Kentucky. read more, Scripture: That is the word of God. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. We must not only press on all points, but we must endure, Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize No Dissipation, Mans life is of limited earthly span and resources. Even on the brink of success, while he holds it in his hands, procrastination seduces him to stumble at the threshold of victory. [Proverbs 18:9], 16. Stephen Curry, alongside Warriors head coach Steve Kerr, told reporters that he appreciated the invite to the White House as it was a "great opportunity for us from the basketball community to . 'Diligence' is the panacea for all diseases of the Christian life. During the Season of Easter we It may not be in the very ways you had expected. 'We cannot read the eternal decrees of God nor know the names written in the Book of Life. Remember, working hard is first a mindset (and so is laziness). 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, Denomination: All day long he craves for more, but the righteous give without sparing.Proverbs 21:25, The sluggard says, Theres a lion outside or Ill be murdered in the streets Proverbs 22:13. Attitude and diligence makes the difference. However, the answer is not always to play life completely safe. Unity among God's people depends upon diligence: "Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" ( Ephesians 4:3 ). Every morning I try to get up at 6:00am to go to the gym to work out. Please contact our webmaster for questions or comments concerning this Web site. Wisdom Sermon Submitted 5 years . Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Truly, when you have diligence, you do have real power. Pastor Felix teaches on diligence. . Do you see a man skilled in his work? [Proverbs 3:27-28; 12:26; 21:25-26; 24:21-22; 25:21-22], 13. Paul tells us to be diligent. Little naps are followed by little distractions, which are followed by little hindrances, which are followed by more little rests, which are followed by little emergencies, which are followed by little breaks and suddenly, ones life is in shambles! When will you get up from your sleep? Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). read more, Scripture: Such shortsighted advice has led many a student or young worker down a dead-end path, where they have zero chance of obtaining a job that is profitable, sustainable, or related to their choice of major. Observe the Miserable, Wretched, Cowardly, Pitiful Plight of the Sluggard. Nehemiah 4:21So we carried on the work with half of them holding spears from dawn until the stars appeared. read more, Scripture: It is a great thing to be convinced of this, that there are no mysteries about the conditions of healthy Christian living, but that precisely the same qualities which lead to victory in any career to which a man sets himself do so in this; that, on the one hand, we shall never fail if in earnest and saving the crumbs of moments, we give ourselves to the work of Christian growth; and that on the other hand, no fine emotions, no select moments of rapture and communion will ever avail to take the place of the dogged perseverance and prosaic hard work which wins in all other fields; and wins, and is the only thing that does win, in this one too. The easy way is the way of saying the boss isnt around, nobody is seeing me, it is good enough for government work. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? 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