Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. I fire back every witchcraft arrow against my breakthrough from 2am, in the name of Jesus. Paul and Silas were beaten with rods and thrown in jail. Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter . One fundamental key to survival and prisoner resistance on Robben Island came in the form of music. God is still looking for faithful servants who will move his heart to manifest power and authority before men and women. CONFESSION: Psalm 25:12; Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. They said, You know what, there are different avenues for us to explore here in prison. And no matter what situation you find yourself in, you can do the same. The jailer immediately knew who was responsible for the miraculous release and the fact that no one escaped. Psalm 50:5. Do you have a busier schedule than that of King David (president of the nation of Israel?). I know I do. What Does The Bible Say About Receiving Jesus Christ? Elijah called on God and saw fire come down. 1. So Paul cries out IN THE NAME OF JESUS I COMMAND YOU TO COME OUT and. The watchmen were not vigilant or watchful and so the enemy came and then planted evil seeds on the same farm! He knows the gospel. The tense (imperfect) of the verb singing subjects that Paul and Silas began singing in the past and they never stopped singing, even while locked in prison. The first part of Paul and Silas Sermon is revealed in Acts 16:16-29. About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and sing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. For He is the one who gives us strength and breath. Gods intent on this occasion was not the physical deliverance of his servants, but the spiritual deliverance of the jailer and his family. These are agents of darkness possessed by the spirit of witchcraft. God will give you things to do. Acts 16:25 26, And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. The consciousness of a helper in heaven is a sustaining power. Even though she was stating truth. Do you also know that not many Christians have the full knowledge of the great power in midnight? Can the Trinity be true and still be monotheism? My blood shall not be used as an exchanged in the kingdom of marine, in Jesus name. When the jailer saw all the doors open, he assumed the prisoners had escaped. Sometimes I feel that if God would just do a miracle of some sortif he would just heal the entire world of COVID or if he would somehow just make my life a little bit easier during this timeitd be a lot easier for me to sing. 28But Paul called out in a loud voice, Dont harm yourself, because all of us are here!. When we look at another passage where Jesus disciples tried a similar thing and failed, Jesus told them why. Dont hide away living prayerful and faithful lives; we can inspire others by living boldly for Christ. Anything witchcraft weapons have destroyed in my life, be restored back by fire, in Jesus name. God's act of freeing Paul and Silas at midnight when they were praying is an indication of power in midnight prayer. I see three things Paul and Silas did as they found the strength to sing in a worst-case scenario. Were going to talk. or email to: Any stray bullet from the kingdom of darkness shall not locate my household, in Jesus name. This illustration has a lot of spiritual lessons. They were tired and sore and it was the wee hours of the morning, yet they did not put the matter off until morning. We can see the outcome of it all. If you have not trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, and treasure, I encourage you to do it nowto believe in the good newsthat Jesus Christ is God incarnate, that he came to earth to die for our sins, and that hes resurrected on the third day so that we can have eternal life and have a relationship with God in heaven. Every power using my hour of rest to trouble me, roast by fire and by thunder, in Jesus name. She was demon-possessed, and the spirit that controlled her enabled her to foretell the . Night raiders, my life is not your candidate, scatter by fire, in Jesus name, Every agent of darkness working against me in the night hours, be exposed by the power of God, in Jesus name, O Lord, send your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against me, in Jesus name, Every stubborn evil priest, drink your blood in Jesus name, I withdraw my blessings from evil altar, in Jesus name. But when the men started sleeping and did not do their work of being vigilant, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. As if this was not sufficient, Paul and Silas were thrown into jail with chains binding their hands and feet. 2. The lesson focuses on the ideas of acting under impulse, God working through unlikely circumstances, and choosing to . Planes were delayed, connections were being missed, everyone in the airport and on the planes were tense and in a bad mood. Paul and Silas were smack dab in the middle of the will of God. But being limited to prayer is not a limitation. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. But Paul cried with a loud voice, Do not harm yourself, for we are all here. And the jailer called for lights and rushed in, and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas. There are levels you can never attain in life without mastering the act of praying in the midnight. . Tell me the devil that will come near such a person. Worth noting is that the public joined in the accusations against Paul and Silas before the Roman Officials. They can attack businesses, ministries, marriages, finances, relationships, health, etc. Now, this is a little bit implicit in the text. While in prison, God visited and liberated them in a way beyond human understanding. I think that they were able to see that whatever happened to them had served to advance the gospel. I can look at my salvation, and I can be in awe that God would save a sinner like me. Christian workers witnessing well in their workplaces can surely make a difference for Jesus. In addition, all chains binding the prisoners fell off and they were free. Theres so many thoughts and emotions that can keep our minds on situations -Doubt, fear, worry, anger, even complacency and pride. When Daniel heard the news that anyone praying to any god or man other than the king would be sent into the lions den, he kept his trust in God and continued praying, staying focused on Him. We are looking at all of this here today. They were on the way to the prayer place when they encountered a girl with an evil spirit. The enemys mode of operation is usually to shoot their evil arrows while their victim is asleep. He brought Paul and Silas out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? So whatever Paul and Silas were praying and singing, they were communicating the gospel truth. Support Grant's Newsletter. When Paul and Silas commanded an evil spirit to come out of a slave girl, her owners were furious and dragged them to court. Paul mentions Silas in 2 Corinthians 1:19 and in the introductions of both the epistles to the Thessalonians. At this point in the story, Paul has already been converted, and hes traveling with his friend Silas. As a result, God immediately sent and Angel of Liberation to free them. Every strange powers attacking me in strange ways, be destroyed, by the blood of Jesus. Acts 16:25: 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. She was possessed not with the Holy Spirit, but rather with an evil spirit. Please brethren, if you want to pray, pray very hard. We may be so bound in the prison and stocks of circumstances that we cannot do anything other than pray. Hear my voice , O Lord, preserve me from the fear of the enemy, in the name of Jesus. At MIDNIGHT, I will rise and give thanks to You, because of your righteous judgments. Trinity Confusion, Did Paul Corrupt Christianity, and Did Jesus Claim To Be God? The King of Kings. 33He took them the same hour of the night and washed their wounds. They wanted to kill them but out of fear, they did not. I think thats the true miracle that happened when Paul and Silas were in prison. Mark and his wife live in Illinois and will soon be empty nesters when their son heads to college. Prayer is the child's cry calling to the Father's ear . They were connecting with God. This is the original Truth! Visit him online at all posts by Aaron Lee, Editors Note: This interview is from SOLA Conference 2021. I also want you to look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because hes his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs. (Luke 11:5-8) Hi, everyone, my name is Aaron. The 3 points are so relevant to our prayer lives: -Have faith even if its as small as a mustard seed, -Set your mind on Christ above not your situations, -Transform the lives around you by living a faithful life. Paul and Silas in Prison Paul and Silas are imprisoned in the 16th chapter of Acts after Paul commands an evil spirit out of a slave girl that had been following them. He would have appeared to be linking the gospel with demon related activities. Our content is under copyright law. In the book of Acts, Luke gives us an orderly account of the gospel message being spread, and he doesnt leave out the difficult details. Lord, I bless your name for fighting for me sovereignly. Lord, I call you Ebenezer, for you have brought me thus far. The disciples were God's instruments for proclaiming salvation. . 4. And He said to them, which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at MIDNIGHT and say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him; And he will answer from within and say, Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give it to you? Please call: +2348099828623. Do you know better than what Paul and Silas knew? The text for this lesson is Acts 16:1634. This will be the outcome for all of us regardless of what kind of prison or situation we are in when the Spirit strengthens our inner man so that our hearts and minds are preserved in Christ Jesus. And I want us to think specifically about how we tend to not like to say that were weak. !" - Prophet TB JoshuaJoin Prophet TB Joshua for this po. Right away he and all his family were baptized. 1. This isnt just some throwaway phrase. He saw Jesus on the Damascus Road. They were actually communing. They further added that the two men were teaching strange and forbidden doctrines which are against their law. In this instance God moved through an earthquake. Praying at MIDNIGHT is a sacrifice that will not go unrewarded. Paul and Silas believe that they trusted this, and the jailer was able to pick up on this. 27When the jailer woke up and saw the doors of the prison open, he drew his sword and was going to kill himself, since he thought the prisoners had escaped. I encourage all of us to pray with Gods perspectives and desires, setting our minds above. The word "listening" is a rare verb. But they were determined to give glory to God, who they trusted was in control of their situation. Details about the brutal and horrific conditions for black, "coloured" and Asian political prisoners on Robben Island, which lies just off the coast of Cape Town at the foot of the African continent, are now well known. Acts 16:25-34. Blood sucking demon assigned to drink my blood, die by fire, in Jesus name. I can say that this is something that God didnt have to do, but he chose to do it out of his own goodness and his grace. by Jesus Without Language. The Bible says, Job 4:20, They are destroyed from morning to evening: they perish for ever without any regarding it.. CROSS e-book, Under: "Midnight Miracles in Philippi". They did and were all baptized. 31 And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the Lord, as ye have said. Lets devise our own plan. No, they said, We need to go to God, first. How often do we go to social media, or go to our family and friends, or even go to ourselves to try to look for answers? God can move upon a person's soul through God moves events to prepare man's soul for salvation. This jailer was saved. Why? I am the Social Media Manager at SOLA Network. After Paul had casted the demon out, he was beaten and arrested because the masters had lost their source of income. During the midnight hours, people often encounter bad dreams, and spiritual attacks on their body. Paul who continually relied on God, had faith to free the woman from the demon and at that moment she was free. He tells them all they need is faith as small as a mustard seed and that is tiny! At midnight, Paul and Silas were singing hymns and praising God. Early in the morning, the Roman Officials ordered Paul and Silas to be released. A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. . The supreme victory that we have in Christ is manifested through our faith in him. That is why Satan and his cohort hate Christians that always pray in the night. SPEAK IN TONGUES IF YOU ARE LED. if you want to take midnight prayers, ensure you take it very well. Paul and Silas lifted up their hearts and voices in prayer to God when in dire circumstances. Have you lost anything or anyone very dear to you under mysterious circumstances? Join our weekly TGIF newsletter and receive recent articles and fresh resources from the web. Brethren, I want to challenge you to wake up in the midnight to pray. And even if youre not a worship leader, a song leader, or an artist, you can write words, put them out into the world, proclaim truth in such a way that God is glorified in the words that you say, and find new ways to put old and timeless truths into new bodies of work. We can worship and witness in anything that is currently happening right now. It wasnt the earthquake. God sees our desperation through the sacrifices we make to Him. CAUTION In order to balance this message, I need to caution you on praying in the midnight. They did not say, I guess this is the end of our journey. This month, I and my family shall not die by mistake, in Jesus name. Even when he was eventually sent to the lions den, God was with him and shut their mouths, causing Daniel no harm. Follow My Anchor Is Secure on Right away he and all his family were baptized. Great calamities are spiritually effected at MIDNIGHT. To pray your way out of that difficult situation. Might God, the wondrous God. CROSS e-book, Under: "4195. The jailer, feeling helpless and hopeless, drew his sword to kill himself. -Set your mind on Christ above not your situations That is, if you really want to pray powerfully and effectively in the midnight, you need to stay away from sins! Amen and Amen!! And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead.. I refuse to be used as a sacrifice this year, in Jesus name. Spiritually speaking, any Christian who is not vigilant and watchful, or not a lover of midnight prayers, the devil will come and sow all manners of problems in his or her life. They were in exactly the right city (Philippi), doing exactly what God called them to d preach the good news of Jesus Christ and confront the deeds (and demons) of darkness. Their backs were a lacerated, bloody, swollen mass of human flesh. All rights reserved. This COVID season has been one of the worst times. Faith is the heavenly substance that moves Gods hand into action. Swallowing powers at midnight hours, I am not your candidate, you shall swallow dust, in the name of Jesus. We must arise and fight. Father, If the devil has set up the date of my death, I cancel it by the blood of Jesus. The common time for spiritual attacks are from 12am -3am. I know that theyre talking about Jesus and salvation. And when this earthquake happened and the jailer got scared, he said, I better talk to these guys. He asked them the most important question of all: What must I do to be saved?. Read Acts 16:20-24. grandview, mo houses for rent; ev/ebitda multiples by industry 2021; Menu 11. Whatever the case, we should always find time to learn about the great works of God as well as give him praise. Quickly go through Paul and Silas Summary in order to learn what it takes to obtain Divine Favor in every situation. There was the movement of God. the penalty for allowing prisoners to escape was death (cp. I tear off every calendar of untimely death and bad news, in JESUS NAME. We have detected that you are using extensions to block ads. The radical response to worship was a decision of their will. And when I say that God is sovereign, I mean that he has absolute power, control, and authority to govern it and to use it for His glory. Hes been adopted into Gods family. You are God over today as you will be over tomorrow. My focus. Why did they decide to stay in that prison cell and talk to the jailer after the earthquake? Pray with your mind set above What I mean by this is that we dont sing just to say, Okay, Im going to go through the motions. We sing in such a way that we feel itthat we really mean itthat we really seek to proclaim in our singing. Here the Lord is encouraging everyone of His children to wake up in the night and pray for their families, the youths and everyone. (Judges 16:3) This brings us to the end of our writing on Paul and Silas Summary. But note: sitting there in the dark, smelly, rat and roach infested dungeon, they bore a strong testimony to the wonderful grace of God. Paul and Silas sermon in prison reflect pure and deep understanding of the scriptures. What was it about Pauls prayer that something happened at that moment? Learn why Paul and Silas prayed at midnight. Acts 16:25-34 King James Version 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. He ran to meet them and upon arrival, he fell trembling before them. She earned money for her owners by fortune-telling. Even in difficult times, in trials and tribulation, in persecution and distress, and pain, God is in control and able to glorify His name. These points allowed me to see the power of prayer, where things changed immediately. Since he denies being anywhere near old enough for that to be possible, he must have been an editorial child prodigy. When we look to Christs example, we can see what a glorious savior we have. They were able to sing and pray in such a way where people, the jailer, were able to ask them, I know these guys are Christian. Copyright 2016 Concordia Publishing House All rights reserved Seeds of Faith, New Testament 1: God Sends His Son to Save Us, New Testament 2: Jesus Shows He Is True God, New Testament 3: Jesus Teaches about Gods Kingdom, New Testament 4: Jesus Dies and Rises to Save Us, New Testament 5: The Holy Spirit Leads the Apostles, Old Testament 1: God Creates a World and a People, Old Testament 2: God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus, Old Testament 3: God Provides Judges and Kings, Old Testament 4: God Works through Prophets and Kings, Fear Love & Trust: Following Gods Commandments, Pray Praise and Give Thanks: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray, Pray, Praise, and Give Thanks, Lesson 6: Zacchaeus, Pray, Praise, and Give Thanks, Lesson 8: Job, Delivered, Lesson 14: Timothy Lives as Gods Child, Delivered, Lesson 13: Jesus Teaches about an Unforgiving Servant, Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 1: God Leads in Cloud and Fire, Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 2: God Divides the Jordan River, Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 3: God Controls the Sun and the Moon, Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 4: God Answers Gideons Prayer with Dew, Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 5: God Rains Fire. Back to Paul in jail, when he focused on God through prayer and praise, suddenly an earthquake caused all the prison doors to open, setting them free. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed." For example, look at the activities of the witches and wizards. These men were losing money because of the preaching of the Word of God and they demanded that it be stopped. What was it about Pauls prayer that something happened at that moment? For more follow our Instagram page @MyAnchorIsSecure where theres more posts looking into the word of God and our Instastory Bible series giving brief peeks into the bible. It is because of our busy world that weve decided to write Paul and Silas summary. If you are not receiving something good at midnight, then chance are high that there are evil changes happen against you at MIDNIGHT. The truth is, any Christians that dont sleep too much, that is, they convert their night hour into midnight prayers, such person would always overcome the enemy with the fight of faith. And I can look at all of us, the church, and how God has saved us and chosen us to be a people for his own possession. Faith is important when we pray, it means we truly believe and trust God to see things through. God causes His kingdom to grow in the most unusual earthly circumstances. They sleep but their spirit is always on. Prayer is the seeking of God's greatest good, which will not come if we do not pray." (b). This was the start of the church in Philippi. I scatter all witchcraft meetings organized at 2am for my sake, in Jesus name. faithful God responded to their praise by shaking. God will show you the secret of your life when you start praying this way. Earn up to 5x points when you use your eBay Mastercard. Influencing the emerging generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Devil always loves Christians that sleeps and slumbers during battlefield. Every evil bird flying around because of my prayers, fall down and die, in Jesus name. In this account of Paul and Silas in prison, we see three ways to worship and witness in a worst-case scenario.