However, the context shows that Jesus was speaking about a personal or private type of judging, such as criticizing the personal habits and preferences of others. A mature Christian would also reflect on whether he would share any responsibility for the sentence rendered by judges. Socrates was tried by 501 jurors. "Their national headquarters, called Watchtower, they control when and if anyone within their organization reports child abuse," Smith said. If a guilty verdict is in error and the death penalty is imposed, would a Christian on the jury share bloodguilt? Some jurors have consulted horoscopes, given in to personal prejudice or yielded to pressures from others in making a decision. (Mark 15:1; Acts 5:27-34) There was no provision for the average Jew to be on a civil jury. Not every employer will pay someone who is on jury duty. know that I have requested exemption. The Board of Regents approved this statement at its June 2018 meeting in Chicago, IL. How come it's only people who don't want it that get it? You have moved Can someone tell me why we were not allowed to to this? What if a Christian does not feel that his conscience permits him to serve on a particular jury? A judge must review the penalty, and the Jehovah's Witnesses' national organization Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York plans to appeal. What scriptures do you think he had in mind? ?Matthew 5:41. (Rom. The group needs to be reduced to the number who will actually sit through the trial of that case. Farkel. (AP) The Jehovah's Witnesses must pay $35 million to a woman who says the church's national organization ordered Montana clergy members not to report her sexual abuse as a child. The judge will dismiss any whose impartiality may be questioned because of possible interest in the case. Christians do not ?oppose the authority? This is the time to speak up if one has a conscientious reason for not serving because of the nature of that case. A regular jury only hears what is given to them, but a grand jury is the mother lode. For instance, in some places capital punishment is a possible or mandatory sentence for a person found guilty of certain crimes. Definitely a place to be if you want to do something that has impact. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Even in other ways, might this sort of problem arise for a Christian juror? Some have referred to Jesus words in Matthew 7:1,2: Stop judging that you may not be judged; for with what judgment you are judging, you will be judged. However, the context shows that Jesus was speaking about a personal or private type of judging, such as criticizing the personal habits and preferences of others. When most people think of a jury, they have in mind a panel of 12 citizens at a trial?either a civil dispute or a criminal case?who hear testimony to decide guilt or innocence. I was looking forward to it. If a Christian reported for jury duty, as directed by the government, but because of his personal conscience declined to serve on a particular case despite the insistence of the judge, the Christian should be prepared to face the consequencesbe that a fine or imprisonment.1 Peter 2:19. What scriptures do you think he had in mind? Christians do not oppose the authority as it carries out such legal functions, for they do not want to take a stand against it and receive judgment.Romans 13:1-4; Titus 3:1. Still, some persons have reasoned that the local or national government is taxing ones time in requiring any qualified citizen to serve briefly as a juror. I've been out of work for four months. The elders expelled the abuser from the congregation in 2004 then reinstated him the next year, the lawsuit states, and the abuse of the girl who is now 21 continued. A different problem is illustrated with a nurse in Texas who was a juror at the trial of a young man, son of a prominent family, who was accused of beating to death another youth. Some Christians have reported for jury duty and have served on certain juries. Watching two good lawyers go after it on a good case is interesting. Christians strive ?to mind their own business,? a Jesus attended such a feast in the city of Cana early in his ministry.. A part of it read that religious convictions was not an adequate excuse to be exempt from Jury Duty. It has been reasoned that all citizens benefit from courts and so should be willing to be jurors, even as all benefit from other governmental services and so should pay taxes for these. Not all reporting for jury duty necessarily sit as jurors in a trial. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear: for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword; for it is God?s minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad." And you can appreciate why the Christian in West Virginia might conclude that his efforts to judge or decide matters should be confined to the congregation, rather than be a juror in a secular court of law. ONLINE LIBRARY. (Matt. They were paid $35 per day for jury duty. Your jury vote gets diluted by 12, and in many courts a sole vote can hang a jury. MANY persons look to the court or judicial system for justice. This contradicts countless scriptures which . (Exodus 22:2; Deuteronomy 21:8; 22:8; Jeremiah 2:34; Matthew 23:35; Acts 18:6) At Jesus? The jury awarded the 21-year-old woman $4 million for her injuries, plus $30 million in punitive damages against Watchtower and $1 million in punitive damages against the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, another Jehovah's Witness corporation that communicates with congregations across the U.S. The Jury Amendment Act was instigated in 2010, with most of the changes taking place at the beginning of this year. not sit on a jury. "Watchtower instructed everyone involved that they were not to report the matter to authorities. Enough of that and they will have to re think how they use those resources, since a DA wants a high conviction rate. Had to ask to be dismissed because I was still undergoing Chemo treatments and didn't have the strength or energy to attend. While referring to the judiciary of secular courts as "unrighteous men," Paul did not deny that such had a place in handling secular affairs. The Associated Press generally does not name people who say they are a victim of a sex crime. Supreme Court turned down the contention that Gigante was exercising his claimed " duty as a priest" in his relations with the prisoner, who is serving a 62-month federal sentence for interstate gambling violations and was additionally convicted of bribing a prison official. ", Attorneys for the Jehovah's Witnesses said in court filings that Montana law exempts elders from reporting "internal ecclesiastical proceedings on a congregation member's serious sin.". The women say they reported the abuse to church elders, who handled the matter internally after consulting with the national organization. (RNS) Four Jehovah's Witnesses have been charged with sexually abusing 19 children in their congregations, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced in a news conference Thursday. (Gen. 9:5,6) Or a case could involve abortion, divorce, child custody, or another issue on which the Christian follows Gods thinking even when the law of the land differs. Christians strive to mind their own business, not getting involved in "other peoples matters." . And you can appreciate why the Christian in West Virginia might conclude that his efforts to ?judge or decide? Two women who were sexually abused as children say the Jehovah's Witnesses failed to report their abuser to authorities in Montana, and instead expelled him from the congregation as punishment until he repented. I know they are supposed to say they are neautal when questioned for jury duty and they couldn't say if they found someone guilty or not because that's Gods job etc etc. g80 1/22 pp. Many Christians have in good conscience concluded that Bible principles do not rule out appearing, even as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego complied with the directive of the Babylonian government to appear on the plain of Dura and as Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem at the direction of the Roman authorities. Animated videos that teach children to listen & obey their parents & God. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome . . friends. juries as now exist under Anglo-American law. An employee is entitled to paid time off without charge to leave for service as a juror or witness. Most of the JW's I knew tried the conscience thing to get out but failed most of the time. A juror is an employee called for the duty as a member of the jury. Secular courts are a function of "the superior authorities." . Don't know about times past, but I think it's a conscience matter now. 1866.But there is no assurance from this record or elsewhere that if the names of all adult Jehovah's Witnesses were added to the master jury box source, the same religious tenets that compel these people to decline participation in the electoral process of government would not lead them to attempt to refuse . trial Pilate wanted to be "innocent of the blood of this man." . In many states and in Wisconsin especially for the last 25 years at least, DL records have been used to keep the jury pool diverse and just to have enough people to call. Thu., Sept. 27, 2018. There is variety in the types of juries, the number of jurors, and what is involved in reaching a verdict. (Isaiah 33:22) In ancient Israel, experienced men who were upright and impartial served as judges to resolve disputes and decide questions of law. The church also contended that the national organization isn't liable for the actions by Thompson Falls elders, and that too much time has passed for the women to sue. The court opinion reported that he, stated that it violated his personal freedom of conscience to serve as a juror and that he felt he had authority under his religious beliefs to serve within his congregation with power to judge or decide but not to so serve outside his congregation and cited quotations from the scriptures to support his belief. (West Virginia vs Everly). Then it was, I wanted my turn. Next day he went back to the judge and told him he was a JW. The Jews readily said: "His blood come upon us and upon our children. Court opinions in West Virginia, Minnesota and Washington have, in fact, upheld a persons right to refuse jury duty for religious reasons. 33 Replies The Thompson Falls trial that begins Monday, Sept. 24, 2018, is one of dozens of lawsuits filed nationwide over the last decade alleging mismanagement of sexual abuse claims by Jehovah's Witness clergy and members. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig). (Exodus 22:2; Deuteronomy 21:8; 22:8; Jeremiah 2:34; Matthew 23:35; Acts 18:6) At Jesus trial Pilate wanted to be "innocent of the blood of this man." ?Galatians 6:5. my dad was once called on for jury duty, thankfully jehovah saw fit to break his leg when the congregation went ice skating, so he got out of it on medical grounds. You can also have a say in putting away thugs who prey on people. I wonder if the $9.00 a day is taxable income. Then, depending on the type of case, the judge may sentence the guilty parties. Do you not judge those inside [the congregation], while God judges those outside? He went on to state that Christians should strive to avoid even taking their grievances or disputes to worldly courts for handling. Which item does not have a food-contact surface? Some Christians have refused jury duty, perhaps mentioning to the authorities how impractical it would be to compel a person to sit through a trial and then have a hung jury because he feels he would not want to pass judgment on anyones guilt. Our Savior's answer is, "Judge not that you be not judged. When confronted with an opportunity to handle a legal dispute, their Exemplar the Lord Jesus Christ turned it down, saying: "Who appointed me judge or apportioner over you persons?" It's the least I can do after all those years of uppity judgment I used to have. Then the government uses its authority "to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad," or "to inflict punishment on evildoers. When a summons is issued by the court to be a part of a certain trial. The Montana case is one of dozens that have been filed nationwide over the past decade alleging Jehovah's Witnesses mismanaged or covered up the sexual abuse of children. What was clear was that if he refused it, the WTBTS would not pay his legal costs. Former Jehovah's Witnesses who have testified before a state grand jury say investigators are seeking to shatter the wall of secrecy around the religion's leaders and their response to sex abuse complaints. He and the attorneys examine each potential juror. A jury of 12 or so persons hears the evidence and determines guilt or innocence. They really should provide better compensation since people are taking time off work for that. Moreover, Jesus was not sent to earth to arbitrate in such a matter, but was commissioned to use his time preaching the Kingdom good news. Her in NC you only get paid I think $12/day but most employers still pay you your salary. If any Jehovah's Witness is deemed to be an apostate, she or he will be disfellowshipped. What is the attitude of Jehovah?s Witnesses toward jury duty??U.S.A. Here & Now Compass (Luke 20:25) In jury duty the task is to hear evidence and offer an honest opinion on points of fact or law. they be exempted from service due to religious convictions (such as Elsewhere, what is known as common law prevails, and juries are part of the judicial process. Within the United States, the situation in one state may be quite different from that in another state. I would like the oppourtunity to try again though, but not on a murder charge. Also, the attorneys for each side have the prerogative to dismiss a few jurors. For example, in 1966 the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia upheld a Christian who refused jury duty. Yet, authorities are increasingly eliminating exemptions so that all are obliged to report for jury duty, perhaps repeatedly over the years. I would find out what rat hole they are pouring the money in to and then indict the rats. But finally she agreed to vote for acquittal. As time went by, the jury system changed into an arrangement whereby a group of citizens were to hear a case and reach a verdict based on evidence. It is something to consider. This is a petit (small) jury, in contrast with a grand jury. Non-Exempt Employees. So could he agree, such as when being examined for jury selection, to make his decisions strictly according to civil law? (Rom. Serve on jury duty. Paul counseled: "Render to all [the superior authorities] their dues, to him who calls for the tax, the tax; to him who calls for the tribute, the tribute; to him who calls for fear, such fear." I did not want to do this at all. . Some have referred to Jesus? At times explaining one?s position to the clerk of the court or the judge may lead to one?s name being removed from the list of prospective jurors. At times explaining ones position to the clerk of the court or the judge may lead to ones name being removed from the list of prospective jurors. Pay every government official what he has a right to askwhether it be direct tax or indirect, fear or honour.Rom. All requests for jury duty deferral must be made in writing or online. Attend other Christian churches . What if a Christian does not feel that his conscience permits him to serve on a particular jury? But a distinctive feature of common law countries is the use of juries composed of average citizens. 2:1-4; Acts 5:29) Hence, some Christians have concluded that they ought to accept jury duty. After a number of days, a persons jury duty is fulfilled, whether he has actually sat as a juror or not. How do JW's get out of it??? After Gods servants ceased to be under the Mosaic Law, they had to deal with secular courts in various lands. English. Still, most people have only a vague idea of how juries are selected and what they do. by Nancy Drake Some Christians have reported for jury duty and have served on certain juries. Any who are dismissed from that jury panel return to the jury pool to await random selection for other cases. This can explain why the WTS has distanced itself officially and does not have an official position for or against jury duty. In the state of Georgia, any person 70 years of age or older is entitled to make a request to the board of jury commissioners or its clerk in writing, accompanied by an affidavit giving the person's name, age, and such other information as the board may require, in order to be excluded from further jury duty. . wrote the letter to the courts. What are jehovah's witness olibigation when it comes to jury duty? Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. The legal requirements for serving on a jury and the provisions for exemption vary from place to place. You can also find elders and MS that will say you can't (probably didn't read the last QFR). Jurors concluded church elders did not receive notice of the 32-year-old woman's abuse in 1998 as she said they did, and therefore did not have a duty to tell authorities. not getting involved in "other people?s matters." What this means is if the police waste time dragging someone in for some victimless "crime" and the DA makes a case, you as a juror can call them out on this stupidity by voting for acquittal. A legal challenge to that law is pending before the Montana Supreme Court. During the trial she realized that on her job at the hospital she had seen X rays of the victim, which were rejected as evidence at the trial. This Biblical counsel certainly should alert Christians to be slow about getting involved in others personal differences, especially those outside the congregation. A non-exempt employee will be granted leave with pay for actual time spent on witness duty and in related travel if subpoenaed to be a witness in an administrative or legal proceeding not involving Berkeley Lab or UC. Trial by jury existed also in the Roman Republic, though this was abolished under the emperors. The Jehovah's Witnesses are not exempted from jury duty by statute. Some Christians have also reflected on the types of cases that jurors might face. All rights reserved. For publication downloads, please visit Each Christian has to decide for himself what he will do, and others should not criticize his decision. Jurors also participate in coroner's inquests. For example, on a grand jury, the jurors decide whether the evidence warrants someone?s being brought to trial; they do not determine guilt. 29-31 - Awake!1980 Questions From Readers (2 occurrences) . Still, most people have only a vague idea of how juries are selected and what they do. Sometimes they recommend which sentence stipulated by law should be applied. After God?s servants ceased to be under the Mosaic Law, they had to deal with secular courts in various lands. If I'm part of the selection, it could be one day, a few, or many, depending on the case. Some Christians have also reflected on the types of cases that jurors might face. My understanding was always that they could as long as the death penalty wasn't an issue. Remarry, unless they were granted a "scriptural divorce" by the elders on the basis of adultery, or if their spouse is dead. The Bible does not mention jury duty, so he cannot say, It is against my religion to serve on any jury. Depending on the case, he might state that serving on the jury for a particular case is against his personal conscience. I would be thrilled to be on a jury. I remembered vaguely about not being able to serve on a jury as a JW. (Luke 4:18, 43) Jesus? For example, in the United States, a grand jury of from 12 to 23 members decides whether there is enough evidence for a person to be indicted for a criminal offense; it does not determine guilt or innocence. The second passage pertains to a case of wrongdoing in the Corinthian congregation. In a criminal case, they are to determine whether the evidence supports a guilty verdict. Do you not judge those inside [the congregation], while God judges those outside?" Still, the 21-year-old woman's attorneys say Wednesday's verdict sends a message to the church to report child abuse to outside authorities. Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? . The congregation of Israel had God?s laws on inheritance and designated older men to resolve disputes of that sort. A prospective juror may be considered for exemption if they are: have active care of a child under age 10