He is a bitter old man bent on showing the world how wrong it is, reminding us all one last time how we shouldve listened to him. The FBI told the WH that the problem was the wife beating charges. Having offered none, youre simply offering guilt by association. On the sixth of August in 2019, Strzok initiated legal action against the FBI and the United States Department of Justice, alleging that he was wrongfully terminated and demanding that he be reinstated with full salary. Tell me who, by name, stepped forward to confirm this. Strzok and Page both worked on special counsel Robert Muellers team with Page serving a short detail and returning to the FBI over the summer of 2017, and Strzok, later, being removed from his post and reassigned to the FBIs human resources division following the revelations of their anti-Trump text messages, uncovered by the Justice Department inspector general. Even thieves dont like to be called thieves, and I suppose that cowards are the same way. Senator Mark Warner is now caught up in collusion with the Russians. Later during the closed-door hearing, GOP senior counsel Ryan Breitenbach raised the affair topic again, asking Strzok whether the Justice Department or the FBI knew about his and Pages indiscretions., MORE NEWS: Trial Of The Century: Contradictions and Misinformation The Confusing Testimony of Inspector Lloyd [VIDEO]. Hodgman is also married to another, better-known longtime Washington bureaucrat, Peter Strzok, made famous for his role in the FBI's deep-state Crossfire Hurricane operation, which featured a . Its WAY overdue to clean these maggots from our country! All they had was rumor. Should I call and correct her understanding? Dont worry, they will eventually be back in full bloom within the next week or month or year. Shouldnt that be estranged wife and husband? They simply did not care nor do you apparently. During the investigation of Hillary Clintons use of a personal email server that was being conducted by the FBI, Strzok was in charge of a team of a dozen other investigators and aided in the drafting of public statements that were being prepared for former FBI Director James Comey. Lisa Page is a former FBI attorney who briefly served in the special team investigating the collaboration between Russia and Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. He has been in the news lashing out at Trump and trolling his objections to the raid on Mar-a-Lago. She thinks were having an affair. Wife beater. Jeanine, I didnt know that you were a Hillbilly? Marie, Michigan. lts your JOB And plus she actually knows what youre doing this time. I do not think so, but am open to the interpretations of others. I will have sympathy when more is known. Spouse Peter Strzok, Cheating Controversy & Kids. As a test a few years ago, I spent time debating on the huffington post. When former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and former FBI agent Peter Strzok discussed a so-called "insurance policy" involving then-candidate Donald Trump and the Russia investigation in 2016, they were . Strzok referred to Senator Blacks voters as ignorant hillbillies. Considering Strzok lives in Fairfax County one would think he would be aware of Loudouns status as the richest county in the nation, where 25% of adults have a graduate or professional degree. Doesnt sound like a Hillbilly haven. You realize, I hope, that such a claim is demonstrably false hence the reaction of staffers. Working as an Assistant Director in the Enforcement Division of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, Pennsylvania-born Melissa Hodgman has an estimated net worth of $1 million and earns around $250,775 per year. The FBI raid on former U.S. President Donald Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago, his controversial text message to Trump, and, more recently, his defense statement in favor of the FBI, Peter Strzok, are all over the media. Naomi Judds Shocking Suicide Note RevealedIn Her Final Words, She Attacked Her Daughter, Idaho Murder Suspect Sent One of The Girls Instagram Messages Right Before The Murders, Virginia Senate Republicans Motion To Repeal Electric Car Mandate Defeated. . Separate bedrooms. You are the crazy old uncle who is his own worst enemy. Also known as Lovettsville Lady, I am a Republican activist in the wilds of western Loudoun County. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. A REAL Hillary copycat for surein many areas. Allow me to respond to your trolling in the order in which you offer it: 1. Strzoks August 2019 lawsuit alleged the concerted public campaign to disparage and, ultimately, fire him was enabled by a deliberate and unlawful disclosure to the media of his texts and by targeting by President Trump. Its about what Id expect from pseudonymous posters. They have no other life than to troll here. Questions raised over footage of Trump removing boxes from Mar-a-Lago. agent who oversaw all background investigations for the bureau, including those at the White House, said it would be highly unusual for the agency not to have informed the White House of such allegations, A serious allegation like that? re: Strzok was banging FBI lawyer Lisa Page in extramarital affair "both supported Clinton" Posted on 12/2/17 at 11:20 pm to Strannix It's obvious after 8 years of Obama appointees and influence that nearly the entirety of the government that was kept is in pocket for Obama/liberals. Strzok and Page were part of Robert Muellers investigative team that is desperately looking for a Trump crime. You are on social media. Certainly if somebody is in your chain of command, if theres any sort of impropriety or favoritism, or things like that, it is. I will stick with what is important to the nation. We do not know, and that is why they are neither victims or perpetrators at this point. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Despite His Publicized Affair, Peter Remains Married to Melissa Hodgman. My existence of an extramarital affair is not anything that ever couldve been used to coerce me, Strzok said. Feeling a profound sense of loss," Strzok wrote about Comey's firing. Grab audio sound bite number 23. The Conservative Treehouse has an excellent article on what is going on with the Warner committee. Kelly told staff Friday to say he had decided to fire Porter within 40 minutes of learning allegations Porter abused two ex-wives were credible. Lisa Page, and James Baker resign from the FBI. Her former job of FBI Agent counts as the main source of her tremendous net worth. First, you have shifted away from the crimes of the Obama Administration. Non-traditional? Page became a target of frequent attacks by President Donald Trump and his supporters after the disclosure of anti-Trump texts she exchanged with former FBI agent Peter Strzok. After its September 2020 release, the book quickly rose to the top of the New York Times and Washington Post bestseller lists. They knew and protected him nonetheless. After some time, the Strzok family relocated to Upper Volta. His height is 5fit 10inc tall, and weight is 70 kg. He was born on March 7, 1970. He stated that contrary to what many people believed, the FBI conducts raids and carries out its duties. On August 10, 2018, the FBI fired Strzok. Page's suit in federal court in Washington, D.C., says that text messages she exchanged with Peter Strzok were released by the Justice Department to reporters in December 2017 to promote a "false . Strzok oversaw high-profile investigations into the unlawful private email server used by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to the DOJ, betraying the confidence put in him as a leader at the FBI. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Designed & Developed by Precision Creations. They now maintain separate, but public, profiles after cheating on their spouses in 2017 while attempting to take Trump down. You are correct that the Eric troll comment is really quite weak. Strzok was a career employee with the FBI for 22 years. I just slapped her and her eye got puffy. Porter: Um, I have this thing that some women from my past are making these allegations against mebut believe me, they are all untrue., Kelley: Thats ok, son, we dont need to know about that sort of stuff. In addition, she was a huge Hillary supporter and scrubbed her Facebook page when this scandal broke. This could be you! No. Obama the great and Hillary the wise must be protected. Since the reveal, they have been vilified for their critical texts on President Trump, which were reportedly dated between December 2016 and May 2017. As far as misdeeds are concerned, I have no idea who you are addressing. I dont always agree with Fareed Zakaria on CNN, but I agree wholeheartedly with one of his observations, namely that liberals are nowhere near as tolerant as they think they are..ignorant hillbilliesbasket of deplorableswhite supremacistsClarence Uncle Tomascling to their Bibles and their guns, etc. No, Im not intentionally blind, and its simply asinine to suggest in an ongoing investigation that actual indictments are necessary to conclude that there has been illegal (possibly) or unethical (certainly) behavior. Whos surprised?? Donald Trump has been trying to find Lisa Page and Peter Strzok since March in order to serve them with a 108-page complaint, but he has been unable. Well, two things are certain here. In the course of his fathers 21-year military career, he served two tours in Vietnam, two tours in Saudi Arabia, and three tours in Iran. Peter had been married to Melissa Hodgman since 1994. Despite all the political intrigue surrounding him, Strzok is well-known for his love affairs and personal life. Now, Strzok appears liberated in showing precisely the bias and unhinged hostility alleged by his critics. You have to wait for some type of disclosure. You stay together because they are your ultimate responsibility. The truth about Porter and his wives may at some point come out. Liberals who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones this guy is still a sitting Democrat Senator. Never mind that, theyll keep digging and wasting taxpayers money. Read an angry note I wrote but didnt send you. http://freebeacon.com/politics/dem-senator-hit-ex-wife-sits-rob-porter-abuse-scandal/. Nothing but contempt is coming from all but the dems who seek to defend their own sins by shrieking, Foul! Well, we know whats foul and from where the stench is coming. When you read the Page/Strozk e-mails, you see the loss of the concept of service. I dont block trolls because I like them to expose themselves. Bahahahaha, so foolish.Not even a good troll. These two have sullied the reputation of what was formerly a respected entity. Some would falsely call this entire post doxxing. Second, you have declared someone guilty even though they have said they are innocent. Strzok was fired from his post in August 2018. Just Released: Housekeeper Calls 911 After Discovering Lisa Marie Presley Unresponsive, Oh Boy, Looks Like Amazon Wont Be Taking Over The World After All. I can tell you that in no way would that extramarital affair have any power in coercing me to do anything other than obeying the law and doing honest, competent investigation.. After his layoff from two decades-long services at the FBI's Counterintelligence Division as Deputy Assistant Director on August 10, 2018, Peter Strzok wrote a book, " Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. You simply cannot make assumptions one way or the other here. We are supposed to believe that, eh? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Considering a work year of 200 to 250 days, the math gives you somewhere between 200 to 250 e-mails per day. Cheating on spouses is small time for the Trump GOP the minimum price of admission. And I just dont having answered that a couple of times now, truly, I cant tell you I mean, outside of the setting and everything going on, this has been and the use and publicity of all this, extraordinarily painful and harmful and hurtful to my family. Peter Strzok is still married to his wife, Melissa Hodgman, despite the fact that his close connection with Lisa Web page was made public in 2017. (Our previous article on the FBI lovers and their spouses here.) PHILADELPHIA (Tribune News Service) [Last] week, Lisa Page, the former FBI lawyer who became a frequent target of President Trump after criticizing him in text messages during his candidacy in 2016, poured her heart out to the Daily Beast's Molly Jong-Fast. FBI agents are pretty good at hiding things and lying, however most of them do it within the confines of the law. By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times Shares . Leave this to you to address?, Strzok said, I dont know. The lapses in judgment embodied in those messages and others like them risked undermining public confidence in two of the Bureaus highest-profile investigations, the DOJ told the court on Monday. I understand the principle. His texts to his lover Lisa Page,. Peter Paul Strzok II (/strk/, like struck; born March 7, 1970) is a former United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent. Will recommended Strzok be demoted and suspended for 60 days without pay, but FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich overruled her. This letter reignited the email scandal in the final days and played a significant part in a controversial FBI decision that upended Hillary Clintons campaign, according to the New York Times. The #MeToo movement has led to a lot of bogus claims and the reactions have been guilty until proven innocent in too many cases. Page was briefly part of the legal team for special counsel Robert Mueller's Russian collusion investigation. Got to put the people to sleep by any means necessary. He claims his wife as saying, You deserve to be divorced, not fired, in opposition to the FBI penalizing him for anti-Trump texting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is no probable cause standard which applies to reasoned decisionmaking outside of a criminal prosecution. Jussie Smolletts Empire Costar Serayah Says the Scandal Definitely Has an Effect on the Cast Strzok, an American citizen born in Michigan, has resided in Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Burkina Faso. Source: Fox News Born August 2, 1980, Lisa and her extramarital romance former Senior FBI agent Peter Strzok were dismissed from the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election after the text messages emerged in which they showed anti-Trump bias. This is the elitist left in action but it can and does impact the entire bureaucracy. Before she became Mrs. Peter twenty-seven years ago, Melissa was Ann McIntyre and Brian W. Hodgman's daughter. Forces people to reflect upon the personal as well as the professional. It is much easier to read an e-mail and curse the evil it represents. Will also noted security violations stemming from Strzok and Page using personal devices to conduct FBI business, which Will noted was replete with irony given the FBIs criticism of Clinton for having done so.. Our Privacy Policy Creator includes several compliance verification tools to help you effectively protect your customers privacy. Rather than spending time on my book, these press conferences would be a great forum to warn foreign powers to stay out of our elections. Hed fire this pair, thats what. As per the source, he exchanged various e-mails and text messages calling Trump as an idiot with Lisa Page (FBI Attorney). By the way, the FBI oath is as follows: I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. White House counsel knew about wife beating history a full year ago. Still in office. Even if you throw in all 365 days per year, you still get nearly 70 emails per day. He has repeatedly denounced the Republican Party and its leaders and shows no interest in actually winning elections, which is the real challenge because winners write history and losers complain. His fingerprints were on every FBI investigation that stood to impact Clinton's presidential candidacy or to hurt . Lawfare needs a social media manager. It is not anything that could have been used to, you know, blackmail me, or otherwise, you know, exploit a vulnerability.. Hollingsworth shared picture and access to her restraining order with White House in January 2017. But recently, I did just that when I sat down with Lisa Page the week before Thanksgiving in my hotel room in Washington, D.C. Strzok attorney Aitan Goelman welcomed the publication in a written statement, saying: Pete welcomes the release of the transcript of his closed-door testimony, which we have been calling for since he voluntarily testified last June. Strzoks wife is Melissa Hodgman who has worked at the SEC since 2008 earning a salary of $229,968 The couple lives in a modest home in Fairfax near Pickett road. And even more broadly, those lapses in judgment risked damaging the public trust in the FBI as a nonpartisan, even-handed, and effective law enforcement institution trust that is essential to the FBIs ability to vigorously enforce the nations laws without fear or favor.. Every one shown has a different last name for one and yet they are married. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Oct 24, 2021 Hello! 4. Until that came out they protected him and knowingly gave him quarter. Oh, dear. The media is buzzing over the FBI raid on former US President Donald Trumps Mar-a-Lago estate, Peter Strzoks contentious text message to Trump, and his most recent defense of the FBI. The book gets published in September 2020 and quickly climbed to the top of best-selling books in the New York Times and Washington Post. Page, of course, is the former FBI lawyer whose text-message. "And so we are well-trained. And I just dont want to continue engaging in that process.. The department filed a 151-page motion to dismiss the wrongful termination lawsuit Strzok filed in August, with the DOJ arguing Strzok betrayed the trust placed in him as a leader at the FBI as he helped lead high-profile investigations related to Hillary Clintons illicit private email server and any connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. They both attended Georgetown University where they first met and fell in love. would notify the White House right away, Mr. Cromwell said. Strzoks wife threatened to expose the affair. Own it, Sport! 2. Oh, we make assumptions all the time, and one of those assumptions is that people are, in fact, innocent until proof of their misdeeds is offered. The two met and fell in love at Georgetown University, where they both went to college. FBI lawyer Lisa Page lied to Andrew McCabe about her relationship with agent Peter Strzok (right), new book Deep State: Trump, the FBI, and the Rule of Law claims. I hope her husband humiliates the sht out of her. Lets forget about the Eighth Amendment for a day and pull their finger nails out with pliers if the waterboarding fails to get a truthful response. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You are the gift that keeps giving. State Senator Joe Morrissey and his wife Fairfax County Public Schools and Equal Outcomes. Strzok rose to become a Deputy Assistant Director (one of several) of the Counterintelligence Division, the second . Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page spoke about the pain of having private text messages released by the Department of Justice and being publicly mocked by Donald Trump tonight on "The Rachel Maddow Show." The details emerged in a lengthy transcript released Thursday by Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. Peter Strzok was having an affair with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Bravo. Points Out Biggest Lowlife Thing About Hunter That Nobody Else Has Mentioned Yet, [VIDEO] How a Processed Hot Dog is MadeWarning: VERY Disturbing. Furthermore, she is the wife of Peter Strzok and this week Lisa Page, the former FBI lawyer who became a frequent target of President Trump after criticizing him in text messages during his . They are already publicly humiliated through no fault of their own, but that does not mean they are uninvolved. WASHINGTON Disgraced anti-Trump FBI lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok conspired to keep the case against Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn ongoing when they found. Peter Paul Strzok was 24 then, and Melissa Hodgman married in a low-key ceremony in 1994. You apparently havent read my comments. "We will leave no stone unturned to confirm with certainty why these text . To do otherwise is After that, when fresh emails were discovered just a few days before the election, it is said that Strzok backed reviving the probe into Clintons email server. Strozk and Page are fair game. Since March, Donald Trump has been looking for Lisa Page and Peter Strzok to serve them with a 108-page complaint, but he has not succeeded. Strzok, who worked on Robert . Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and their spouses-photos written by Jeanine Martin February 8, 2018 FBI agents Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page have been in the news for the thousands of emails they exchanged during their affair. Just when you thought the trolls would regain their senses, there is another e-mail bombshell from the love birds. No, let us correct that: You react. Strzoks mistress Lisa Page is married to Joseph Burrow and they have young children. Joe Burrow on twitter here and his linkedin page here. Joe Burrow from creativemornings.com: Rich, Washington swells, enjoying their fine wine and food, looking down their noses at the ignorant hillbillies in Loudoun County. I dont know so I dont make that assumption. Cant stick to the subject at all and has to make something up for equivalence. Self-Proclaimed 'Queen of Canada' Asked Followers To Arrest Peterborough Officers, What Happened To Peter Strzok? From what I have heard her Democrat counterparts are quick to ban alternative points of view. Some of my stomping grounds were Dugsbur , Coonridge, Sylvatas, Cana. On August 6, 2019, Strzok sued the Justice Department and the FBI in federal court for unjust dismissal, requesting reinstatement and severance pay after the Justice Department sacked him. I wonder whether all of these individuals now have lawyers to advise them. Am I supposed to respond? Strzok was asked whether the FBI or Muellers office knew of their relationship when they were transferred from the team. Please, Warmac9999 never stop. CBS News has obtained the text messages that former Special Counsel investigator Peter Strzok sent to his colleague Lisa Page, a senior FBI lawyer who was also working on the Mueller team. Im sure Lisa has children, but doubt Joseph does. Strzoks book, Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump, was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in September of 2020, and it quickly became a bestseller on both the New York Times and the Washington Post. And neither am I good with the entire Democrat party shielding a rapist as president. Great character on display at that White House these days. Hell, Hodgman looks like Strozks TWIN sister! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. MORE NEWS: Controversial Nonprofit Employed Admitted Pedophile As Organization General Manager [The Breakdown], The disgrace is what this man has done to our justice system, Gohmert said during the hearing on July 12, 2017. But it is I absolutely would not have been vulnerable or even let alone consider any sort of recruitment attempt.. There are about four individuals who troll here. He and I are blessed in that regard. He's traveled to several places and spent a significant amount of time living in each location. Steve L. New Author has 5.4K answers and 614.1K answer views 2 y Related What do you suppose former FBI agent Peter Strzok is doing these days? Even Though she is married to Joseph Burrow, she had an alleged affair with her ex-boyfriend, Peter Strzok. ", Who Is Romana Didulo? Despite his intimate relationship with Lisa Page being made public in 2017, Peter Strzok is still married to his wife, Melissa Hodgman. Horowitz criticized Strzok in his June 2018 report on the FBIs inquiry into Clinton in 2016, noting he did not have confidence that Strzoks decision on handling the Weiner laptop was free from bias.. I cant help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wifes eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?, Democrats erupted with objections, saying Gohmerts comments amounted to intolerable harassment of the witness.. For the record, Jill Strzok is not Peter Strzok's wife. Not sure why you find it strange that these individuals have last names different than your spouses. (Hillary and Barry ==> have MUCH TO ANSWER FOR). There is a place at GITMO awaiting those two. Baker continued to press Strzok as to whether the affair could have been a vulnerability should he have been approached by a foreign intelligence service. "I'm still not a party to the lawsuit not . Also read:Rishi Sunak (Politician) Biography, Net worth, Wife, Family, Age. I dont know you and you could just as easily be Pocahontas as James Young. He confirmed The New York Times most recent story that the FBI had begun a thorough criminal investigation of Trump after James Comey was ousted as FBI director in May 2017 for his financial entanglements with Russia. More of those anonymous sources created by the MSM. 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The manuscript was critiqued and improved by a number of individuals, and its development was a collaborative effort involving multiple people. That isnt a future, that is a sentence.