Condolences to her family and loved ones. Melodie, I am so sorry to hear of this. I do what I have to, to have a somewhat normal life. This is Kimberly and I have fallen and am very ill. A lot of things died with him. Here is bodycam footage of Vanessas welfare check. Thanks. They have never dealt with the things Ive seen and dealt with. Im so glad to hear Tiffany is doing so well. The epidemic in this rural area has taken many. Intervention 8 seasons Buy Intervention: HEAVY Alcohol & Drug Addiction Takes Over Krystal's Life After Traumatic Past | A&E A&E 2.5M views 1 year ago Intervention: Bonus: Kevin's Money. Im glad shes doing so well, shes really an amazing person. This site isnt affiliated with A&E or Intervention. Its crazy to watch and know that this person will not live a long life or much longer after their video was filmed. John Tyrrell aka Dr Doom committed suicide by overdosing on pills. Thanks so much for your work on this page. I PVRd it on A&E and to make it worse the recording cut off without making it clear what happened to her. He was the one that absolutely hurt me the most . May Taylor rest in peace. When I watch Intervention I cry often and pray for all of our comrades in the trenches. sad. I think he was here to visit his kid. Im praying for her. She was in Season 11. I cant even imagine what kind of pain the family is in, but know that there are many who send their support and good thoughts for everyone. She is sober and just had another baby, a boy I think. Much love to you. He lost his poor dog , the girlfriend left , jail He seemed like a ton of street kids I see and know . Or she got trouble again? I think it is reprehensible that A&E removed episodes of people featured on Intervention that have passed away. Why doesnt A&E tell us this? I was wondering if there was any updates on Katherine C from intervention season 17 episode 1? COVID-19 a leading cause of death in US, topped only by heart disease and cancer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 There was a guy who died from alcoholism I cant remember his name but he stopped leaving his house. its nowhere near the rate advertised. Lauren sadly died about 2.5 years ago of lung cancer and is listed above. if not, that would have killed him. U pray she continues this recovery. I have updated Taylors cause of death. Also, I have many members in my family who are mentally ill and sometimes I know they are sick but they are so selfish and I hate having to just accept it! Brought me back. I dont remember Kaila saying anything bad about her mother, actually I remember thinking she had a twisted perception of her parents making me feel she wasnt just anorexic but something more like you said. Her family has been on my mind and Im wondering if she got sober and is living better?? Anyway, thanks for the updates on everyone. This show is such a struggle for me to watch because there are so many parallels in my life and the addicts lives. It just didnt seem like a healthy relationship. Eric McDonell passed away over the weekend. I guess Im looking for answers ill never find. May God bless and keep you, Amen. Do you know if it was drug related? I had heard he went to Florida. Either correct it or I will have MY ATTORNEY FORCE THE CORRECTION. All those post-Intervention deaths According to the Just Believe Recovery Center, more than 30 people featured on the show have died since their TV appearances, and at least eight former subjects reportedly died from overdoses after appearing on the show. My heart is breaking for her and for her dear friends. I see him in myself..I have chronic illness and am 22 but after I had to drop out of college because it got so bad I isolated myself. My brain is bad from too many drugs in the 90s. God has a plan for her. I was surprised about Sebastian Ramirez, what a shame. I go through 1/4 box of tissues every time I watch. I really felt like there was some mandated reporting that should have happened during filming, but im not familiar with Canadian laws. So sad to hear about corrine. Just a slideshow of the addicts who died on the A&E show Intervention, the show will be coming back in 2015 but while were waiting I felt I should show the m. Thanks anyone who knows who I speak of. Any updates?? And when you get as fed up as they inevitably do, I absolutely understand but the way her dad was compassionate and checking in on her and wishing he could alleviate her agony & suffering. So sad for all of these lives lost. Does anyone know what happened to Katherine? RIP. Please let me know if you can verify this. So sad to see Brooke passed away. So very sad to see how badly Vanessa deteriorated over the years. Wow. Please dont burden yourself with guilt. Enter each name into the search bar at the top of the site and read their individual pages. Has anyone heard anything about Courtney from miami? please kids dont do this to yourselves, Nice memorial video for Nik Buckmaster so sad. Words can never express how devastated we are. My brother is in hos 5th rehab in 5 years for his Crack addiction. Its sad, she still looks way to skinny but what even more sad is there are girls that write her saying they wish they looked like her., Scroll down and see her comment from July 22 . Steve, you stated, Her obvious desire for attention does not qualify her for any specific mental illness. I am a friend of KAILA and can tell you she is doing well in recovery. Thats why addicts have nothing to do in prison. I grew up with nik he was a great guy and will be missed by all. I havent seen a lot of Intervention yet (Amazon Prime only has Seasons 10-14), but I feel like of the ones I have watched, she was so hellbent on ending her life. I just watched Intervention episode on Donny for the 2nd time. God bless you, I will keep you in my prayers. The episode just aired tonight? I would of been a perfect candidate to be an alcoholic or addict. WHO MAKE PRESUMPTIONS IN THE CASE OF A FORMER CLIENT? Its heart breaking, she was one of the brightest most intelligent souls ive seen on this show. So yeah just my two cents. Now 6 days later hes gone. I am re-watching the episodes on LMN and there are so many questions! I have wondered about he since her episode aired. Lastly, it wasnt Kailas mother who treated her poorly throughout her life, it was Ginas; the other young lady featured in the same episode. Id still like to know what happened there. I am certain that suicide would be tempting. Thats how I found info. I guess I really related with the brother. I went on to marry an alcoholic, had two wonderful children and finally divorced after 13 years. I was very curious about Betsys progress after watching her episode on youtube (huge thanks to Ramoin) and found an online obituary for her that is different from the one listed above. I wish they would stop putting critical content so close to the cut off time. its a damn shame, he seemed like an ok dude. Poor sweet young man . Sounds to me you indeed had an intervention of your own. He was one my favorites. She was terminally ill and seemingly just had a seizure. I saw the news article and some video regarding his suicide. Idk.I think there is a difference between conditional love & enabling. Heres his obituary:, Heres her fundraiser page:, I found her fb page after I wrote that. I wish she had been able to find a support group of her peers that would have been able to help her and be more understanding of what she is going through (not that you werent understanding but you dont experience pain everyday)I hope her story is able to be put out there on the dangers of trying to self-medicate. Dear Michael, You cannot blame a tv show for an addict that relapses. I know they said Brooks got married and Michael relapsed, but curious to know how hes doing. My prayers and deepest sympathy go,out to John Cs parents on his passing. Rocky. Either some of these addicts are lucky lately, or is this page being updated as frequently? Not sure I could handle myself as well as you girls did. Season 3 episode 6. my DVR cut off the end, so I researched to find out his status. << Linda, the fentanyl addict. The thing is, you can LOVE someone, and not accept or support their behaviors/continued use. Addiction is disease indeed and she is now free indeed and have to believe is in Gods arms . He was in their early 30s in the show. There was a request for me to do this almost a month ago, I am finally finding some time to get around to it. I push it as long as possible between doses, keeping myself in constant pain. As I scroll down I make it a point to study every picture, every face as tears roll down my cheeks. josh from the episode heroin highway passed away from an overdose in June of 2013. When I find out someone has passed away I do my own research to try and verify the cause. I couldnt find an obituary, but came across a youtube video of his funeral. Has Sebastians death been verified? Im late to watching the show and work third shift in mental health and have been binging episodes during my overnights. We are dying inside. I see 2 Facebook pages with his name but dont see any public comments, I meant his page on this site: I truly hope you can find some peace. Your family is not bad or mean, you did what you had to do to survive for your life, your families life, and your sanity. If Robby is going to be included on this list, then so should other people from Intervention Canada whove passed away, namely Megan and Ziggy. For she,like many other upstate NYers,fought the fight. All the info at the end of the episode was definitely written in past tense. Has anyone heard anything about Jessica the heroin addict with the three girls? I am a now a twinless twin. What was her name and what became of her? Brookes story is so similar to mine.Same disease,same pain,same things that she said and she was going through.Watching her episode made me THINK and scared me about what I was doing with my pain meds.I briefly abused them to find some relief,but as soon as I realized I was going down the path of addiction,I decided to flush them down the toilet and never take meds ever again.I prefer the pain and being crippled,than end up killing myself with drugs.Brooke,I want to thank you for your example,you tried to beat your addiction and deal with the pain, and youve been as strong as you could.Im sorry it didnt work out,I understand why.Your story has been an eye-opener and will be my strenght during my battle with the disease.My thoughts and prayers go to you and your loving family every day. Addicts Who Have Died, Bath Salts, Jeff, Most In-Denial Addicts, Season 11 December 9, 2013 Season 11, Episode 8 Skyler Age: 24 Location: Glendale, Arizona Addiction: Bath Salts UPDATE: Skyler Patrick Russell passed away on October 16, 2020 after suffering from a brain infection and organ failure due to alcohol withdrawal. That guy seemed like he could get his life together. Does that make sense? New poster to this board. As this show ages and more repeats are run in syndication I think a master list for viewers to reference and/or friends and family to update would be a helpful tool. He was from Langley, B.C. Love and prayers for all. The episode was dedicated to her also., Hey guys, anyone know what happened to Jessie, the medical doctor hopeful who suffered from Bulimia? At least now their at peace. Deep down brooke seemed to be a very gentle and sweet soul. And marrying JD? I have self-harmed for so many years. But if anyone has other recommendations , please do let me know. I would love to hear good news about him. It saddens my heart too see that these people have passed and I pray for their families..I pray God gives them some peace in their hearts. Thats why I put Unconfirmed, presumed overdose on Taylors, because there were quite a few comments from friends that indicated it was an overdose, but I couldnt confirm with an obituary or close family member. (In Brookes situation, that drug being opiates). We hungout a few times, he was nice, but the drugs had definitely caused permanent damage to his brain. I really want to know if he was able to get back on track after he relapsed? Im just a person who is a fan of the show, I dont have anything to do with filming or editing. First, I live very close to there so that really hit home. Did Brooke pass from an overdose of methadone or method amphetamines???? Thankfully they seem to be doing great. Stay strong, never give up no matter how many times you may fall. Living in constant pain is a horrible way to live! This is Brittany, Brookes twin. Might be repeating a question, however, what ever happened to Allison, the young lady who huffed? I just saw (for the second time)the episode about Christy, the dancer/alcoholic/meth addict, and I saw from some of your posts that she was pregnant and doing well. You can get hooked quick, wether you want to or not. Look on it tells all about it. When the show aired it was clear to me that Brooke was an addict. He was very loved by his girlfriend, friends and family. For several weeks I have been watching Intervention from the very first episode. But she walked out of the hospital and stopped drinking for months and instead would take my dads pain pills and her benzos. I have never been high, passed out or blacked out due to pain meds. Antwahn is doing well as best I can tell but I can find nothing about Billy whose story so closely resembled my own (heroin). Way too many people lately. IAmA Cameraman for A&E's Intervention, I have worked on the show for over 6 years. I am trying to find information about her, as the cooments have me guessing she is dead. Tiffany Shaffer #181 episode l believe the girl that got to do her dream go to Haiti on a missions trip. Good find! JAMA Network - Leading Causes of Death in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic, March 2020 to October 2021. However, I do not abuse my med and take as little as possible because I want my liver to last me as long as I can. I have found myself watching old episodes of Interventions lately. It has been a traumatic year dealing with that. We have done and said very similar things. Write him a letter..u might be surprised at the result. Her daughter is beautiful and looks happy and thriving, that is all amazing news Karen, thank you! I saw Karissas story and felt some connection to her since I live closeby. Since their episode was already unavailable by the time I discovered the show, I was thrilled to see it included in the you tube collection recently shared and watched it immediately just a few days ago fearing they may disappear at any time. 13 In 2014, the age-standardized mortality rate from coal workers' pneumoconiosis was 0.08 death per 100 000 population. The only solace is to think many of them, who completed treatment got a gift of a sober and hapier life for a while! I couldnt find an obituary, but came across a youtube video of his funeral. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. Went to HA meetings with him. From Bens brother, he passed away sometime last night. She looked very sickly and frail. May she rest in peace knowing she was loved by many. It is making their problem truly, their problem. The recent post on Corrines profile sounds like her death was also related to her diabetes. I would love to see them do an episode on that drug!! But how unbelievably unfair!!!!!!!! They hurt everyone who loves us too. I am in a group with Danas mom and age just posted about the show, and that she is doing well! bad hip and deteoriation problems. Im not sure you understand the difference between love and enabling. Mom (53) passed away 4/15 from complications due to her dependency. I felt such sadness for her a complete stranger. He was doing so good with his step work when I new him. I hope shes doing well. I also just watched the episode with Dana and am wondering if shes still alive. So Rachael is still alive (although her boyfriend at the time has passed), Kaila is alive and doing great things. To suggest Kailas belief that she is fat is a clear indication of a lack of narcissism is completely false. She shared her episode with you-know-who and whose-name-shall-not-be-spoken arouind here. Just watched the Ivan and Dorothy episode. Does anyone know how Darick from TN is? The for-profit facility, A Sober Way Home, in Prescott, Arizona, has been featured on multiple episodes of Intervention, as well as Oprah.The parents of a 20-year-old with alcoholism and an eating disorder named Brandon Jacques won a $10.25 million wrongful death lawsuit against the rehab center (via Kansas City Business . Sorry thats the anal version of myself LOL. I hope deep in my heart she is still very happy and healthy, she deserves it. He claimed to be a few months clean, but Im not sure if its true or not. Katherine I am so sorry for your loss. Someone commented that Nicole (eating disorder) passed away but I was unable to confirm that and several people responded that she was alive. Actually, I believe that certain networks pull the episodes due to the families request out of respect for their deceased loved one. So sad. I hated the way people spoke about your family. Also , anyone know Adam, Alissa s bf from the Alissa and Brian ep? Difficult to get to know, and not entirely pleasant. I always wondered what happened to a lot of them. However, at the time the episode was filmed, she did not want to confront her problems. Im sorry that people were rude to you because of your portrayal on the show. I am sure that my liver is suffering from it but other than that I dont see a problem. But Ill keep checking their individual page mybe someone will have updates! last minute decision to get tested. Im so sadden to see this page. I am just wondering how people are finding out updates on the people featured on the show when their last names are not mentioned on the show. And these are Rachels own words: that show portrayed him in such a horrible way it wasnt even fair. If it wasnt for drugs he would of had everything right Now because he was looking to buy a home before this started. Thanks. He reminded me so much of my son who, at the time, was around Billys age and was also addicted to heroin (and is now almost 8 yrs sober.). #InterventionSubscribe for more from Intervention and other great A&E shows: out more about the show and watch full episodes o. Ryans page is here. Or how they get a hold of you. I see both sides. It also could have been Sylvia Sylvia has been sober since her intervention and was even the interventionist for Erin, Episode 201. I wonder about the blond haired guy (then younger). 'Intervention' Season 3, Episode 7: Laney Laney was severely addicted to alcohol and was hospitalized after attempting suicide. Your family was with her as much as you all could be. Rachel from NYC who was homeless, now lives in Cali and had a brief relapse. I am late on this reply, but I had met Donny at an NA meeting a few years after the episode aired. Click on Andrew to view the Intervention Canada posts. Rest. I wonder what type of soul could go posing as a cousin and say those things. Please keep us updated if you find out more. My prayers are with you for the new year. I cant be positive is authentic , but if it is then she is using again, and other drugs for that matter. I am the mother of TAYLOR NICHOLE BITTLER and your description of my daughters cause of death is completely inaccurate! I hope he was able to get help. Shes doing really well, has a boyfriend, and works with animals. Episode 82. Ill never forget her childhood friend and crush who cared for her so deeply! Megan Wood has an official obituary and a news article of how she was found which is all made public. Im the one in this episode with him at the hotel, I watch this episode yesterday august 19 2015, the reason was some shame, i would like to tell troy I been clean and sober for over 6 years, Im executive clean at restaurant in Orange my life is much better thanks to the GOD and 12 step program, please if anybody know where is my dear friend my facebook link is Youre asking about Kelly F and Chad. Guess the show was a complete success., RIP Rocky. Sebastian passed away from a heart attack. I never agreed that any of you were being insensitive, you just didnt know how to help her. Really a tragedy! The authors note that deaths from coal workers' pneumoconiosis have declined 85% since 1980, but the prevalence of coal workers' pneumoconiosis, particularly in central Appalachia, has increased in recent years. has been shot last night in a stand-off with the police in South Pasadena. Hats off to you! I have never watched this show, it was by happenstance that I caught it. They now know that people who have family members who have taken their own life are more likely to kill themselves. However on her Facebook she looks healthy & makes regular post so I have to wonder with the personality she displayed on the show if she does have cirrhosis & hep.C as she claimed or if she is seeking pity and/or attention. My Google search yielded nothing. Whats the latest? That isnt conditional love. Hello everyone. Hubert was in the follow-up feature of one of the episodes in S16. Its the place Dr. Phil sends people when they need dual diagnosis. A family can love and support a person and their recovery, without loving or supporting a destructive behavior or addiction. Age: 20 Location: Oklahoma Addiction: Meth What's memorable: His lifetime of risk-taking, his total apathy about what he's doing to the people around him, his sad frustrated co-dependent mother, the dilapidated trailer he lives in with his addict father, the completely insane intervention.Dillon's story has an exceptionally tragic ending, which you can read . Its comforting to know that I am not alone in this. Jessie has done a lot better. Based on her Facebook page it looks like that was the case. And what I mean by failures is someone that dies from addiction. Very, very sad news. I actually found the Mike and Jenny missing episode if anyone would want to watch it. I did not think the show portrayed you in a bad light. Unfortunately, all the wealth and status in the world could not help Laney escape alcoholism. She lives in Texas now, after the show she relapsed and moved to Prescott, AZ for treatment. Kaila found revenge in having power she compared to godliness; which is pretty much the most narcissistic statement imaginable. It also might be that said Networks have newer shows running and dont have time slots allotted for older syndicated episodes of shows that have run for almost 20 years. I keep forgetting to tape the ones on A and E. I just finished with the Samantha C episode. No reason to think both are not alive. His grandfather was buy him vodka and a good guy at that. It is often self preservation. I hope this is just a rumor and not true. Smh. That way when they relapse theyll feel that much worse, what could go wrong!? My thoughts are with you and those who lost their lives due to addiction. But joys my heart knowing they both got clean. Im childhood really sucked from my parents not paying attention when other men were around. I was very sad to hear the news about your mother. I believe the air date was today, June 20th, 2013. Im SO sorry Colin! :/, -Gina(season 14,Gina&Kaila ep) the heroin addict from San Antonio, *Sorry,Im correctings,Gina is from season 13 not 14, -Nicole: Please update to include Lyndsey from Intervention Canada. Yes, megan has passed on Its super weird and creepy that some of you search them out on Social Media. Thats the problem with a lot of these pain medictations. Thanks. She was sober at the time. It was mentioned at the end of the episode. What happened to Gabe from Season 1 episode 2, whose episode seems to have been taken out of all circulation? i found this blog, that links to Dallas. There are plenty of videos still up about those who have passed away. I just watch her intervention I am happy to know she is ok .. I think that sharing this may stop some of the speculation about her passing.