Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh. When the smoke clears, he sees no bear. $2.72 $2.04 ( Save 25%) Live Fast Eat Trash Funny Raccoon Camping RSVP Card. He went to court over this incident. The only thing that even came close to his love for tractors, was the love he felt for his wife. Moral - Lecturing without knowledge can get you insulted. Your brother finished his sentence?" Told them I could turn any situation into a positive one. What do you call a jacket that goes up in flames? Click here for more information. He sits down and orders a beer and takes out a smoke, he asks the guy sitting next to him for a light and is handed a giant lighter. Man, no wonder everyone talks about you behind your back. Om Edibles. Do you want to summary or long version? Is a motor home really a home with a motor on it? Why don't you check eBay and see if they have a life for sale? He went online and read about how smoking can lead to cancer, and other health risks. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. The smoke is barely clear before the man thinks, "I should have taken the money.". Bark like a dog. Luckily, talking back is one way to respond! Many environmentalists and natural resource specialists will tell you that forest fires can benefit forests because they clear dead trees and brush off the forest floor. Donald Trump, in comparison, doesn't smoke. Dad, still not sure who the current president is: only when I'm on fire Roses are red; violets are blue. Oh yes, a clogged nose makes it difficult to breath as well. 4 men were sitting in a boat about to smoke a cigarette, when they realized they didn't have a cigarette lighter. - Do you have crazy nights out dancing while doing cocaine and coming back home to have unprotected sex with multiple partners? he shouts. He told me to smoke for him too" I can't stand high maintenance women. In fact, the less I pay for something, the more it's worth to me. Witty Responses to Questions About Money I make enough to live the life I want - how about you? You are so funny!" LOL. Because every time his wife gets hot, he covers her with dirt and beats her with a shovel. 5. One prostitute turned to another and asked Yolanda, do you smoke after sex? Of course, you can respond with just 'thank you' for this comment. For your convenience, of course." "FYI" (when sent with a forwarded message, and nothing else) "Uh-oh. Alternatively, I don't want to simply say "no." That's not true either and feels like badmouthing my job. ", "Marijuana is like sex. -Willie Nelson, "Don't worry, don't cry, smoke weed, and fly. If you are on a diet how do you feel about the first three letters in the word? Besides funny responses, there are dozens of Google Home games that you can enjoy if you put the following funny commands to your Google Assistant. 3. Remember when I asked for your opinion? I may not be perfect, but at least Im not you. Then why would you want to live more than 100 years? 3) A Consulting Request. the bartender exclaims as he heads. Just for doing what you have done, you won't have any butter for your popcorn for the rest of your life. Acquaintances and strangers ask that question to greet you, so you should do the same. If they ask you why say: Cause it looks like you landed on your face!. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". but then i saw a sign that said "keep off the grass" and felt judged. . If I don't get it everyday, I get a headache." Use them however you like! He loved his job. If you bump into someone or step on their foot, say, "I'm sorry. Nice and dandy, like cotton candy. 5. What happens when your local pastor smokes a blunt? HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. The medicine man says, "I can cure this." You'll have to step outside to smoke." Thank you for letting me know. Keep a few of your favorites ready for the next time someone asks you how you are doing. Financially? 3. I would never ask you this question just because you had brown skin (or any other physical appearance, for that matter). says the angel and disappears in a cloud of smoke and a bolt of lightning. Do you know how long it took me to make those buttercups? While ordering food at a restaurant, ask the server for their top two dishes they like (or that people or), then choose something completely different. Hey Santa, tell me the North Pole news. Everybody rushes to the counter and gets a cigarette. 21. I just have silicon. You're hilarious." "I'm speechless. *then you walk away*. 22. Smoke On The Water Fire In The Sky Funny Picture. ", and outside was a tramp. Jack got high and grabbed her thigh and said You know you wanna . "I am sorry to bother you father, but can I ask you half of a lemon?" "Of course my son." said the priest and he fetched half a lemon for the man. He takes dead aim and fires. Obama Yea I Smoke Blunts Funny Image. You snuff 'em, we stuff 'em. ", They threw a cigarette overboard, and made the boat a cigarette lighter. 28. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But, dead inside. When a friend suggests going for coffee, say Dont you know theres a war on?, When someone randomly changes the subject, shout, Hes at it again!, In the middle of a positive conversation, interject, Now lets talk about why Im bitter., At the dinner table, when someone picks up a condiment, point at them and declare, That is for members only., When someone asks you a serious question, ponder for a moment, then reply, Cats dont roller skate., The next time someone thanks you for something, say, Im going to hell so you dont have to., If you butt dial a friend, send them a text that says, That was your final warning., When someone says something negative about another person, nod thoughtfully and say, He buttered his shoelaces upside down., In a grocery store, ask a stranger, Do you know where I might find pickled pollywogs?, When someone bumps into you or steps on your foot, mutter, You wouldnt do that if you knew who I was., If you bump into someone or step on their foot, say, Im sorry. I'm baffled by just how flexible you can be. "You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." Dean Martin 28 / 32 Getty Images, Louis Pasteur "A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the. Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. "Oh, it went fine. "I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise." What would you tell people that just started to smoke? Funny and witty responses to rude comments and mean people. "The real difference between edibles and smoking or vaping is that with edibles, a much larger fraction of Delta-9-THC makes it to the liver first. Why couldnt a man smell the smoke in his room? ), 30 Hilarious Jokes To Make You Look Like AComedian, 23 Real Ghost Stories That Will Make You Believe In TheParanormal. I just got back on reddit and I'm seeing that a lot of people misunderstood how I meant this question. 11. Oh boy, I sure hope its to share your doughnuts. He was found guilty. "Yep," the bartender replies. Why is a necklace called such, it doesnt have any lace attached. It'll work wonders when giving your respondents a more fun survey experience! Why do you ask? Not that well. Send a text message to your phone number but increase the last digit by one (your text friend.). There are also smoke puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls. Am I? Mentally? Reply. How are you? Show him, there are many out there. Im dancing along to the rhythm of life. Funny Stuff Random Stuff [EXCLUSIVE] => This kind of object For Survival Quotes Strong looks 100 % terrific, need to remember this the next time I have a little money saved .BTW talking about money. Later, when he sees an older priest puffing on a cigarette while praying, the younger priest scolded him, You shouldn't be smoking while praying! Here are some unique and funny random things to say in a text or conversation. 10. Living the dream. Two guys are out fishing on a boat when one of them wants to have a smoke. Meanwhile a second monocle emerges from the bathroom. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. 25. "It's photoshop, FYI.". The man then asks, "What happens when it's over, and I don't want to continue?" Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!, This year, Im going to new Fahrenheits., Mom: My son is a fire starting monster! Dad: Honey, its OK. Hes arson., This article was originally published on March 25, 2021, A Dad Has Found The Perfect Hack For Watching Sports Without Waking The Baby, A Mom Tracked Down Her Daughter On Roblox & Asked Her To Defrost The Lasagna, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. In need of a holiday, I said "I wish I was on that plane." I've got something I need to say. Dunno, just a guess. I asked what I should wear for Halloween twice and got 2 different fun responses. Can you repeat what you just said? Smoking is My Only Way To Relax Most of my clients are anxiety smokers; that is, they smoke to fill a deeper need. Why not take today off? the guy asks the bartender. At length one of his colleagues whispers, "Say something." There are no (more) dragons doing the fire-starting work for us. Guess my age. So the monocle hops off the bar stool and grabs his cigarettes to head outside. ", "Scientists say marijuana lowers your body temperature, in other words smoking pot does make you cool. Nirvana. Can you find a card inside of cardboard or will you find a board? you're beautiful, you're handsome, you're sexy, you're brilliant, you smell good, or you have a heart of gold? You always bring me so much joyas soon as you leave the room. Did you hear about the fire in the shoe factory? Are you a man or a woman? You can explore smoke kush reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Funny Responses to "How Are You?" If you are just looking for a funny answer to the question, "How are you?", then these are bound to work well. Did I forget to take the Free candy sign off again? "What's your secret for a long happy life?" But, it doesnt continue the conversation. Why do we say a person is fired when there is no fire? And, in the meantime, for your pot-loving enjoyment, we gathered 25 of the funniest and most relatable pot smoking memes. Do you have affairs with promiscuous women? I've been called worse things by better people. If you say a prayer in church what do you say in the bathroom? You have the right to remain silent because whatever you say will probably be stupid anyway. Enter a room full of people and say sullenly, "Well. ", "Why does it smell like weed in your room? They said they're all out ofyou! "It's a condom," replies the grandson, sheepishly. All trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. *then put your finger on their lips*. 27. 13. I don't think you're that bad. Is Friday the end of the week, or is Saturday, or is Sunday, or is Sunday the first day of the week? She yelled, I'm Mother Nature! If a picture is worth a thousand words, what would a mural be worth? There are many great features available to you once you register at Neowin, including: By ", "I just need a few dabs of oil and I'll be fine. This one always works. Earlier they had to share one cigarette between the four of them, that's ju, When the jar was opened, a genie came out and said to them, "You have freed me from my jar. after he was hit by a car on his bike: do you smoke? A man walks into a bar, orders a drink, and yells "When I drink, everybody drinks!". Basically, fire is awesome. 14. Are you a doctor? He was sadly nearly crushed by the tractors wheels when he fell out of the cab, and the experience so traumatised him. 17. Everybody rushes to the counter and orders food. 18. *silence* That's the sound of me not caring. If you enjoy having fun then this list is for you. 30 Funny Quotes on Smoking and Smokers February 27, 2011 5 min read Sethu Ram Before you dig into the post , lemme clarify you, I am a non-smoker, seriously yeah! When they get inside they see an Irishman passed out from smoke inhalation. .. so I took the batteries out of the smoke detector. The smoke is barely clear before the man thinks, "I should have taken the money.". Thats a nice story and all, but in what chapter do you shut the f*ck up? The steaks were high upvote downvote report A man walks into a bar. ", "That face you make when people say weed is bad for you. Was discussing the power of positivity with family members. If you are driving down the road and pass a field with hay bales laying in it, point at the field and yell Hey. How you manage to get your foot in your mouth and your head so far up your ass is beyond me. "Twenty-six.". when hit his ball into the woods and found it in a patch of pretty, yellow buttercups. Let's have a game of Tic Tac Toe. I replied, which is true. 9. We suggest to use only working smoke fire smoke piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Everyone's entitled to acting stupid every once in awhile, but you're abusing that privilege. Im going to get my toe nail pierced this weekend. All tractor-themed. My grandfather always said, Fight fire with fire.. You're so full of shit I'll bet you make every toilet jealous. do they get high, or do they just get medium? You saw me rocking out and wanted to know what music I was listening too? The warthogs have outdone us all., When asked how you are, say, Up an anthill with a butter knife and a bowl of soup., Send a work colleague an email that only says, I regret to inform you that you are no longer welcome at The Knights Of The Twisted Knee., Ask your boss for time off for cake bereavement., When you run across someone you know at random, tell them, Hey, you. 2. With a whoosh, my wish was granted. Great advice, will do and thank you. Once there Satan begins checking his documents and says he isnt ready for them. "I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day," he said. Two Firefighters are butt fucking in a smoke-filled room.. That's not true at all! Hey Santa, tell me about your reindeer. 9. He had tractor models, tractor wallpaper, remote control miniature tractors, tractor board games, even some tractor porn(which is not easy to find mind you). Remember that time when I said you were cool? Just make sure you first say "Alexa, enable 'Hey Santa'" first: Hey Santa, sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas. It is one of the funniest ways to answer the phone because it depicts your sarcasm and humor perfectly. Beatrice pulls a condom out of her pocketbook and puts it over then end of her cigarette. Old Smoker Funny Picture. Ill leave that up to your imagination. Luckily, there's an auto repair shop right next to the mall, so he pulls in there. "Wisdom is yours," says the angel, disappearing in another puff. Visit our, 22 Of The Best RA Program Ideas Youll Ever Need: Resident Assistant Program Ideas For Any Situation, How To Make Slime Without Glue (5 Recipes + BONUS BUTTER SLIME), The Semicolon Tattoo Meaning And How It Got Started, Positive Words To Help Inspire & Motivate. His toys? That's their problem. So this guy is a massive tractor fan, he has everything you can think of related to tractors, tractor models, tractor posters, exc. Even more than my morning cup of coffee, so yes. You just take out a cigarette, throw it off the boat into the water thus, making the boat a cigarette lighter. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Can vegetarians still eat animal crackers? I plead the fifth. A bar is burning to the ground and a team of firefighters rush in to put out the fire. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Look no further than this collection of funny one-liners and puns about smoke and fire. All of a sudden his engine starts running really rough, and smoke is coming from under the hood. Be warned though: the various responses that can be found here may be funny and witty, but its still best to always use them with discretion. 82.57 % / 2034 votes. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. No, but if you hum a few bars, Ill fake it. - Oh no, my body is a temple He's probably part of an extreme mist group, Three men find themselves stranded on a deserted island. The penguin says, "Have you had time to look at my engine?" Can I make a wish? Youll find clever, sarcastic, witty, and funny responses to the question, How are you?. "I prefer to put fried chicken in my mouth instead of a soggy cigarette". Monk: "Well, we requested Synod to clarify whether it was OK to smoke while praying. 7. Why is a roller-coaster called such when it doesnt roll and it doesnt coast? 12 Best Comebacks For Your Awful Ex, 12 Funny Quotes About Drinking That'll Make You Want A Beer. I love you a latte. Is that the best you've got. If you have an opinion about me, raise your hand. Heres a tissue, you have some sh*t on your lips. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "That's amazing," said the woman, "how old are you?" If you forgot, Im not reminding you. Siri: Don't let my voice fool you: I don't have a gender. A truly stinging sarcastic response to I love you. Seriously, you don't need that negativity in your life. That, in turn, helps the forest grow new life and replenish itself. Absurd is the Word. It's work. I'm going to be wearing an awful sweater too. What do you call a family that smokes weed together? Just like everyone I do have many friends who smoke well and very well. Will the next virus be Covid 20? Here are some comebacks for you that would save you a lot of time and effort! Would a crocodile snap at a snapping turtle? 6. ", "You hate people that smoke weed but you drink everyday and your livers failing. "You would have been 28 by now. I'll have a cigarette and a beer at the same time, but I'll still be wearing my seatbelt while I do it. Maybe you can Google it. Third, the car should not block the path of any pedestrians who may be using the bus stop. The angel said as a reward for his good deeds that God would give him his choice of eternal riches, eternal wisdom, or eternal beauty. It smells really bad. So I took the batteries out of the smoke detector. So I took the batteries out of the smoke alarm. And, as the following fire puns and jokes prove, it can even be funny. Im trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but I just cant get my head that far up my ass. It does not store any personal data. He looked disappointed, but then asked hopefully "Any change? "Unos.. Dos." *BANG!" The adults are talking. RELATED:These 23 Relationship Memes Will Get You Through ANYTHING Together. Pretty incredible, right? Yolanda said, I don't know I never checked. Just so you know, this conversation is being recorded. Nice and fine, like an expensive bottle of wine. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Stupiditys not a crime, so feel free to go. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. You all get a bag of weed! Finally, as a last hope, the doctor refers him to an African medicine man. When jokes go too far, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become inappropriate. I have no way of knowing that. Best Fire Puns Giphy I have a burning question. Be a proud and happy pothead. Gertrude is confused and Beatrice explains that it keeps the cigarette from getting wet. Why arent shorts half the price of pants? But before we get into those, lets revisit the idea of how fire occurs. ", "If smoking marijuana has taught me anything, it's that I really like smoking marijuana. Well, as they say: It takes one to know one.. Because its the end of the month and you havent met your ticket quota. Wow! "Do you know that smoking shortens your life." 1 "I'm Driving" This is the ultimate excuse. Security stops him and says, There are no firearms allowed in this building.. May I ask you to stop talking? Trust fried chicken. On rubbing it clean, they release a genie who grants them each one wish. 4 men were sitting in a boat about to smoke a cigarette, when they realized they didn't have a cigarette lighter. It depends on what or who I compare myself to. "I'll grant you any wish for releasing me from the lamp!" Just tractors? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I know but it makes me look cool in front of the other kids. Every new thought that comes into my mind is only you. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. "Did you know there are a couple of guys standing out front right by your door smoking?" "I don't always smoke pot, but when Ido it's everyday. The mechanic says he'll be glad to take a look, but he won't be able to get to it for a couple hours. In a flash and puff of smoke, a little old woman appeared. Its too bad Im tone-deaf. It looks like heaven has finally answered my prayers. If youre going to be two-faced, at least make one pretty. Am I? Thats for me to know and you to find out. She said: Sorry I don't smoke. "well the pilot noticed some smoke and weird noises coming from the left engine and it took us a while to find another pilot willing to fly this plane.". Need some smokin' hot jokes? So saying sincerely,"Yes, I am having fun" is not really true and will come off sarcastically. Until I asked her for some papers and she ran off. they toss one cigarette over board to make the boat a cigarette lighter. That is where most accidents happen. December 6, 2012 in Jokes & Funny Stuff. Same thing you're doing, talking to you now. How much do you cost? You noticed Im lost and you wanted to give me directions to the zoo? Better than I was before you showed up. 2: Yes. - Never, I'm single and abstinent. The one says "Well sir, this man was about to die from smoke inhalation. " WTF? Why are you asking me; did you already forget? * I declined because I'm not interested in high maintenance women, So I took the batteries out of the smoke alarm, He asked him about it and his friend said: "one for me and one on my imprisoned brother's behalf. How can you scoot along if you dont have a scooter? I lied. 9 2 comments - Homer . Do you eat too much? *pulls out a 10 inch long BIC lighter* Hey Santa, sing Deck the Halls. The third man, a little slow, looks around at the empty island. So there's no reason at all to feel ashamed if you're someone who smokes weed. ", "why did we take off so late?" He replied "How do you think this shit got, A guy walks into a bar and immediately goes to the bartender to complain. when it suddenly starts to rain, just a light drizzle, nothing too heavy. I clean up nice, don't I. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks. Relax. a. less than 1 cigarette per day b. Everywhere you go, rude comments emanating from various churlish sources are widespread and rampant. They bump into each other as they cross paths and fall to the floor, hopelessly entangled. Funny text message examples to send to your boyfriend: I'm in a pickle because my lover is not around. 1: Wow, your genie really sucks at hearing. YOU CAN SMOKE WEED LEGALLY!" 1. Oh, such discerning eyes. 6. Funny Responses to "What Are You Doing?" What does it look like I'm doing? - You smoke? Shit happens, I mean look at your face. I'm feeling lucky. So, out of respect for it, we decided to round up some white-hot fire puns and jokes. Can you repeat what you just said? Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Why is chocolate ice cream called chocolate when vanilla ice cream is not called yellow? If you are in jail can you ever collect a get out of jail card for free? He made it out, but one person died. What are you if you smoke marijuana and masturbate at the same time? Do you eat? A priest was tidying up his church after a sermon, when a man comes in. Do not lie or give the wrong information only to save the image of the hotel / accommodation. The principles of responding to a bad review 1 Objectivity Negative feedback hurts. Seems like you have something to brag about. First, the car must be able to fit within the space designated for buses. Thanks for your advice, now **** off. "Sorry, I'm late." "Sorry to interrupt." "Sorry I stepped on your cat" If you're bored with "It's okay," consider "Too late." Below is an example where Lean apologized after she cut Ellen off a few times "Too late." is a versatile response to "Sorry." More examples: I went outside to smoke a cigarette, and my ears started ringing, I once watched a couple of cows smoke weed and play poker, I was going to smoke a cigar on International Womens Day. Bye! This is one of those worst epic responses to I love you makes us feel for the poor love-struck fellow. He must be part of some extreme mist group. She goes on to explain, "they have been busting their asses off. 6. I have awhile before that. No. Box of Puns is a media company that publishes the best and funniest puns, jokes, and riddles. If I were doing any better, it'd be illegal. Heart-shattering. Do you go to bed late? 8. Theres still time for things to go horribly wrong. You get a bag of weed. I just happen to like cigarettes and alcohol. Hibiscus, Plumeria & Palm Funny Wedding RSVP Invitation. 15. Im no cactus expert, but I know a prick when I see one. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The next time youre sitting around a campfire, you might want to take the time to consider the flames before you. Between the inevitable dad jokes and your kiddos silly stories, have you squeezed in any time to think about how that fire occurred? He goes to the drug store and asks the pharmacist for a condom. 9 yr. ago Exactly. I have had the same pack of cigarettes since 2007, im starting to get worried about my wife though shes been going through 3 packs a day! "I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise." His wife turns over and asks: "What did you say '123' for?". Finally the two hours are up and he goes back to the mechanic. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I love you (Itll catch them off guard). "I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day," he said. 1. If laughter is good for the soul what is the soul good for? Those vapors become exposed to oxygen, which creates the event of a fire. All of a sudden, POOF! It is kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence. By Brittany White Written on May 10, 2017. ", "When your friends smoke weed without you. Thanks for sharing. Explosive says: September 19, 2016 at 11:02 am . Use contraceptives kids. You bag 'em, we tag 'em. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 3. After all, in the bible it says "if a man lies with another man, he should be stoned.". 3. Smoking Baby Funny Gif. Pray to God nobody asked me any questions. I was chatting with my classmate -my childhood crush online. I told her no. But I do like digesting information. No Smoking Funny Sign Image. But, smoking bacon will cure it. Ten minutes later, I landed at Birmingham Airport. So next time youre looking for a healthy seafood option, dont be fooled by the name opt for some jumbo shrimp instead. 1 cigarette per day c. 2-5 cigarettes per day d. 6-10 cigarettes per day e. 11-20 Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Pope And Cardinals Marijuana Funny Smoking Photoshopped. When you reply this way, you will shut him down instantly. They are funny, they are wittybut their underlying meaning depends on your prudence. An angel appears in a puff of smoke to a man and says to him, "Because you have lived a good and virtuous life, I can offer you a gift: you can be the most handsome man in the world, or you can have infinite wisdom, or you can have limitless wealth." 1. Everybody rushes to the counter and orders another drink. He said: one for me, and one for my brother in prison. Angelina Jolie looks effortlessly . So I took the batteries out of the smoke alarm. Jill said yes, pulled up her dress and then they had some fun. Example #5: Or you can put a humorous spin on an interesting fact. Lady: So 1 pack costs $10 and you have 3 packs a day which puts your spending each month at $900. 27. While waiting for my dad, two of the school janitors came outside and started smoking a joint. The chief asks "Why didn't you give him mouth to mouth?" The bartender looks down on this travesty and shakes his head. 10. I tried, but no one listens. I have five fingers, and the third one is for you. " 12. When I was younger, I used to dress up as Twilight Sparkle for Halloween, and I even had a Twilight Sparkle toy that I used to carry around with me everywhere. "You know this already, so denying it will only make you look dumb." "Correct me if I'm wrong." "I'm definitely not wrong." "Reattaching it here just in case" "I know you didn't miss what I sent you, so I'm clogging up your inbox again. 3. I'm stoked. My lawyer told me not to answer that question. Do your parents realize that they're living proof that two wrongs don't make a right?