Community involvement in health development: a review of the concept and practice. Starting from the categories within the broad SURE framework the authors identified further, specific themes of interest from the primary empirical data presented in the included articles and from the author discussion and conclusions from those articles. While some facilitating and inhibiting factors identified in this secondary analysis may be beyond the control or influence of a particular programme, it may be helpful for programme designers and implementers to be aware of them and the possible implications they may have for implementation and results. In Nepal, where young people participated to try to improve reproductive health, community members and, in particular, young people, felt a strong enough sense of ownership over the project to demand accountability from the implementation team. Kaufman J, Liu Y, Fang J. Kumar S. London: ITDG; 2002. WebFactors affecting the management of women income generating projects in Kikuyu division of Kiambu district Factors hindering community participation in the development of ECD We performed a secondary analysis on two of them here [10]: 1) quality improvement of maternity care services where community members participate in processes to review the quality of health services either as informants or as partners with health providers in planning and implementation to improve quality; and 2) maternal and newborn health programme planning and implementation, where community members are involved in planning, designing, implementing and monitoring strategies and interventions. 2 0 obj Political socialization 6. %PDF-1.4 Community involvement in health: assessing the first steps in Mpumalanga and the Western Cape, Community voice and role in district health systems in East and Southern Africa: a literature review, Community involvement in health development: challenging health services, Health development structures: an untapped resource, Discussion paper 19: effectiveness of district health boards in interceding for the community. The current policy on management of Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres is vested in communities to provide and support development activities with the government providing curriculum and instruction support .This study sought to investigate factors hindering community participation in the development of ECD centres. Britt H. Patsalidis M. Complexity-Aware Monitoring. In six programmes, community members participated at different levels at different points during the intervention [17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28]. Google Scholar. Business transactions may be limited among different communities or regions more if they have social and cultural differences as this may inhibit geographical mobility., DOI: (KI 1: in-charge of health center). Factors that hindered community participation included lack of awareness on the CCHP among HFGC members, poor communication and information sharing In: Susan W, editor. Geneva: ILO; 1991. pp. Sustainability of Donor-Funded Health-Related Programs Beyond the Funding Lifecycle in Africa: A Systematic Review. Terms and Conditions, endobj Communities were involved in designing programmes from the beginning in only two cases [19,20,21]; in four programmes, communities provided input on interventions [25,26,27,28]; and in seven, programme teams designed the programme and chose the interventions. By the end of the project, young people were leading many of the intervention activities, with the implementation team acting only as facilitators [20, 21]. Documenting, evaluating and reporting on highly complex and dynamic community participation approaches using conventional evaluation methods and designs with the rigor required to establish a strong evidence base may be difficult for implementers who may lack relevant resources and expertise. 1998;13(1):112. In: Kahssay H, Oakley P, editors. There is no priority of evangelism. Many laypersons believe that evangelism is what we pay the pastors and staff to do. A respondent from the health center governing committee said: What I can say is that I do not know about CCHP and I see this is new object to me and to my committee; maybe there is another language which is used to describe it, but since my appointment to this committee I have never been informed or taught anything about CCHP. The identified challenges call for policy makers to revisit the decentralization by devolution policy by ensuring that local governance structures have adequate resources as well as autonomy to participate in planning and managing CCHP in general and health facility plans in particular. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The existence of HFGC whose members do not have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities contributed to the weak participation of the lower level health facilities in development and implementation of CCHP. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] As the programme evolved, however, the study authors report that community awareness grew: both about the nature of the challenges and how they could help by working together. Keywords: BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Two studies suggested that community capacity development can also help sustain improvements in health [20, 23]. However, the committees are reportedly performing or involved partially with other roles such as sensitizing the community to join the CHF, receiving and opening new drug kits, creating awareness on health problems, monitoring disease outbreaks, and giving advice to communities on health matters. 2014; 29:ii98-ii106. -, Rosato M, Laverack G, Grabman LH, Tripathy P, Nair N, Mwansambo C, et al. Results: Factors that hindered community participation included lack of awareness on the CCHP among HFGC members, poor communication and information sharing between CHMT and HFGC, unstipulated roles and responsibilities of HFGC, lack of management capacity among HFGC members, and lack of financial resources for implementing HFGC activities. Article /Font << WHO recommendation on community mobilization through facilitated participatory learning and action cycles with womens groups for maternal and newborn health. Women participated at lower levels than men in many of the studies, [13, 14, 17, 18], however, one study focused exclusively on womens participation [27]. The paper used a multi-case study design were used in describing various issues relating to the study. For instance, in-charges of health facilities, who are also secretaries of HFGC, were partially informed on CCHP and plans of health facilities and most of them had heard about the CCHP through attending certain workshops/training. In this study, we have found that most of the members of HFGC had primary education level, which seems to be insufficient to make them competent in performing their roles without exposing them to appropriate capacity building programs through training. Programmes in Indonesia, India and Nepal highlighted the importance of programme personnel understanding and working to mobilize social networks in culturally-sensitive ways to bring about changes in social norms [20, 21, 24, 25]. The aim of this study was to investigate That sounds too self-evident. Myeya J. Stavrou V, Psych MC, et al. Occupational therapists need to recognise that enhancing the factors enabling participation in leisure and assisting clients to overcome the factors hindering participation in leisure will lead to the increased wellbeing of people with enduring 8600 Rockville Pike <>>> However, some do and other facilities do not apply for money. HFGCs are not aware of CCHP, as we have not given them any training on the subject, however, we are planning to train them. The CHSBs and CHMTs are responsible organs for receiving and reviewing the annual plans and budget projections from the health facilities (hospital, health centers, and dispensaries). some of the factors facilitating community participation included community mobilisation of local resources to support chps (communities made significant in kind and cash contributions to support the program), chps integration with pre-existing community structures (existing unit committees, health volunteers and traditional birth 4 0 obj BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Respondents reported lack of a specific budget in the Council Health Plan for financing HFGC activities. eCollection 2022 May. In practice, the bottom-up planning has been difficult because communities do not have the opportunity or required capacity (8, 9). Sood S, Chandra U, Palmer A, Molyneux I. SIAGA behavior change campaign in Indonesia SIAGA behavior change campaign in Indonesia. Matern Neonatal Heal. Members of committees in India and Kenya were reported to appreciate having a better understanding of their own roles and responsibilities, for instance in the decision making process for resource allocation and financial management [15, 19]. 2010;17(1):3949. Process evaluations were not usually documented in the studies included here, a finding which is in line with previous reviews [8, 9]. Population Council: New Delhi; 2008. (KI 2: CHMT member). Building social accountability to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in Nigeria. 2022 May 1;14(5):e24643. Several studies reported that joint assessments between healthcare providers and members of the community helped improve quality by providing valuable information to feed into priority setting and identify opportunities and challenges [19, 27, 28]. endobj Karuga R, Kok M, Luitjens M, Mbindyo P, Broerse JEW, Dieleman M. BMC Public Health. This article addresses this question, exploring stakeholder perspectives and experiences of the two community participation interventions, and identifying barriers and facilitators to successful implementation. <> Culturally-appropriate materials in local languages are needed that are suitable for a range of literacy and numeracy skills for programmes where community members participate in analysis of health data as a basis for decision-making and action [14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 28]. Most studies did not report on their definition of community and it is unclear whether they had operational definitions or were working with implicit understandings such as a rough geographical definition. Health Sector Reform in Tanzania places emphasis on the participation of lower level health facilities and community in health planning process. These results correspond to findings from other studies (21, 26) (27), which found that uncertainty about roles and responsibilities resulted in ineffectiveness in HFGCs performance. Bhutta ZA, Soofi S, Cousens S, Mohammad S, Memon ZA, Ali I, et al. Dinajpur SafeMother Initiative Final Evaluation Report. Reviewing the transcripts was done simultaneously with coding the data by listing down phrases that captured emerging concepts. Some respondents stated that HFGC have played little or no role in monitoring collection and utilization of user fees and CHF in their facilities but they are aware that health facilities are responsible for collecting funds through user fees and CHF. Heal Soc Care Community. The communities where this shift in norms occurred were also reportedly more likely to sustain their efforts to improve health and maintain mechanisms such as transport systems compared with those that remained focused on individual responsibility [23].