All rights reserved. Some media outlets report that the formation of Los Zetas was the result of a "mass defection" of a single army unit. ASISTENTE DE DESPACHO JUDICIAL. He served as the right-hand man of Crdenas Guilln until 21 November 2002, when he was gunned down and killed by the Mexican Army Special Forces in the border city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. The navy is also blaming Martinez for the killing of the Tamaulipas state police commander and chief investigator on the case, an attack that hampered the investigation. Born: Dec. 25, 1974, in Veracruz The cartel also is blamed for setting a fire at a casino in Monterrey that killed 52 people. Heriberto Lazcano conocido en el mundo del hampa como El Verdugo o Z-3 o, se enrol en el Ejrcito mexicano a los 17 aos pero a los 24, despus de no haber pasado de cabo, se uni al narcotrfico como gatillero del Crtel del Golfo, fundado por Osiel Crdenas Guilln, quien reclutando a militares desertores de las Fuerzas Armadas de Mxico form a finales de los aos noventa a su brazo armado, Los Zetas. Sizing Up Conspiracy Theories for Zetas Leader's Death, SOMETIMES THROUGH VIOLENT CONFLICT WITH RIVAL GANGS. Fingerprints confirm that the leader of the Zetas drugs cartel, Heriberto Lazcano, was killed in a shootout with marines in a state bordering Texas, the Mexican navy has said. The cartel is in the midst of a bloody turf war with its former employer, the Gulf cartel, and also with the Sinaloa cartel. Lazcano was the last piece of the structured command and control organization that held Los Zetas together as a cohesive unit. [8], Sin embargo, algunos especialistas en criminalstica consideran que el cadver no perteneca a Heriberto Lazcano, ya que se encontraron algunas incongruencias. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano fue abatido el 7 de octubre de 2012 en un enfrentamiento con efectivos de la Armada de Mxico en Progreso, Coahuila. As reporter Anabel Hernandez points out for Proceso, its not even clear when the Zetas leader was born. Posteriormente se separaron y a partir de 2002 tom las riendas de la organizacin criminal con la colaboracin de Miguel Trevio Morales, el Z-40, nmero dos en la organizacin. Z-3 Heriberto Lazcano and El 40 decided now might be a good time for a strategic withdrawal from Veracruz. Z3 was shot and killed by Mexican security forces on October 7, 2012 in Progreso, Coahuila. Little was known about Lazcano, who turned his back on opulent displays of wealth and power common among other Mexican drug lords, and kept a low profile. The navy confirms the death of Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, His body was stolen by a group of armed men from a funeral home, It is uncertain what impact, if any, his death will have on drug violence. [6] Within hours, 34 rebels were killed and three others were captured by Guzmn Decena's counter-insurgency group. A Navy spokesperson tells AP that Martinez is believed to have masterminded the massacre of 72 migrants in the northern state of Tamaulipas in 2010. Read More WebAn autopsy carried out on the body of drug cartel leader Heriberto Lazcano before his body was stolen shows he died of six gunshot wounds, including two to the head, according to En 2010, Lazcano construy la Iglesia de Nuestra Seora de los Lagos, en la colonia Tezontle. Las autoridades de Mxico calificaron a Lazcano como un asesino violento e incluso se rumorea que en una de sus propiedades tiene animales salvajes como tigres y leones, a los que en algunas ocasiones ha alimentado con sus vctimas, en especial agentes federales.[6]. The ongoing fascination about Lazcanos death says more about the fundamental mistrust in the competence and the honesty of Mexican authorities than it does about the Zetas leader. Authorities at the scene recovered two assault rifles, a grenade launcher and 12 grenades, as well as a rocket launcher and two rockets. Instead, according to the available photos, the corpse's face is intact. Antes que l figuraba Arturo Guzmn Decena (Z-1) quien fue muerto tras un atentado en el interior de un restaurante en Matamoros en noviembre de 2002. En este santuario, de grandes ventanales y paredes anaranjadas, descansa una placa que rinde homenaje a su benefactor: Centro de Evangelizacin Catequesis Juan Pablo II, donada por Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano. With reports of the death of Zetas leader Heriberto Lazcano, alias Z-3, there are already plenty of conspiracy theories for why his body disappeared -- including assertions that he was never killed in the first place. With reports of the death of Zetas leader Heriberto Lazcano, alias Z-3 , there are already plenty of conspiracy theories for why his body disappeared -- including Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, quien al parecer este domingo fue abatido por la Marina, tambin conocido como El Lazca, es jefe fundador del grupo criminal de Los Zetas y se le considera el lder de la organizacin. He is the son of infamous drug lord Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn, once considered Mexico's most-wanted drug lord and the world's most-wanted criminal. ASISTENTE DE DESPACHO JUDICIAL DE TRIBUNAL DE ALZADA. Aunque hay ms piezas de plomo que plata en la trayectoria de Lazcano, su imagen fue tan poco proscrita que, hasta la fecha, en la ciudad de Pachuca se le sigue venerando, incluso ah se encuentran la mayora de sus obras de caridad. These in part, The monolithic sway of mass media on thought processes, where packaging is everything and the medium is the message., SVA MA Design Research, Writing and Criticism, Randy Radic is a former super model who succumbed to the ravages of time and age. "Here, in a community of more than 10,000 inhabitants, is where Heriberto In banners purportedly hung by the cartel, the group denied involvement. A local newspaper reported scenes of panic and terror as the shootout erupted next to where families were enjoying a baseball game. In the events leading up to the shootout, the Navy said it received complaints about armed men in the area and sent out a patrol to check out the reports. [1], Rogelio Gonzlez Pizaa was born in Mexico on 1 March 1974. Ellos lanzaron una campaa mortal contra autoridades mexicanas y el bombardeo de traficantes rivales para controlar las antiguas rutas de trfico empleadas por Crdenas". En la vida de este criminal, lder del crtel de Los Zetas, hubo mucha plata y mucho plomo. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! Lazcano muri en un tiroteo con la Armada de Mxico el 7 de octubre de 2012. Known to his associates as "Squirrel," Escobedo also has been linked to the escape of 151 prisoners in 2010 from a jail in the city of Nuevo Laredo, the recent flight of 131 prisoners in the city of Piedras Negras and the killing of U.S. citizen David Hartley in 2010 on Falcon Lake, which straddles the U.S.-Mexico border. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Mexican marines killed Lazcano in a shootout on Sunday in a small town in northern Mexico, 130 miles from the Texas border, the countrys navy said. WebOvidio Guzmn Lpez (born 29 March 1990) is a Mexican drug lord and high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel, a criminal group based in the state of Sinaloa. For years, some military generals took bribes from the cartels; amid the turmoil, Guzmn Decena acknowledged that he was better off outside the system and as a leader of Los Zetas. De acuerdo con la Semar, en el enfrentamiento del pasado domingo fueron abatidas dos personas y, segn las pruebas forenses, hay fuertes indicios de que uno de los cuerpos corresponde a el Lazca. Mexicos Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN) lists the date as Christmas 1974, the same year listed by the DEA, although Hernandez reports that the US agency also keeps a different date on record: January 1, 1970. [11], Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, threatening two U.S. federal agents in Matamoros, "Fundador zeta, El Lazca fue entrenado por el Ejrcito y agentes de EU en combate al crimen", "A Profile of Los Zetas: Mexico's Second Most Powerful Drug Cartel", "DESIGNATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREIGN NARCOTICS KINGPIN DESIGNATION ACT", "An overview of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act", "Dan 16 aos de crcel a ex lder de Los Zetas", "Al estilo Caro, lder "Zeta" sale de prisin", "Investiga DEA a 'El Keln' por amenaza a agentes", "Ejecutan a un fundador de los 'Zetas' en Matamoros", Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn (20012014),, People sanctioned under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, People involved in the 1999 Matamoros standoff, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 October 2022, at 02:03. por | Dic 2, 2020 | canyon ridge football | zulay kitchen address | Dic 2, 2020 | canyon ridge football | zulay kitchen address By law, military personnel in Mexico cannot keep or examine suspects or corpses, but must turn them over to civilian prosecutors. The navy said Martinez is also a suspect in dozens of killings of people who were buried in mass graves at the same site of the 2010 massacre of migrants. The organization he led, Calderon said, is behind countless high-impact crimes and extreme violence that many communities in the country have suffered.. [10] The role of Los Zetas was soon expanded by "collecting debts, securing cocaine supply and trafficking routes known as 'plazas,' and executing its foes often with grotesque savagery. El 27 de marzo de 1998, segn registros de la Secretara de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), Lazcano solicit su baja del Ejrcito cuando haba alcanzado el rango de cabo de infantera.[1]. Soon after, Lazcano and several other special forces members were recruited by the Gulf cartel to create its enforcement arm, Los Zetas. [18] According to the photos published by the local newspapers in Matamoros, a note accompanied the flowers and read the following: "You will always be in our hearts. Todos. WebThe third-in-command was Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano (alias "Z3"). A la edad de 24 aos abandona el Ejrcito para incursionar en el mundo del narcotrfico. Crdenas Guilln "The best armed men that there are." ADMINISTRADOR DE CENTRO DE JUSTICIA PENAL FEDERAL. When the soldiers arrived, Guzmn Decena was unable to defend himself and was shot to death.[17]. He has since broken off to head one of the most murderous gangs in the Mexican drug war, the Zetas allegedly responsible for the recent massacre of 72 migrants. Affiliation: Los Zetas What Can Be Learned from Mexico's Latest Wave of Attacks? CNNs Ben Brumfield, Lonzo Cook and Nelson Quinones in Atlanta, and journalist Victor Badillo in Coahuila state, Mexico, contributed to this report. WebHeriberto Lazcano. WebHeriberto Lazcano-Lazcano is the figurative leader of Los Zetas and the security chief for the Gulf Cartel. WebBorn in 1974, Lazcano joined the Mexican military in 1991, and became a member of the elite Airbone Special Forces group, known by its Spanish acronym GAFES. TIME looks at 10 of the country's most prominent gangsters dead or alive. "[7] A common explanation is that Guzmn Decena left the military in search of a higher payment, seeing that many cartel members lived ostentatiously and earned more in a year than a GAFE member earned in a lifetime. El Diario 10-11-2012 Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat Singuilucan, Hidalgo-- 54 kilometers (32 miles) from the capital city of the state of Hidalgo lies the country that witnessed the growth of one of the founders of the of the criminal organization known as "Los Zetas. Lazcano, who is also known as "El Verdugo (the Executioner) for his brutality, is suspected in hundreds of killings, including the June 2004 slaying of Francisco Ortiz Franco, a top editor of a crusading weekly newspaper in Tijuana that often reported on drug trafficking. The autopsy report describes six bullet wounds on Lazcano, although an official from the Coahuila state attorney's office later said there were only five. En Estados Unidos se ofreca 5 millones de dlares por informacin que llevara a su captura, y 30 millones de pesos en Mxico. Lazcano is said to be a founder of the Zetas cartel, along with other deserters from an elite army unit. For years he recruited other members of the Mexican Armed Forces to form Los Zetas. He was arrested for the first time in 1998, carrying some 325 kilograms of marijuana with him, although he was then allowed to walk free. Time and time again throughout the countrys drug war, government institutions have only simulated at doing what they are actually meant to do: even the Attorney Generals Office special investigative unit for organized crime allegedly had employees on the Sinaloa Cartels payroll. Lazcano, 37, joined the Mexican armed forces in 1991 and was part of its elite airborne special forces group, dedicated to battling drug cartels. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano (25 December 1974 7 October 2012), commonly referred to by his aliases Z-3 and El Lazca, was a Mexican drug lord and the leader of Los Zetas drug cartel. He was one of the most-wanted Mexican drug lords. A los 17 aos se alist en el Ejrcito mexicano y tiempo despus asumi el rango de oficial de Infantera, de donde desert en 1998 para unirse a una clula del crtel del Golfo. The kingpins death is arguably the Mexican governments biggest takedown since President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive six years ago, but the record is mixed on the impact of such successes. [15][16] Another account written by Jess Blancornelas indicates that Guzmn Decena went to a restaurant, had a few strong drinks, snorted a line of cocaine, and then decided to visit his mistress Ana Bertha Gonzlez Lagunes, who lived a few blocks away. [7] Guzmn Decena, however, shattered that model and left the military in 1997 to work full-time with a drug trafficking organization. The third-in-command was Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano (alias "Z3"). Nonetheless, he would have also lived comfortably as a successful GAFE member in the army. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. : Z3) ascended to the leadership of the paramilitary gang, and who will become the infamous ruthless leader of the, now independent, Zetas Drug Cartel. Investigators later found Herrera's decaying dead body at the outskirts of the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Guzmn Decena was born in a poor village in Puebla, Mexico on 13 January 1976, and finished middle school and high school before joining the Mexican military to escape poverty. One of the most direct rejections of Lazcanos death comes via Proceso magazine, which asked several unnamed specialists to compare the photos released of Lazcanos body with the autopsy report released to the media last week. WebHeriberto Lazcano Lazcano fue un narcotraficante, exmilitar y terrorista mexicano, se le conoci por liderar al grupo criminal Los Zetas, exgrupo armado del Crtel del Golfo. UPDATE: Lazcano was reportedly killed on October 9, 2012 in a gunfight with marines in Coahuila, a northern Mexico border state, according to information from the Mexican navy. Los Zetas, under the command of the three men, led covert operations in northern Mexico to decimate rival The ongoing Mexican government campaign has led to the killing of two major drug lords, Nazario Moreno Gonzalez and Antonio Ezequiel Cardenas at the end of 2010, and the arrest in June 2011 of Moreno's apparent successor Jesus Mendez Vargas. Given the amount of corruption and half-truths involved with Mexicos war on organized crime, its little wonder than Lazcanos death should be suspected of being just another simulation. For killing Gmez Herrera, Crdenas Guilln earned his nickname, the Mata Amigos ("Friend Killer"), and Guzmn Decena, the trust of his boss. Totally bereft of talent, he took up writing because anyone can do it., White Elephants and how not to be killed by them, Part 8: Why are we planning to go back to normal anyway? A senator from the rival Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) echoed such remarks, stating that the case of the missing body could turn into "a telenovela in which Lazcano later turns up alive or turns out to be a protected witness.". Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano (Apan, Hidalgo, 25 de diciembre de 1974 - Progreso, Coahuila, 7 de octubre de 2012) fue un narcotraficante, exmilitar y terrorista mexicano, se le conoci por liderar al grupo criminal Los Zetas, exgrupo armado del Crtel del Golfo. Copyright 2022 IBTimes LLC. They sent Zetas into Sinaloa and Jalisco to Webselect. De acuerdo con la pgina de Internet de la DEA, el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos ofreca cinco millones de dlares a cambio de informacin que llevara a su captura, mientras que el gobierno de Mxico, a travs de la Procuradura General de la Repblica (PGR), anunci una recompensa de 30 millones de pesos. Especially given that it is the very end of President Felipe Calderons term in office, there is arguably more pressure than ever on the security forces to capture the capos with recognizable names and faces. Stay up to date with our daily newsletter, Russia Threatens To Take Back Alaska From US Over War Sanctions, '140,000 Soldiers and 953 Ships': Leaked Audio Clip Reveals China's Plan To Invade Taiwan. The Zetas have been blamed for the mass graves and for the deaths of the migrants. "[19], Similarly, memorials were placed in the state of Oaxaca to venerate Guzmn Decena. The death is the latest in a string of blows against its leadership, he said. or redistributed. Ortiz Franco was gunned down in front of his two young children as he left a clinic. [13] Guzmn Decena, who was riding in the back seat of the truck, fired a bullet into Gmez Herrera's head. Market data provided by Factset. The name of the cartel conjures up some of the most violent images of the drug war: a casino fire that killed 52 people, the deaths of 72 migrants, and tortured bodies hanging from bridges. The investigation generated, As Full Stack WordPress Developer You Will: Work collaboratively with other developers and designers to maintain and improve organizational standards.Demonstrate a high level of attention to detail, and implement best. [19], In an apparent revenge for Guzmn Decena's assassination, four members of the Office of the General Prosecutor were abducted and murdered near Reynosa, Tamaulipas in early 2003, allegedly by Crdenas Guilln's men. ASISTENTE DE CONSTANCIAS Y REGISTRO DE JUEZ DE CONTROL O JUEZ DE ENJUICIAMIENTO. For those who put more trust in US law enforcement, the DEA has congratulated Mexico for killing Lazcano. Bribes were seen by soldiers as "benefits" to their job, and officers stood firm to the idea that they were protectors of the Mexican people. WebHeriberto Lazcano Lazcano (25 December 1974 7 October 2012), commonly referred to by his aliases Z-3 and El Lazca, was a Mexican drug lord and the leader of Los Zetas drug cartel.He was one of the most-wanted Mexican drug lords.. Lazcano joined the Mexican Army at the age of 17 and later ascended to the Grupo Aeromvil de Fuerzas Especiales Debajo, el Salmo 143 de la Biblia: Seor, escucha mi oracin, atiende mis plegarias, respndeme, t que eres fiel y justo, se lee. [4] The act prohibited U.S. citizens and companies from doing any kind of business activity with him, and virtually froze all his assets in the U.S.[5], He was arrested by federal agents and members of the now-extinct Polica Federal Preventiva (PFP) in Matamoros, Tamaulipas on 29 October 2004. The intelligence firm Stratfor said it expects Lazcanos death to have little impact on the Zetas operations. They were attacked with grenades thrown from a moving vehicle and a firefight ensued, it said. Lazcano fue reclutado en el Crtel del Golfo por otro exmilitar, Arturo Guzmn Decena, El Z-1, a quien tanto la PGR como la SSP federal le atribuyen la fundacin de Los Zetas. Lazcano was reportedly killed in a firefight with Mexican marines in Coahuila state on October 7, but his body was reported stolen from a town morgue the following day. He defected from the military in 1997 and formed Los Zetas, the Gulf Cartel's former paramilitary wing, under the leadership of the kingpin Osiel Crdenas Guilln. MEXICO CITY An autopsy carried out on the body of drug cartel leader Heriberto Lazcano before his body was stolen shows he died of six gunshot wounds, including two to the head, according to a forensic report released Thursday. Our work is costly and high risk. Unlike the rest of the founders of Los Zetas, however, he did not serve in the Mexican Armed Forces before joining the drug trade. PANDEMIC. Fingerprints confirm that the leader of the Zetas drugs cartel, Heriberto Lazcano, was killed in a shootout with marines in a state bordering Texas, the Mexican Bounty: $5 million (U.S.), 30 million pesos (Mexico) Estuvo en guerra con Joaqun Guzmn Loera. [10], On 6 December 2015, Gonzlez Pizaa was killed along with his family in Matamoros by suspected members of the Gulf Cartel. All rights reserved. The United States has offered a $5 million reward and Mexico an additional $2.3 million for information leading to Lazcano's arrest, according to the Associated Press. The members were given a codename with the letter Z, starting with Guzmn Decena with Z-1. Still, there is other evidence that indicates Lazcano has truly exited the scene. Despus de que el gobierno captur a Osiel Crdenas en 2003, Los Zetas tuvieron que emprender el camino solos. Lazcano fue errneamente reportado muerto el 5 de septiembre de 2007 durante un enfrentamiento con militares en Tamaulipas,[3] sin embargo se sabe que Lazcano continu con vida y dirigiendo a Los Zetas hasta el 7 de octubre de 2012 cuando fue abatido por miembros de la marina y el ejrcito mexicano. Lazcano es considerado responsable de miles de asesinatos, y se piensa que ha sido el gatillero de decenas de homicidios de traficantes rivales, policas, y del periodista Francisco Ortiz Franco, coeditor del semanario Zeta.[4]. The fight for access to lucrative smuggling routes in northern and central Mexico has left thousands of civilians dead. 2023 Cable News Network. ), "Special Report: Mexico's Zetas rewrite drug war in blood", "El Lazca desafa al poder que le dio vida: el Ejrcito", "Los Zetas and La Familia Michoacana Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs)", University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, "Los Zetas: the Ruthless Army Spawned by a Mexican Drug Cartel", "A Profile of Los Zetas: Mexico's Second Most Powerful Drug Cartel", "Violence erupting as cartels wage turf war: Violence in Matamoros", "Osiel Crdenas, de mesero y jefe policiaco a uno de los capos ms sanguinarios y poderosos del narco", El Narco: The Bloody Rise of Mexican Drug Cartels, Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn (20012014),, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox military person with embed, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 November 2022, at 22:29. Guzmn Decena "These are only in the army. In a twist, a group of armed men stole Lazcanos body from a funeral home, though authorities had already taken fingerprints and photographs to confirm his identity. There are also three different public records of Lazcanos height: according to the DEA, it is 58, or about 173 centimeters. He was one of the most-wanted Mexican drug lords. A nueve aos de la muerte del Lazca en el estado de Coahuila (al norte de Mxico), vecinos de la colonia Tezontle aseguran que las heridas abiertas por la guerra de Los Zetas, siguen sangrando al pas, pero su posibilidad de cicatrizarlas estn en la Iglesia catlica. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. [20] Less than four months after Guzmn Decena's death, the Mexican military captured the Gulf cartel's kingpin, Osiel Crdenas Guilln, on 14 March 2003. Arturo Guzmn Decena (13 January 1976 21 November 2002), also known by his code name Z-1, was a Mexican Army Special Forces officer and high-ranking member of Los Zetas, a criminal group based in Tamaulipas. He deserted And because nobody recognized him, nobody bothered to guard the body. In 2010, the bodies of 72 migrants from Central and South America were discovered at a ranch in Tamaulipas state. Nearly 200 bodies were discovered in April 2011 in the town of San Fernando, close to the U.S. border. Hasta la fecha de su muerte fue considerado el segundo narcotraficante ms buscado de Mxico.[2]. Meanwhile, the database kept by the federal government says that Lazcano was born in 1975, according to Proceso. "Information was obtained after the first forensics tests were carried out that yielded indications that suggest that one of the bodies is Heriberto Lazcano," the navy's statement said. Tras su muerte, su cuerpo fue sacado de la funeraria por una banda armada. [7] Mounting pressures arose from the families of the "disappeared" who made marches in Mexico City, and many military officers were found guilty in courts-martial for human right abuses and corruption.