News & Dev Posts; SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Recruit; . Though there were some who frowned upon such actions, the vast majority of the galaxy cared only that Revan and Malak were winning the war and hailed them as heroes. [3], Darth Malak was able to amplify his screams, triggering shock waves that rippled through the Force. During this event. "[2] Abel G. Pea, who wrote Malak's entry in the campaign guide, stated on his official thread on that while the "Sith Magnus" is a canonical rank, he could not elaborate on its meaning yet. [3], Malak's chance to usurp Revan's position came in 3957 BBY[51] when the Jedi Council sent a strike team to capture the two Sith Lords. He was proficient in using the Force to augment his speed and to suppress the abilities of another Force user. He shared these thoughts with his closest friend, Revan, who found that he agreed and understood his friend's mindset completely. Create your own SWGOH Avatar! However, she was not ready, due to recent experiences that had left her vulnerable. [3] Sometime before the year 3964 BBY, both young men completed their training and attained the rank of Jedi Knight. During his time as a Jedi, Malak was trained as a Jedi Guardian, focusing on lightsaber combat and physical aspects of the Force. Darth Malak gains 35% Critical Avoidance, Health Steal, Tenacity, and Defense while he has less than 75% Health, doubled while he has less than 50% Health, and tripled while he has less than 25% Health. When Malak inquired as to where Jarael was, Carrick told him that she had left his group. I didn't have to move around mods at all. [3] In 3959 BBY, the pair founded a new Sith Empire and returned to Korriban, seizing control of the planet and re-establishing the Sith Academy there. Malak and Revan ultimately defeated the Mandalorians in the war's final battle at Malachor V and pursued the surviving Mandalorians into the Unknown Regions. When Demagol came to take Jarael, Alek volunteered to be studied in her place, insisting that he had some abilities that Demagol had yet to discover. [11] Seeking to make Shan his apprentice in order to fortify the Sith Empire's efforts with her battle meditation, Malak attempted to turn her to the dark side and tortured her with Force lightning. Dark Side Battles; Squad Cantina Battles; Fleet Battles; Mod Battles; Guilds. This doesn't work - he just randomly one-shots revan no matter how many stacks, and keeps doing 'dark infusion' every turn - what am I doing wrong? Darth Bandon (Sith apprentice)[3]Bastila Shan (Sith apprentice)[3] [39], During the trial, Malak testified to the audience about Demagol's experiments on both him and the Jedi who had not survived the scientist's studies. He nearly succeeded when his apprentice, Darth Bandon, led an attack on her ship, the Endar Spire, above the planet Taris. Before Malak testified against Demagol, he met with Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogryph, who had also been called to testify against the scientist. fp. Featuring a basic that can inflict Healing Immunity and a powerful AoE attack that can land Expose, Darth Sidious was a popular choice to unlock and utilize . To prevent Shan from escaping, Malak captured Taris and blockaded the planet. Jarael, who had spent the past few days in Adasca's company, attempted to inform Alek that Adasca was scheming, but she was quickly interrupted and restrained from doing so by Adasca. Affiliation(s) Canderous used over Juhani. Update: was able to beat the light side battle. [3], When Alek met Jarael at Flashpoint Station, he recognized that she was not a Jedi, and pleaded with Demagol to be examined in her place;[6] he had hoped to spare Jarael the pain of being tortured. Revan managed to stop the droids from attacking him and followed Malak to the observation tower. Darth MalakAlek 18. r/kotor. A short time later, after the Jedi dispatched a strike team to capture Revan and Malak, the latter betrayed his Sith Master, ordering the guns of his flagship to fire on Revan's vessel. As Surik looked on, Malak slowly lured several Jedi to his side. Malak helped Revan track down the Star Maps that led to the Star Forge and, after finding the superweapon above Rakata Prime, Revan assumed the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak becoming his Sith apprentice. He asked her to question whether it was the timing that was the problem or if it was just him that she did not want to become involved with. The crew then split into two groups. Chronological and political information With every droid he kills you gain 3 stacks of Ferocity. Shortly thereafter, they were attacked by the primitive Black Rakata, who attempted to take them prisoner, but after the two Sith Lords displayed their Force powers, the natives were quickly cowed into submission. te. Everyone else is simply fodder. Hair color This allowed the Sith forces to sweep in and destroy over half of the docked ships before they had time to react. [25] Not only was Alek proud to stand at Revan's side to defend the Republic, but he also sought to defend its ideals, including freedom and justice. Homeworld With that, Malak's reign as the Dark Lord ended, and the Republic eventually emerged victorious from the Jedi Civil War. Malak also believed the dark side was named from the ignorance of not experiencing the perpetual belief that every day would be one's last dayall for cowards unwilling to fight for their own survival. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 999 characters. However, Revan and his crew located the Star Forge and sent the space station's coordinates to Republic Admiral Forn Dodonna so that she could bring the Republic fleet and Jedi reinforcements led by Jedi Master Vandar Tokare to attack the Sith and their Star Forge. Malak was reminded by his former Master that he had chosen to continue to practice the dark side, and Malak told Revan that perhaps there was more truth in the Jedi Code than he had ever believed. Requires the following characters, with at least 17,500 power: I think g11 may help you some. Bring Darth Revan's ferocity stacks as high as possible. [45] Together, Revan and Malak liberated Taris, fought Cassus Fett at Jaga's Cluster, and defeated much of the Mandalorian army at Althir. KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC #50 -- My only friend, the end! While Revan was remembered and admired by many for his tactical genius and subtleties, and was celebrated as a hero both before and after his corruption for winning the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War, Malak by contrast was remembered by others, such as Exchange crime boss G0-T0, as something of a brute who had left the galaxy in a mess. Before he and the rest of the freed Jedi prisoners escaped, Alek asked Carrick to join them once again. [25] However, according to the 2004 strategy guide for The Sith Lords, Malak's lightsaber contained a violet crystal, and could be found at some point in the game. [5] Led by Revan, whom Alek called "his honorary Master,"[8] Alek and his fellow Jedi investigated the Mandalorian threat along the Republic border against the wishes of the Jedi Council. Here are a few more suggestions you may want . After Nord's death, Karath informed Malak of the bounty hunter's failure. Revan offered Malak a chance to surrender, reminding the Dark Lord that the Jedi might show him mercy. [3], After successfully capturing Shan aboard the Leviathan, Malak took the Jedi to the Temple of the Ancients[3] on Rakata Prime. Following Malak's brawl with Rohlan Dyre,[10] who was in actuality Demagol,[39] Carrick deceived Malak into believing that he and Jarael were romantically involved. [15] Alek further demonstrated his desire to protect Jarael during Arkoh Adasca's auction for the exogorth superweapons. Of all the Its safe to say my GAC opponent is libertarian. This is the teaser for their first episode. I was able to beat the Dark Side portion of the event by supercharging Darth Revan by focusing on the droids. [3] Unlike his former Sith Master,[49] the Sith Magnus[2] would destroy worlds rather than capture them, ensuring that neither the Sith nor the Republic had the resources they needed. As the war progressed, Malak became a military general and gained a reputation as a headstrong warrior who recklessly charged into danger. [2], Malak with his protective jaw-casing removed, Darth Malak was a light-skinned Human male who stood two meters in height. Karath complied with Malak's command, killing millions of innocent people and earning the wrath of the surviving Telosians, including the Republic commander Carth Onasi,[2] who had once considered Karath his mentor and Malak a hero. I started to loose track of the number of times I tried to beat the Light Side event, sigh. gj. The Senate guards escorted Dyre out of the Senate chamber and put the Mandalorian in a speeder which would take him back to his holding cell. [2][11][14], Star Wars Miniature figure of Darth Malak, The light-sided ending in which Revan slays Malak and destroys the Star Forge has been confirmed as the canonical ending. Only attack Malak by choice after all Jedi are dead. Malak, who had been separated from his Master, ordered the guns of his own flagship, the Leviathan, to fire on Revan's vessel in an attempt to slay both his Master and the Jedispecifically the strike team's leader, Bastila Shan, because of her skills with battle meditation, a Force power that enabled her to strengthen the Republic forces' resolve and coordinate their fighting effort while sapping the will of their enemies. However, in the alternate dark-side ending for Knights of the Old Republic, Revan gives in to the dark side at the Temple of the Ancients on Rakata Prime. They discovered the Sith Lord's tomb hidden in a giant pillar of ice and found a datacron that would lead them to the planet Nathema. Thanking the Elders, the two Sith Lords promised to destroy the Star Forge and return. Malak was at first surprised that any Jedi could stand against an army of Star Forge droids, but then he was told that Revan was with the Jedi. Black[5] They gradually changed from the idealistic men that had first rebelled against the Jedi Council and began to adopt characteristics similar to their Mandalorian adversaries. However, Malak underestimated the Jedi, and the Dark Jedi Master brought news of the droids' failure. Physical description Malak informed Carrick that he was there for Jarael, and Carrick pretended that he and Jarael were romantically involved, which surprised Malak. ld. [3] Unbeknownst to Malak, Shan saved Revan's life and brought him to the Jedi Council, who, under the direction of Masters Dorak and Zhar Lestin, reprogrammed his mind with the identity of a Republic soldier. G11 zaal and mission with zeta, but they were practically useless. Dark Side Malak Strategy. [3][25], Openly revealing themselves as Sith Lords, the pair and their followers declared war on the Republic and the Jedi Order. [16] Shortly after Carrick and Dyre successfully rescued the Jedi on the station, Alek asked Jarael to call him by his real name rather than his nickname, Squint, the next time they met. After Revan and Malak gained the Elders' trust, the Elders gave the Sith access to the Temple of the Ancients, which enabled Revan and Malak to disable the disruptor field and reach the Star Forge. Let's take a look at the best mods to place on Darth Revan to make this exclusive . Despite Nord's galaxy-wide reputation as a bounty hunter, he did not survive his next encounter with Revan. [37] Both Malak and Revan were promoted to the rank of general. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. "/> ri km. at least that is what I assume from his kit. [47] Upon their arrival, the pair crashed on[3] Rakata Prime[11] as the result of a disruptor field which was protecting the Star Forge. Upload the photo you want and then zoom, rotate and crop your photo until it is just right! [60] He was skilled in the use of Sith sorcery. Darth Malak's image was featured in a record by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural three centuries after the Sith Lord's death. Darth Malak takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects, and at the start of battle he loses all Protection and gains that much Max Health. [9][55][53][56] In addition, a collection of Darth Malak's writings, known as the Morrigan Scrolls, survived for some time after his death. [3] He spoke and understood Basic, the Republic's trade language,[3] as well as the Sith. How do I defeat Darth Malak at the Star Forge? [10] Eventually, Malak was contacted by Jarael, who asked for his assistance in tracking down Carrick, who had been kidnapped by the slavery organization know as The Crucible during a mission to rescue the Crucible's slaves. [20], Alek, Jarael, and his comrades at Demagol's mercy, Soon after leaving Taris, Alek and his companions were left behind on the planet Suurja while Revan investigated events on Onderon and its jungle moon, Dxun. Darth Malak was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the Jedi Civil War. In 3958 BBY, Revan and his Sith carried out a successful attack on the shipyard world of Foerost, capturing the majority of the Republic's fleet. Then I slowly killed the jedis and when I had 4 stacks of armor shred and 10 counts on Malak went after him. Enemy/Boss PC 2 answers Play as Reven and Malak? 50 undispellable stacks is the magic number. tj. He was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order and was nicknamed Squint by his fellow Jedi, before eventually becoming a Jedi Knight. However, he felt that they could be entrusted to the Jedi, as the Revanchists saw heartache and chaos in the years to come. Malak then used the Force to create a stasis field around Shan and Onasi and prepared to kill his former Master. Immediately after, the Dark Lord exemplified his skills by throwing and plunging his lightsaber into the chest of one of the captured Jedi. Dyre openly questioned Malak's tactics, asking who would save the Republic from Malak after the Jedi succeeded in his quest. [3] Alek was the first to join Revan's movement, known as the Revanchists,[2] and other Jedi soon followed. pu zh wg ul pj fm lk pg. "Moral shortcuts" became common practice under their leadership, along with a number of other unsavory acts. Eventually, Malak and the Republic forces under his command recaptured the Omonoth system and recovered the Arkanian Legacy's remains. However, Malak withdrew from battle, explaining to his former Master that he could not be defeated. Zaalbar at g11 and a zeta. [8], In 3964 BBY,[2] around the time both Alek and Revan were promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight,[8] the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders launched an assault on the Republic and started the Mandalorian Wars. Yet despite further corruption by the dark side, Malak was never fully able to rid himself of the good in him. Bless you killed it first try doing this. At the end of each turn, enemies who inflicted Damage Over Time on Darth Malak or critically hit him this turn are inflicted with Fear for 1 turn, which can't be resisted or evaded. It pushes them out of arena. Step by step instructions for Darth Malak lightside. You are going to want a fast, high-protection Darth Malak with some very strong Offense and Tenacity while not forgetting Health and Potency. As Alek and Jelavan were discussing the Covenant's actions with Lamar and Tokare, Covenant Jedi Master Xamar arrived with Carrick and Hierogryph,[7] and agreed to testify against the Covenant's illegal activities before the Council. [41], While many in the Republic credited Revan's military strategies for the Republic's success during the Mandalorian Wars, other individuals were quick to point out Malak's fierce courage and relentless fury at the forefront of every battle as the key to the victory. I am not sure if I can pinpoint a strategy other than keeping Malaks enrage down by alternating between killing droids and the Jedi tanks. [10] After the Mandalorians had destroyed his life on Quelii,[13] Malak had answered to names that others gave him and were not his own because he had not cared; Malak thought that because his home was gone, it did not matter who he was. [65], When asked in a series of questions on his blog about Malak's age, Miller stated that the Jedi was closer in age to Jaraelwho was born in 3988 BBY[38]and that Malak was older than Zayne Carrick. [49] After Revan's apparent death, Malak took a former Jedi whose quest for power had set him apart from his fellow students and named him Darth Bandon,[45] taking him as his Shadow Hand and elevating the young Sith to the second-in-command in the Sith Empire. [3] Alek and the Revanchists began participating in the war effort through a scouting mission along the Outer Rim. Malak realized that his former Master's powers had surpassed those that he had held during his reign as the Dark Lord. [24][46] The heroic reputation that Revan and Malak had gained during the Mandalorian Wars was finally cemented during the final battle of the war, in which Revan forced a final confrontation with the Mandalorians over Malachor V. During the battle, Revan slew Mandalore the Ultimate, taking his mask and learning of a Sith threat behind the Mandalorian Wars. However, when the Republic fleet attacked the Star Forge, Revana redeemed and retrained Jediboarded the ancient superweapon and confronted Malak in a lightsaber duel that resulted in the Dark Lord's death. [73], Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. Malak confronts Revan in a duel aboard the Star Forge. [7], Following their testimony, the foursome arrived at the rendezvous point where they were to meet with Carrick and Hierogryph. [15], When Dyre and Demagol emerged, they announced that Carrick was dead. Malak used the Force to drain the life force from one of the Jedi, transferring it to himself. Especially the health parts. After Alek and the Revanchists left Taris,[5] however, Lucien Draay and his fellow Jedi Masters of the secret Jedi organization known as the Covenant acted on a vision,[18] murdering their Padawans[19] in an attempt to prevent the rise of a potential Sith Lord. During the discussion, Revan noticed a Mandalorian helmet underneath his feet and picked it up. 10 days ago. While there, Jedi Master Lucien Draay sent Alek to look for Zayne Carrick, Draay's Padawan. [3] Alek, now Revan's right-hand man[24] traveled to worlds such as Dantooine to recruit even more Jedi to his and Revan's growing rebellion. Leaderboard; Guild Activities; News. No aoe from Revan. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Darth Malak: With the Darth Revan Sith Empire team still holding strong as the top or second best team in the game nearly a year after his release, having good mods on your Darth Malak is going to be key to your success. Malak died with regret over his actions and without contempt toward his former friend. Join. Then gradually took out the Stasis Jedi when the droids had not respawned. He ordered the forces under his command to detain and search every speeder for Demagol, regardless of citizens' rights and the various Coruscanti jurisdictions. Not long afterward, Alek, Carrick, Draay, Onasi, Karath, Jarael, Dyre, and Morvis, were forced to escape the Legacy's observation dome as the exogorths, which had gone out of Adasca's control, devoured it and killed Adasca. He and Bastila Shan, who has sworn fealty to him, board the Star Forge and make their way to the command center. They found out that the Emperor was raising an army to again invade the Republic, and eventually located a member of the Imperial Guard who agreed to sneak them into the Imperial Citadel; however they were unaware of the Imperial Guard's bond to the Emperor's will and were instead led into a trap. Revan would not be dissuaded, and both he and Alek believed that the Order operated too slowly and exercised excessive caution in its decisions. Upon his arrival aboard the Arkanian Legacy, Adasca's flagship, Alek was reunited with both Jarael and Dyre. [34] Before they separated once more, Alek told Carrick, who engineered a plan to stop the Covenant, to bring evidence of the Covenant's Sith artifact warehouse to the Jedi High Council. Prior to Alek's departure, several Jedi had experienced visions regarding the possible importance of Adasca's exogorths and the role they could play in the ongoing conflict. #KOTOR15 Week in the #SWTOR Cartel Market! However, Malak replied that the wiping of an individual's identity was no act of mercy and stated that he would rather die. Malak eventually contacted Marn Hierogryph in search of Jarael, and the Snivvian informed Malak that the two of them, along with a few others, were on the planet Wor Tandell. Malak knew there would be some who thought and claimed that he had been a coward, that he had acted out of fear so as not to face Revan in personal combat.[3]. [33] While the group was departing from Jebble, a Mandalorian fleet commanded by Mandalore's primary strategist Cassus Fett arrived. For LS I used Zaalbars armor shred on the droids to up to 2x, killed them as often as possible to keep Malaks stacks down. A small part of Malak always regretted betraying his Master from afar, however. Now assisted by Shan's battle meditation, Malak considered his Sith Empire to be invincible. Shortly thereafter, Revan and Malak traveled to the Sith planet of Malachor V, where they discovered the Trayus Academy and delved deeply into the Sith secrets contained within. [49] Because the victories during the Mandalorian Wars corresponded frequently with crushing moral compromises, Malak sensed that he was falling to the dark side but saw no alternative path. He was further surprised when Karath offered Republic territory for the device. Officially, he synergizes best with Darth Revan, Bastila Shan (Fallen), HK-47 and Sith Trooper. The more ferocity stacks you get the less Damage Malak was doing to him. Although the truth of what happened on Cathar was known,[10] the Jedi still did not give Revan and Malak their full support, but Revan managed to organize the Revanchists under the banner of a Republic Mercy Corps. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When the two Jedi arrived there, they found the planet devoid of the Force. [10] When Malak met with Carrick before the trial of Demagol, the former Padawan told Malak that he and Jarael had ended their relationship. When Malak attempted to reason with the man, the Mandalorian punched him in the jaw. After the Mandalorian's destruction of Serroco, Arkoh Adasca, the eighth lord of the House of Adasca and the leader of the Adascorp Medical Corporation, invited Revan to attend a meeting to bid on exogorth creatures, after Adasca discovered that they could be constructed into biological superweapons. News & Dev Posts; SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Recruit; . During Revan's search for the Rakatan space station, Malak and his Sith forces attacked Dantooine. The entrance of Revan and his Jedi into the war marked the conflict's turning point. Followed strat, have ~50 stacks, malak only one left You just click on them, they're like any other targetable unit, assuming Malak isnt taunting. [28], Eventually, Lucien Draaywho had arrived on the Legacy earlier in order to investigate Adasca[29]and Carrick met up with Carth Onasi and Dyre to work together to create a plan to compromise Adasca's scheme. Alek rescued Carrickwho was falling into the cityscape after attempting to capture the Snivvian black marketeer Marn Hierogryphby jumping off his airspeeder and catching the Padawan. [24] So as to condemn the Mandalorians to wander without a leader,[25] Revan left Mandalore's mask in the tomb before he and Malak left for Nathema. [5], Before he and the Revanchists left Taris, Alek shared this opinion with Carrick and advised him that it was sometimes necessary to enter the darkness in order to save the light. Weaken all the pods to red, then destroy them 1 by 1 or with AoEs. Malak was informed by Sith Admiral Varko that the fleet was merely awaiting the Dark Lord's instructions; the Sith Lord was confident that they would be invincible once Shan provided assistance with her battle meditation. Lamar and Tokare stressed that what they needed was one of the[7] Covenanters[2] to stand up and confess. Arena mods (150+ speed mods on DR/Badstila, offense on HK, protection and 100+ speed on Carth/Juhani. Darth Names and the Darth Who winner revealed. Revan removed Malak's jaw with a lightsaber strike,[2] and Malak was forced to wear a large metal prosthesis cover over where his jaw had once been. [57], The atrocities that Darth Malak committed overshadowed his good deeds as a Jedi Knight in galactic history. Then gradually took out the Stasis Jedi when the droids had not respawned. As the war progressed, concerns were raised over Revan and Malak's behavior. [25] Having defeated the Mandalorians, the two now-legendary Jedi Knights did not return to the Republic. Following a week of torture, Malak succeeded in breaking Shan's will, finally turning her to the dark side, and took her as his apprentice to replace the fallen Darth Bandon. My GAC opponent is libertarian Jedi to his former Master Gnost-Dural three after! 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