Domini Alia Teer now is popular for being the Ex-girlfriend of Damien Echols. For those of you that dont believe in wronly convicted go check out the site http://www.innocence & that will expose you to what you refuse to believe takes place in our great American Judical Courts. In their new book, Damien Echols and Lorri Davis share a broad selection of their most effective rituals, meditations, and prayerspresented in terms accessible to all. These murderers walking free are guilty. Damien Echols is a great fan of Aleister Crowley, who literally wrote the book on doing Satanic sex magick child sacrifices to gain power. Echols is a Satanic Witch, there is no doubt about it. If anyone still thinks that the three are innocentlook at some facts. Domini remarried a long, long time ago and lives in another State. An aside, I can assure u that a huge percentage of people (especially teens, and mentally troubled teens at that) would break down and confess under twelve hours of interrogations by a trained interrogator. Basically its like pleading guilty without actually admitting guilt. But my impression at the time the first doc aired was not that these elements were included in order to give the film a pro-WM3 spin but to simply add some complexity and dramatic tension to the narrative. 1. am happy for people to believe freely in which ever god/goddess/guru they like Someone should have been able to say, Hey Jerry? Case in point: Jeff. Although next time Id prefer a cool ranch flavor rather than the taste of bitterness and angst. I love how people defend these guys saying that there are a lot of creepy teens out there. Knowing what we know now and the subsequent Paradise Lost films its hard to see the original documentary as anything but a pro-WM3 production. I know, sometimes the jokes write themselves. Please read the information about the lack of eveidence, and stop accusing Even Arkansas New they had no evidence to convict them this time Thats is why they let them go! I have been researching this obsessively for about a month now. Thanks to them and the Plea they took, his murdering ass will never spend time behind bars! Not one shred of evidence will support Damien, Jason, or Jessie on the victims or at the crime scene. Leave them alone. A few weeks ago a screening of Echols' 'documentary' West of Memphis was held and the following day Echols participated in a forum called "Truth in Documentaries"., Link to Jesses confession to prosecuting attorneys you as well as trench, me and anyone else who pays a visit here is entitled to their opinion. There will always be people like this in the world. so that alone gives me just as much influence in knowing the truth as him. Dont be surprised if he mutilates one and stomps the other. These actions were the products of a sick and twisted mind. I mean how hard would it of been after Jessies confession to get Jessie to call Echols or Baldwin and get a confession on tape of Jessie having a conversation with 1 or both of them. Check your facts before Slandering people you know nothing about. Testimony was given by the Hollingsworth family that they could identify Damien Echols and Domini on the road beside robin hood woods covered in mud on the evening of the boys dissapearance(a detailed description was given by all). GUILTY! Were they knocked out first then hog tied? Wow, just wow. Yeah, you read that right. Well, the Duffer Brothers have said that Eddie's character was inspired by artist and writer Damien Echols, who was one of "the West Memphis Three" and a real-life victim of the Satanic panic that swept America in the '80s and '90s. The cold hard truth is, Terry Hobbs should be kissing the ground those 3 walk on. FOREVER. Damien Echols is their Eric Harris and Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin are the Dylan Klebold-like sycophants. But then, it would have been much harder to shoot up a school in a country that doesnt sell guns in supermarkets. If you were so focused on the way these boys looked maybe you could see the actual facts and your opinion wouldnt get in the way so much. He said they had been shown a photograph of the three boys on their bikes at a cult meeting prior to the murders (see his confessions at Starring: Duncan Trussell, Phil Hendrie, Drew Pinsky. In my opinion they Damien Echols fits the psychological profile of a school shooter, Eric Harris of Columbine infamy to be specific. believe the world was flat, someone with courage went that step further and ?you are trying to say that only 1 person witnessed this?? If the most recent reports about Miskelley, Jr. still hold true, he has been living in West Memphis. Ive already explained why the DNA in this case is not the be all and end all. There is quite a detailed account from lots of witnesses about the search that ensued for the boys as soon as the alarm was raised. Aaron Hutchinson, Vicki's eight-year-old son, tells police that he and the three murdered boys often visited Robin Hood woods together, and that they had at times seen five men in the woods sitting in a circle, singing songs to the Devil, and doing "what . Documentaries Blue Wax from a candle holds some power IMO but still would of liked more concrete certain links. Now, that piece neglects to mention that Woodmansee was convicted of murdering a 5 year old boy in 1975 (but wasnt caught/convicted until 1983), and that, according to his journal, he sexually assaulted the boy before murdering him and stashing he body in a trunk in his basement. Im searching for the truth and I believe somewhere in this mish mash of information the truth lies. . boys thats mighty Christian of you all (there was one man in the movie the Fair minded folk know that they were all guilty and gutless. It shows a lot. Something never spoken of was the fact that the kids had bikes. Damien Echols is their Eric Harris and Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin are the Dylan Klebold-like sycophants. Most of the people who thought they were guilty has now changed their minds.. But thats because I would also be innocent. It comes out in stores this spring, but you can pre-order it through my website here: Thank you for your support! they could all be guilty, they could all be innocent, one or two may be guiltyno one knows except the killer(s) and the victims, and unfortunately the victims cant tell us. do you honestly think the abusively strict misskelley sr would teach his low iq son to deceive the police? Sorry if I wasnt clear on that. Welcome to the year 2012. I tried to see an injustice here, but sorry, cant do it. The victims in this travesty and gross mis-justice are Christopher Byers, Michael Moore, Steven Branch and there families. Just because the general public have access to case files, everyone suddenly thinks they are qualified in legal matters. And while it may be my amateur opinion you may want to look up this thing called criminal profiling. Before you blog about stupid shit you dont know, why dont you research first seriously. It is all documented and he explains in detail how they murdered the boys. For one thing, there wouldnt have been anything particularly weird or unusual about a fan of heavy metal in the early 90s in rural Arkansas. They claimed to have sufficient evidence when they filed their new trial motions in 2008 and had the benefit of three additional years of testing and investigation prior to the hearings. Documentaries are less about presenting the facts than they are about presenting the facts as the director sees them. I am sorry you getting derailed on the subject. Normally when someone like him gets off I would agree but hes been working on this for too long. WHY are there no phone records??? Obviously there were school shootings prior to the late 1990s but they did not become the cultural phenomenon they are in this country until the late 90s with such shootings as Paducah, Jonesboro and of course Columbine. Not for Micheal Moore, Chris Byers, or Stevie Branch. you should applaud trench for his article, instead of arguing against it, based on your past. It simply makes good criminals into super criminals. Are you trying to be a sheep to the hollywood flock? At the time I bought it, I had zero idea who the trio was, assumed they had been sent up for life for possession or selling LSD or something. One simple comment the defense attorney said had me convinced theyre innocent. $300 bucks to get his electricity turned on? Spidey, Venom, get it? DNA does not lie!!! Have you even researched the case? Is it a coincidence that all wow johnny depp must be having a hard time in holllywood along with eddie veder cause they cant make enough money. 1) He never went outside while in prison (It is a regulatio that all inmates have outside time). You seem pretty nasty and judgemental (Reynolds). In this podcast, Sounds True founder Tami Simon speaks with Damien about his forthcoming book, Angels and Archangels, which offers us a practical set of tool. How sad!! I compare them to Casey Anthony because theyre all child killers that got off. Damien, Jason, JessieI wish you all long happyfulfilledlives. Profile Summary Famous As: son of Damien Echols Date of Birth: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown Are you for real? there lawyers told them that this was the only way out. well a lot of people would be shocked. The entire case was originally a bunch of misinformation. All lies have bits of truth weaved thru them to make them more believable. There are numerous documented cases where teens have been hired as hitmen for relatively small amounts of money. Do you know him personally? question the fund that is asking for donations, the one that his wife The most valuable evidence were the victims bodies, were they properly examined and store any tissue samples for future analysis if needed? If you are not a coward, which I think you are, write a book and cross your point. I think Echols is a very disturbed person and now he has celebrity backing reinforcing his behavior. All in all, I believe that the cult, drugs, the desire for easy money in an economically depressed area and familial. Ok, the thing is, NO SCHOOL SHOOTER HAS EVER BEEN PROLIFIC. i think i do remember something about it. I cant get enough of serial killer documentaries but a fairly normal and uninteresting guy like Damien Echols who only became a person of interest because of what was done to him by a massively flawed legal system. West Memphis police just had it out for those three and needed to answer the angry parents!!! Its kind of a requirement for coming to one position or another. LTrainLT, cant reply to your comment, so Ill just post it here: The first reason is that to me the West Memphis 3 fit the profile of school shooters. People profile me as being racist towards blacks just because im caucasian and others suspect that i must be anti american/ evil because im Muslim. so i guess that meets your definition of coerced? I was an antisocial teenager who used to wear black and listen to Metallica also. To continue your little play on words, that taste you got was not bitterness and angst. As for the other witnesses they are just bigot assholes who are hateful towards Echols solely because of the way he dresses and his interests. THAT HE WAS A CREEPY KID?? The most he was ever accused of was wearing a pentacle in school, refusing to take it off, and refusing to submit to the principal for corporal punishment. You are aware that the overwhelming majority of murdered children are murdered by their parents or caregivers, right? matter how hard he tried and there is no way you could watch this man and Though I was never picked on for it because I spent my life laughing when someone even tried so it didnt last long if someone did,but these boys were never targeted.period,Its just the excuse they used and yeah,they were targeted because they were guilty,Thats what cops do,LoL Heck if I did it Id think they targeted me too.I mean seriously!Anyway thats why I think I related to the poor boy thing but poor or not I know I could never hurt a child let alone stomp them todeath,tie them up back to back,they were defenceless by being 8 yrs old and yet tied up and beat to death IMHO. Its sickening. guilt or innocence. Im sorry I ruined your day, dude. Best if you sell your PC rather than try to spread garbage.. and lets face it, those 3 californians who kept pushing for their release led by that brainless blonde kathy bakken..they strike me as the type of people who have a thing for serial killers..they probably have charles manson and john wayne gacy pictures and posters all over their rooms..stop the lying tonto..i mean! Han var 18 r vid tiden fr brottet, dmdes till dden ret drp och frigavs som 36-rig efter att ny teknik kastat tvivel ver den ursprungliga domen. Was one of your family members a part of the jury that convicted these innocent men ? 15ish? trench is spot on, and if he wasnt, there would be evidence compiling to exonerate them instead of trying to get a lame ass, chicken crap petition movement going. And besides, 99% of your content is bs, so I figured thats what were doing? Thank you. He was only depressed and not a total psycho. it makes sense to confess beating up a kid, after all damion and jason did the abusing and killing. Were the 3 convicted murders ever given a psychological evaluation? Was he coerced into this? I think you are the real killer. they were released bc even the police know they innocent..thats why they made the 3 teens sign a paper saying they will not sue arkansas..go read all the stuff on and you will realize what everybody else realizes, NO EVIDENCE ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARD TERRY HOBBS. Did the school district lie? I think Damien Echols is a narcissist and a cunning and deceitful polo de eddie stranger things percuando son nulos los actos administrativos. STATE OF ARKANSAS!!!! Regardless of the unfortunate trigger happy epidemic currently faced by the US. The boys were boyscouts. Damien Wayne Echols (born Michael Wayne Hutchison; December 11, 1974) is an American writer, best known as one of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers controversially accused and convicted of a triple murder. 3) He names every person he remembers being sent to death row in his book. What do you make of him requesting new DNA testing? I suppose you could get rid of/reform the appeals process and piss on the Constitution, but whatevs, right, Jeff? So hopefully for Today is the first day of a Kickstarter campaign intended to raise money for post-production costs related to my documentary about the West Memphis Three. That said, I think the Paradise Lost and West of Memphis documentaries and what has now become the generally accepted narrative of this case (that the WM3 were railroaded by superstitious self righteous rednecks) is in many ways BS. Thank god someone else with sum common sense. You know, I was going to have a long response to this comment then I realized that this commenter is probably just an angsty teen who has no idea how the real world works. Boycott these parasitesthey are evil and they know it!! Let me guess, the entire district is part of the cult. contributions attacking the states case from virtually every angle. Thats bascially ALL it takes! No alibi? It does not. The fact that you use the term nons leads me to believe that youre just as judgmental and zealous as you claim their detractors to be. Jesus Would. Full stop. Their sentences were also upheld by the Arkansas State Supreme court. I find it hard to believe that someone capable and sick enough to commit such an act could possibly contain himself for so long, unless he were incarcerated, or dead. I welcome the idiots as it shows that people like that actually exist. Lets just hope they dont kill any more innocents, and that theres no blood on Jacksons/Rollinss/Mainess/Depps/etc etc., and especially that moron Vedders hands. He was NOT the last person to see the boys. really? And you dont have to take my word for it. bankrolled much of the investigation one insider says defense costs This is just my theory and these are just my opinions. The other side did the same thing when this happened and without doing any real investigation, they believed it was devil worshipers running wild I hearde him lie several times. Investigate for yourself & make up your own mind.. Dont let this whole proWM3 vs antiWM3 nonscence influence your judgement. Therefore, their failure to prevail in the trial court stands. He did not come home prior to Pam leaving for work and she knew he wasnt at home. I fell hook line and sinker after those documentaries. Ill give him that. Why don't you come back when you're a little less fanatical m'kay? ), his Have you ever read Damiens medical records? what about the confessions? Headlights at his trial while Damien just kept cheesing it up for the cameras finding it amusing- he must have known That this was his big break into the industry, Thsnks to the producers of PL1.How pathetic!!! He lies all the damn time. Say does anyone know when Johnnie Depp received his homicide dick license? And what evidence? World-class experts dont get to be such by releasing results based on whos paying the bills if they did, their entire professional reputation would quickly go down the toilet (just like Griffis did), and their word would no longer mean anything. Many people fit the profile of a school shooter without committing violence. Ive had to defend Metal music & alternative fashion on many occasions myself. community or Heavey Metal fans or supporters of the convicted offering any kind To your responders that say Echols will slip again soon, maybe so. On a clip of an episode of the David Letterman show shortly after the release of the movie Depp was in: Public Enemies Letterman asked Depp if he ever watched any of his films. This went above and beyond the job description. There is no doubt in my mind that the real killers are Terry Hobbs, Jacoby, Hollingsworth and Buddy Lucas. Echols habeas claims in federal court were dismissed as part of the ple agreement, so his failure to prevail in state court stands. personaly I dont have any doubt in my mind, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley(along with others possibly) committed this attrocious act of deprevation on three innocent young boys. Damien and Jason are pretty evil. Read More: Best True Crime Documentaries On Netflix. This is why the innocence movement is so large. Not animals, people. Como ocurri con Eddie, Damien Echols fue sealado injustamente como responsable del asesinato de tres nios durante un supuesto ritual satnico en 1993 She was strong in her interview, but I felt for her because this child she gave birth to and believes in him, dismisses her. The signed affidavit is on callahans if you care to review it.. Damien was so mentally ill that he qualified for disability in the state of Arkansas. Why become a member of a known luciferian sect known as the OTO and be seen/or associate with known Hollywood occultists like Manson, Vedder, Rollins, Depp that continue to perpetuate the big lie that these kids were railroaded etc and the icing on the shitstorm cake Echols also has close ties to hardcore devil worshippers-process church members such as Genesis P. Orridge from Throbbing Gristle Psychic TV(to name a few of his bands)and who was run out of England on suspicion of producing snuff films. places, enjoy a trip to Disney world, while Jessie struggles to find You people are abolutely MORONS To all you Nons out there.. you are not looking into and reading the facts and evidence bout this case you are being judgemental.. You dont even know the truth There are many people who thought these boys were guilty, because they had not taken the time to read the information about this case.. i totally agree that the Wm3 are guilty of killing those three 8 year olds and that Echols is a master salesman and has fooled the world. Sold Out. From a legal perspective, there is no bias, despite who is delivering the info. The Judge was a complete incompetent idiot. In 2011, the three were released as part of an Alford plea. One last thing, we once were told to There is not one, let me repeat, not one piece of evidence linking any WM3 person to the murders of Myers, Branch, or Byersperiod.