The man was trying to calm him down enough to keep him from having a panic attack. Peter was a trooper through setting up the catheter, especially considering the fact that Tony knew he hated needles. Peter was sitting a few feet away, back pushed against his dresser and glassy eyes fixed on some distant spot. "You brought your homework on a patrol?" Peter didn't have the time to react. 5. Ill have someone stay with him from now on. Up until that moment, Tony had barely even recognized how much the teenager meant to them all. He tugged until the teenager stumbled dazedly to his feet, content to let his mentor guide him all the way to the MedBay. The words that had been tumbling around his head ever since hed first seen Peters face pinched up in pain fell out in a frantic mess. Hes recovering right now. Tony, Steve, and Rhodey were lounging in the kitchen, chatting quietly over mugs of hot chocolate, when Peter shuffled in. Which was a sudden idea Tony had a few months ago about making him officially his protege, and called this the Ironkid in Training Protocol. In A Fight I dont know how long its going to last.. He had no idea if it helped him register his presence, but it sure made Tony feel better. Yeah. With his metabolism, it shouldnt be too long., Got it. As soon as Bruce was gone, he tipped his head back and sucked in a deep breath. On the other hand, he is (who is not?) Hes what?. Ill take him to bed in a second. He was working in the lab late one night, hours after Peter had gone to bed, when the door slid open and the teenager wandered in, bumping his shoulder against the doorway as he went. And dont worry about finding someone to watch him. Peter can't sleep and Natasha talks about her childhood. You awake, squirt?. Does he usually do that?, No. Tony gripped Peters shoulders and bent so they were at eye-level, like it would help. High as a kite, kid. "Bad news is, why is the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, who's patrolling, sleeping on a roof, Captain America Comforter wrapped?" Take him to the bed we usually use and push at him until he gets in. "But I'm so much stronger than him. What? Man, the kid really was fixated tonight. Hey, Pete. As honoured as he felt, but how could an ordinary high schooler attend Tony Stark's party? Alright. We didnt make them for our own amusement, after all. Bruce nodded to Peters good hand. He chuckled lightly, reaching over and turning the TV volume down a few notches. Bet youre tired. He wanted to be mad, but there was something so fucking endearing about the whole thing that he felt like he might burst. A slow blink, followed by syllables so loose and slurred that he only recognized the word they were meant to form because it was so undeniably familiar. Oh no I meant like ordinary high schooler Peter? Brucie says its bedtime for Spider-babies, so I brought you to a nice bed and everything. He set the kids palms against the sheets and put some light pressure on the small of his back. He pushed open the kids door and let out a bark of laughter. Fanfiction Short Stories Avengers Tony Stark Clint Barton Natasha Romnaff Avengers fanfiction wanda protective of peter In this story, Peter is the adopted son of Tony and Pepper, who adopt him after May passes away Avengers: Infinite Wars by free man writer is a crossover between . "Mr. I thought hed been possessed or something. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind the kids ear and tried not to be alarmed by how motherly the action was. I fell over while I was sleepwalking?, He tried really hard not to laugh at the kids expense, but he wasnt exactly making it easy by looking so much like a kicked puppy. "R..really? Ned half-heartedly (dis)agreed. Something as undeniable and inescapable as the need to breathe or the rise of the sun. He came easily, dazedly shuffling beside his mentor as the man brought him all the way back to his bedroom. Peters stuff isnt even down there. It wasnt like anyone besides F.R.I.D.A.Y. Peter emphasized on the 's' at the end. He might be able to help., Tony felt a little stupid that he hadnt thought of that himself. ", "Yes, of course, I invited Spider-Man to be the party trick. In all honesty, he couldnt get enough of it. Hed always known. Hey, kiddo. He cooed, voice soft. About Peter Fanfiction Asleep Avengers Falls Tony On. Bruce chuckled a little as he carefully took his bum wrist and set it on top of the blanket. "Um, I actually haven't found one yet. A part of Tony hated the scientist for being so calm when he felt so unhinged. At least the kid got to zombie his way through the worst part of the shame. He paused to close a drawer that Peter had left open, and looked up in surprise when the kid kept walking. The Avengers are back from a mission but instead of going to rest, they need to debrief with Fury. Scarlett stared at Steve with a 'sorry' expression before Bucky carried Spider-Man and Steve carried Iron Man off of the scene. Though the suit wasn't able to fulfill its original design, but wearing it for Halloween significantly cancelled out the blast Tony had about Spider-Man sleeping in Captain American themed comforter. This kid really needed to quit with being so obnoxiously cute. I can tell. He shifted Peter slightly so that it would be easier to pick him up, cupping the back of his head gently. Search: Avengers Fanfiction Tony Calls Peter During Class Peter Class Fanfiction During Calls Avengers Tony Views: 20554 Published . Is Peter okay?, Hes perfectly fine. The scientist didnt even try to comfort his friend, which Tony appreciated. Peter Parker and Peter Pan. Tony raised an eyebrow. Hows it going?, The scientist shot him a thumbs up. Ive got it. He gave his arm a gentle tug. Brokenbrokenbroken. So when Peter Burke gets a phone call from a scared Neal he cant help but fear the worse. Hey, Peter., Hey, Doctor Banner. The kid ducked his head shyly. 4. His face was smooshed against the velvety upholstery where he was slumped against the door. I need to work on Peters watch. The only thing that would get him to calm down was Peter, and Bruce knew that. (And if you died I feel like thats on me.). He always felt oddly protective of Peter when he was like this. But well be walking four miles to a mountain top, and besides super strength, I have great stamina. And, since Peter was spending more and more time at the Compound since everything with Thanos went down, Tony developed a system to handle it. I kind of dozed off", "Kid you really got to rest. Ned got a Hulk armour. Should he pretend? Tony wasnt even sure that anything that came out of his mouth were real words, but he definitely picked up on a slurred version of his name. Hes just a kid. Hell probably fall back asleep pretty quickly., Bruce laughed, but not unkindly. As soon as he was relatively sure that the kid was going to stay upright, he cupped his chin and tilted his face up. We can talk about your secret in the morning., Oh. Enjoy it. Just I feel really weird Mister Stark. The kid giggled a little, rolling his head around on the pillow until his glassy gaze found his mentors. M I M I high, Miser Stark?, Hell, even Bruce was chuckling now. Within fifteen minutes, Peter was curled back under a blanket, pumped full of the extra strong stuff and stitches thankfully intact. Why are you sleeping on your patrol? Huh? Peter shifted, then winced. Hey there, kiddo. Tony reached for his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. Secondly, I got the photo before it's published. Tony jumped to press him back down again. Well done. Even brought yourself over for me to do it. Wanna get in for me? He pushed past the soldier roughly. The kid would just get up, wander around, then crawl back into bed and be out like a light. ", "Well We just decided to dress in superhero costumes, since we had Star War theme for the last five years, partially because of budget, we used the same modified gears and costume. Cmon, bud. "Tony, if you just doubted yourself and want to confirm with the kid that you are his favourite superhero, why don't just ask him. Mind if I have that arm for the IV?. Say goodbye to Steve and Rhodey., Thats right, buddy. He had no idea what he was on about, but the kid wasnt moving and he was hoping that placating him might help. I don't want to admit, but somehow Mr. Stark is bigger than me?" Bruce! He leapt to his feet, heart racing. Were not doing this ever again.. The teenager usually seemed perfectly content to allow himself to be led pretty much anywhere. "Uh- un, don't make up trickery excuses. He figures he should go help out. Its out, Pete. "Cool! An Avengers MCU Fanfiction Chapter 1 The Lost is Found It was supposed to be a normal mission. What? A few minutes passed with Bruce shuffling around medical supplies and Tony playing absentmindedly with Peters hair as the kid got progressively drowsier. Dude look at the size? Wanted to make sure that F.R.I.D.A.Y. F.R.I.D.A.Y. A quick glance in the closet showed that hed taken out every single one of his t-shirts and put them in a surprisingly neat pile. "Uhno. F.R.I.D.A.Y.? If he were awake, Tony knew that hed be beyond embarrassed. Whats, uh, Rhodey swept his gaze up and down the teenager, whats he doing?, Tony was unperturbed. Comfortember Day 6. Well, call me if he needs anything.. Dropping the sarcastic tone, Tony asked curiously. Its stupid., Tony used both his hands to wipe at his wet cheeks, seeming to be completely un-weirded out by the whole thing. So cmon, kid.. Also known as: The 5 times Peter falls asleep on Tony, and the 1 time Tony falls asleep on Peter. Hes taking deep breaths, his oxygen levels are back up, and hes able to answer questions pretty intelligently. He nodded towards the elevator. Like Ive said before, yes. Eyelashes fluttered slowly against pale cheeks and his head was tilted back against the cold glass. The damn kid was like a disease. Shit. At least he knows what he wants., Peter rolled over and shuffled a little closer, trying to swallow the lingering discomfort down his throat. M sorry., Oi. Tony caught the first tear with the pad of his thumb. You ever tried messing with him? Yknow, we really gotta limit those Buzzfeed Unsolved episodes before bedtime., This is crazy. Rhodey waved a hand in front of the teenagers face and looked surprised when he didnt get a reaction. If you are that tired then you should not have stayed out that late. Plenty of room.. Peter was standing by the TV, and he seemed to be unplugging pretty much everything he could get his hands on. Itd almost be too easy.. I dont know whats-. Its alright. Hey, kid. F.R.I.D.A.Y. As soon as the door to Peters room shut behind him, he glanced up at the ceiling with a ridiculous smile. He didnt even react when Tony took his already swelling wrist in gentle hands and rotated it, wincing. Peter gets his wisdom teeth removed. N-No., Okay. Tony grabbed him and guided him over to the bed. Its summer. He did great. Bruce praised. He could just fake it? "Wait." Mister Stark? His legs started to wobble. Rhodey had to shove a pillow into Clints face to quiet his howls of laughter, and the rest of the Avengers were only marginally more sensitive. Likes: 599. He's fine with it, he enjoys allowing others to care for him, to make sure he's happy and safe and had settled into his routine rather nicely. Thankfully, the kid actually took Tonys advice and dozed for the rest of the casting. "" He appears to be exhibiting perfectly normal behavior., Well, he turned off the lights and headed back towards the lab, shaking his head fondly, Something tells me that normal is gonna be pretty relative with this kid, FRI.. Tony considered getting up to work in the lab, but decided against it when any movements from tony made peter cling tighter to him. Uh oh. Avengers Fanfiction is a website dedicated to all Avengers related stories. And if his vitals are anything to go by, youll be able to ask him for yourself in a minute., Later, Tony would deny any suggestion that the way he spun back to Peter was ungraceful. Unluckily for Tony, Peter's adrenaline crash won't let him stay awake for much longer. Howd I get here?, He pushed the kid down the hall. S an equation. A wide grin spread across his face. Written for the Comfortember prompt: Warm Food, Peter's been prioritizing Spider-Man over his basic needs and gets into trouble when Tony and May catch on. Whats the Pythagorean Theorem?, S a squared n b squared s c squared.. Inspected him head to toe, made sure his bag didn't seem big enough to hide a costume he isn't willing to show others. Were you doing homework before bed?, Math man, huh? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. As soon as he was actually on the couch, Peter sat there for a second, half curled around his knees and glazed eyes fixated on the flickering TV. During a day when he feels like he *has* to go to school, Peter fights hard against his Little regression, knowing that a slip-up will ruin the only chance that, he feels, he has at doing well on a very important test. Yeah. Its pretty common, but we put him on oxygen just to be safe. Im sorry. Whered it go?, Dont worry about it, Pete. He glanced at the ceiling. And I'm almost an adult." The archer was practically in tears. Youre alright.. Sorry about, he gestured at himself with his good hand, all this., Dont be. But these are good people!" Peter reasoned and his hand fell into my free one; I squeezed it twice trying to give him some courage. * If there's one thing Peter Parker is good at, it's that he can give Tony Stark a heart attack nearly any day of the week. 3. Literally, bud. "I'm sorry Mr Stark. He barely even reacted to Bruce taking out the IV, since Tony distracted him with rubbing circles on his cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. You need something?. I need to get to him because hell catch me and hell fix me. The teenager hummed for a minute before mechanically climbing back into bed, sprawling out and head lolling the moment it hit the pillow. He headed right down a hallway with the billionaire hugging his heels. Falling Asleep On Someone, Its fine; itll close back up in an hour, tops. Even with enhanced senses, Peter was always tripping over his own feet. Hes like a zombie., Tony noticed Steve crowding in on his other side, watching Peter with a weird sense of fascination on his face. I-Im fine. He screamed, pain flaring throughout his body- Peter Parker awoke violently in his bed, the long gone taste of dust on his lips, a strangled cry pent up in his chest. I doubt hell notice, though. Whatre you up to, huh?. You can go back to sleep.. Work Search: Well get a new IV and hook him back up. The scientist nodded to the bed. Worst parts over., Tony snapped to get his attention. ", "It was on sale at a store, since Captain is now a fugitive, a lot of the stores have his merchandise on sale. It isnt dangerous, is it?. I'm going to sit so my legs don't fall . Scarlett slowly stood up, and sprung a large wave of red particles at the monster, hitting it, with Tony and Peter, making them fall asleep. Karen just said something about a legion being sent? Then a screen lightened up in front of him at the gesture of the billionaire. Tony chuckled the whole way up to the kitchen. Ill cast it in a second., Peter chose that moment to try to sit up. would alert him if the kid was up for longer than ten minutes, or if he was getting into anything dangerous, but the former rarely happened and the latter, never. Always do.. What happened?, The scientist gave an absent nod. Bruce gave his leg a supportive pat as he opened the IV line. Peter wondered if he was referring to something, but couldn't pick up a hint. I dont-I dont know whats happening. Its not a big deal., Does he do that? Is he talking?, Yes. Description: When the Avengers Tower is forcibly put on lockdown, you come in contact with a substance that enhances your sexual desires and the only person in the room is Thor. Some dark, terrifying part of his brain told him that he was going to break here, too. "Come in, kid. He vaguely registered his mentor spinning to look at him. FInally, Natasha grew tired after two more AC DC songs and a Bon Jovi hit, and she shut off the radio completely. He could feel it in his lungs, in his eyes, in his nose. Is he, uh, Tony stared for a second, torn between concern and amusement, is he okay?, Yes, Boss. Except Peter's quite comfy where he's at and refuses to let go. The genius asked him. It was F.R.I.D.A.Y., of course., Bruce slid back in pushing a small metal medical table. He pushed himself to his own feet first, then learned over and hooked his hands underneath Peters armpits. Are you in any pain?, Then Ill let you rest. Yep, definitely trapped. Yep Karen. Surgerys already over., Oh. His eyes drooped, and then reopened. But then his eyes snapped open, a choked off scream on his lips and a soft comforter tangled around his legs. It wasn't surprising, not to his parents/Caregivers, not to his Avengers family and not even to anyone at his school. He shuffled to the bed and flopped onto his mattress as if hed never gotten up in the first place. Nice job, Pete. He pushed him until his shins hit the bed, letting go long enough to tug the blankets down. avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony Tony Avengers On Asleep Fanfiction Falls Peter [RKJBOI] - he likes to hug you from behind and murmur into your ear because it makes you giggle. He clenches his hands into fists and Bruce quickly reaches out to stop him, taking his wrists until Tony uncurls his fingers. F.R.I.D.A.Y.? The kid who can barely do ten pushups suddenly can carry two big heavy-looking backpacks by himself?. The gesture was undeniably weaker, but it made something hard and painful soften in Tonys throat. As such, Tony ends up attending a mandatory board meeting with his clingy feverish kid literally stuck to his back. Just sit back and relax, Peter.. It is a route that Mister Parker takes on a regular basis. Peter and Loki have a great dynamic both in comics and fan fiction. I understand. She winked. The kid didnt answer. Does he?, Yep. He opened his arms, a welcoming smile on his face. Despite the obvious help it was at relieving his pain, Peter said, "Oh, yeah, it's okay. As long as the troubles far away from him, I guess I dont really mind., Tony jolted up in bed at the sound of Peppers voice, scrambling for the arc reactor that housed the nanotech for his suit in a rush of disoriented panic. Whatre you apologizing for?, Tony looked surprised. It was out of his control, against his will. With his healing abilities, I estimate that he will be fully healed within one to two weeks., Oh, hell love that. Tony run an anxious hand through the kids hair, purposefully fluffing up a few of the curls. I need to check that he didnt pull his stitches., Peter leaned into him. Youve dealt with this a lot., Its pretty common, yeah. He tapped the side of the kids chin lightly. Dont worry. 244 guests Didnt realize you were actually with me., Tears burned in his eyes, and he couldnt stop the suspiciously wet sniffle that pulled at his face. It should be me. He let his eyes fall onto Peters face. MJ and May watch him suffer up front and center. F.R.I.D.A.Y. He cant fix me. Wait, you are not inviting the Spider-Manright? It wasnt a choice, it was a fact. You can take him back to bed once he sleeps the drugs off. Is it alright with you if I steal Tony for a second?, Peters eyes flickered open just slightly. At The Tower Peter just shuffled along, head tilted slightly downward and hands hanging loosely at his sides. Rhodey cocked his head. Got yourself in a bit of a situation, huh?. Well x-ray his arm and wake him up then if we need to.. Fr broken wrists?, He brushed a gentle hand through the kids hair and steadied his head as it wobbled. Peter spent almost 5 seconds to register the figure on the photo which has been taken in horrible dark lighting and possible movement, and then almost jumped. Do you need help?, Nah. Do I wake him up?, It is inadvisable. And maybe something else. Just relax.. He knows what it was about. Then, without prompting or any kind of warning at all, Peter wrapped his arms around Tonys middle and set his head on his shoulder. Does he know where he is?, He shrugged, feeling strangely annoyed by his friends presence. It wasn't long before Peter's tiredness started to catch up with him again, but he fought against it. Goddamn it. Im at the Compound, he thought, Im at the Compound and Mister Stark brought me back and it was just a stupid dream. So, it didnt really come as a surprise when he just swayed a little and abruptly changed the subject. Is it because of, he swallowed, because of Titan?, Partly because of that. His mentor laughed. Truth be told, Tony couldnt fight with that logic, but he also couldnt allow his fifteen-year-old to carry their bags by himself. My cameras were down. The AI paused. On a patrol She told me to thank you and Cho for looking after him., Its our pleasure. Tony moved right to Peters bedside, brushing a gentle hand through his bangs. ".UhI finished my homework, but it's still super quite, or peace would I say? Sleep deprivation, Bruce whispers to Tony the next morning. He says Im alright. Oh, so its a talking night. Did you sleepwalk and wake yourself up? An undercover contact warns that someone named Peter will infiltrate the Tower to steal information and try to approach the Avengers to gain their trust. Hes sixteen, not six. Tony joked, knowing full well that the kid would be ridiculously excited by the prospect of having the Avengers sign his cast. Avengers: Endgame used time travel to make peace with Howard Stark, but as heartwarming as Tony's bond with his father may be, the movie may have. Peter had been sleepwalking, and Steve had just woken him up. He cant just be wandering around after surgery., Im sorry, Boss. Tony chuckled fondly at his clumsiness. Duty calls., Yes. So I thought I would just do some work, which save me some time later." "Hum." Peters brain, sluggish from the adrenaline drop, struggled to comprehend the reason for the gentleness. His eyes were heavy with a knowingness that only just dawned on Peter. Tony glanced up at Steve. Send the legion and tell me what he replies with, Or: Irondad is angry and Peter has no idea what a legion is. Look here, kid. Youre welcome., Mm. He turned his face into Tonys palm, grinning lazily.