Can you provide me with a little assistance regarding a court case in UK? Without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no "meeting of the minds," and therefore no valid contract. This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and consequences of such supposed "citizenship," provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no legally binding contract. To learn more about membership opportunities, contact your local regional association. Without a valid, the minds," and therefore no valid contract. Let's go in depth of what an affidavit of truth actually is. Affidavit of reservation of rights UCC 1-308/1-207 S o v e r e i g n A u t h o r i t y . The use of an identification number from a government agency. I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. An affidavit of forgery is an official declaration that a fraudulent act was committed. Read Ballentines Law Dictionary. Basically, the individual is not obligated to follow the laws put forth by the U.S. government. In 2010, the father and son duo were pulled over. 1047. *Such compelled and supposed "benefits"* include, but are not limited to, the aforementioned typical examples. Section 1785: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. The signature is only for verification of identity. AFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY Be it known to all courts, governments, and other parties, that I,,am a natural, free-born Sovereign, without subjects. It is determined that replacements, in accordance with the procedure established Can you type that in clear English please. 2 min read. disclosure and without my consent or my mothers consent. Updated: Send letter with two-cents postage because thou lives without United States, Practice how to speak on the private side, where the flesh lives, and the blood flows, Frank: Brushaber (bru-shay-ber) described as Citizen. Required fields are marked *. The fact that they define the, words "person," "address," "mail," "resident," "motor vehicle," "driving," "passenger,", "employee," "income," and many others, in ways different from the common usage, so as, Because the "courts" have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all, "courts" and all parties, that if I have ever signed any document or spoken any words on, Do not sell or share my personal information. Common Law Seal of Natural Person ________________________________________, Signing by Accomodation for ________________________________________. 11 Document(s) To Do List Template. I do hereby revoke and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed by me or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real or private, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. Therefore, no legal obligation on my part was ever created. Any supposed "contract" is therefore void, from the. AFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY ( SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY Be it known to all courts, governments, and other parties, that I, Angela Kahealani, am a natural free-born Sovereign, without subjects. - Definition & Explanation. %PDF-1.4 They do not conform to the laws enforced by the U.S. government. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Fee is the statutory creature moving within the fictional falsity as if it is presumed to be standing as the amortized obligation. The first one was a debt elimination seminar scheme. . And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated with the compelled and pretended "benefit"* of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. Any supposed "contract" is therefore void, ab initio. hidden contract behind the bank signature card, my signature thereon gives no validity to it. To make a valid contract, a person must, in general, be sui juris. congress must have believed that such taxes required federal obligation to be considered, directly or indirectly, in the computation of the tax; otherwise the specific exemption of these taxes would have been superfluous, .. Certificate of Live Birth vs. The courts and police use you to pretend that thou represents a company. As soon as this is done, the affidavit is then notarized by a notary public to legitimize the authenticity of the affidavit and the statement sworn within it. I have used these only because in this country, there is no other widely recognized currency. And as stated by the United States Department of the Treasury 1789, the presenter made not be 505 1441 S.Ct.1973, 41 L.Ed.287. Private Law vs. Public Law Subjects & Examples | What is Private Law? Would you want to be a sovereign citizen? property of others. matters in which he is entitled to relief, as it appears that the filing fee rule was originally Just because they alter definitions of words in the law books to their supposed advantage, doesn't mean we have to accept those definitions. This section is meant to present a menu of options that individuals may use to achieve personal sovereignty and to defend that sovereignty against illegal activities by the government. I can be obligated to fulfill no hidden or unrevealed. Life seems pretty nice, doesn't it? Over 240 pages, it represent s more than 70 years of exhaustive legal research, study and sacrifice by three great Americans teachers and patriots who have dedicated their adult lives to not only understanding the concepts explained in From Sovereign to Serf, but also to educating the public. access to its judicial tribunals and public offices in every State in the Union . I have waived none of my intrinsic rights and freedoms by my use thereof. By 2009, though, he was not making enough money to support himself or his son. I am not in any earthly jurisdiction, for I am not of subject status. Were there an alternative, I would be happy to use it. Typical examples of such compelled and pretended "benefits" are: The fact that a "birth certificate" was issued to me by a local, hospital or "government" agency when I was born, is irrelevant to my sovereignty. I, _____, a titled sovereign, hereby declare that: I am competent to manage all my own affairs. 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From Sovereign to Serf is a very powerful book. Birth Certificate | Outline, Differences & Uses. Poster Template. The "Constitutional Convention" of September 17, 1787 declared the . Malice is a state of mind and an essential element of action for malicious prosecution and is to be found by jury from case, and want of probable cause is the other element of action for malicious prosecution which must be proved by plaintiff. Lopez v. Modisitt 488 F. Supp 119 D. C. 1980. Affidavit of Sovereignty Equality under the law is paramount, and mandatory by law. . Federal statutes indicate that taxes assessed or levied in anything other than legal tender are unlawful, to wit: Where the meaning in the common dictionary differs from the meaning in the law dictionary, it is the meaning in the common dictionary that prevails, because it is more trustworthy. I hereby affirm that I do not reside or work in any federal territory of the District "United States", and that therefore no U.S. federal government laws have any authority over me. I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit"* or gratuity associated with any of the aforementioned licenses, numbers, or certificates. It's an individual who denies that any form of U.S. government has any legal authority over him or her. identity. I may have received such "benefits" but I have. Affidavit of Service: Definition, Purpose & Example, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Starting a Lawsuit: Parties & Beginning Process, Threshold Requirements: Standing, Case or Controversy & Ripeness, Pretrial Pleadings & Service of Process in Civil Litigation, Defendant's Response & Motions in Civil Litigation, Jury Trial and Selection in Civil Litigation, Civil Appeals Process: Parties, Briefs & Oral Arguments, Alternative Forms of Dispute Resolution: Negotiation, Mediation & Arbitration, Constitutional Requirements of a Criminal Trial, Writ of Habeas Corpus & Reasonable Doubt in a Criminal Trial, Civil Forfeiture: Definition, Laws & Abuse, Legal Representation: Definition & Rights, Conglomerate Merger: Definition & Examples, What is a Dishonorable Discharge? FORUM. Affidavit of Civil Status. Create your signature and click Ok. Press Done. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own who owe it allegiance, and whose rights, within its jurisdiction, it must protect. Nor do any of the "statutes" or "regulations" of such "authorities", Further, I am not a subject of any "courts" or bound by "precedents" of any "courts,", deriving their "jurisdiction" from said "authorities. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own who owe it allegiance, and whose rights, within its jurisdiction, it must protect. "Sovereign citizen" is a catchall phrase referring to a variety of anti-government individuals and groups who share some common beliefs and behaviors. 531, 23 A.2d Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract of adhesion that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. When I not a bail bondsmen. The use of fiat currency to discharge my debts. Title 18, United States Code, Section 8 states: affidavit of sovereignty | soveren citizen | yusef el | high fequency radio | donut operator | police | sovereign citizen | am i being detained | sovereign citizen bingo mike the cop | sovereign citizen bingo 2 | sovereign citizen bingo 3 | affidavit of truth The fact that they define the words "person," "address," "mail," "resident," "motor vehicle," "driving," "passenger," "employee," "income," and many others, in ways different from the common usage, so as to be associated with a subject or slave status, means nothing in real life. Because the courts have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all courts and all parties, that if I ever signed any document or spoke any words on record, using words defined by twists in the law books different from the common usage, there can be no effect whatsoever on my Sovereign status in society thereby, nor can there be created any obligation to perform in any manner, by the mere use of such words. Ryan v Motor Credit Company, 130 J.J. Eq. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH. Decide on what kind of signature to create. Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract of adhesion that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. A miracle on thy street. 607, 621 AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH ACTUAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. a natural living man and entitled to relief (Hale v. Henkel)( 201 U.S. 43), and under international Sovereign Souls 22 . Another technique they will use is white collar crime, or financially-motivated, nonviolent crimes. 6:16 17 wink emoticon. ORDER AND PUBLIC DEBT.STAMPED ENVELOPES AND POSTAL CARDS.STOCK CERTIFICATES.TRUST To not use any bank at all is impossible or very difficult, as everyone knows, in, Christian Worldview Statistics Integration. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated. then it is limited only to those individuals who have specifically entered into it. "privilege" to "enroll" and "vote," any such "enrolment" or "voting" does not oblige me to, do anything, nor grant any "jurisdiction" over, Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the, question, "Are you a UNITED STATES citizen?" The laws of congress in respect to those matters do not extend into the territorial limits of the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the national government. CAHA v. U.S., 152 U.S. 211 (1894), *** However, these individuals still hold the constitutional law in high esteem and will follow any of its laws that pertain to individuals. Share IRL or via email, Red Right & Blue YouTubers Authenticate the Long Form Birth Certificate, Escape Tickets, Courts, and the IRS Escape Harassment, The Income Tax A legal tax combined with a grand deception. My reason for using it is not because I wish to participate in the system, as I don't wish to participate. Welfare Check Purpose & Laws | What is a Welfare Check? Two versions below, one for White Americans . Such an affidavit is a citizen's own statement on his or her civil status, required for instance to register with the Dutch authorities for residence and/or marriage. We have heard of confusion of faces from ancient texts, but I call your attention to confusion of languages in everyday use within the corporate fictional legislative tribunals commonly referred to as judicial courts, observe the following: Top link about New York history omits the Articles of. Report DMCA Due to all these obstacles mentioned, a sovereign citizen may engage in criminal acts in order to earn money. THERE IS NO MONEY; The structure and guidelines for payment of Court filing fees and fees for service of process is set by the State, however, Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States says No state shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. And, according to the United States Supreme Court in Hagar v. Rec.