A pattern of mysterious events around the world and across over time has caused researcers to search for reasons. Andrew Basiago Involved in Project Pegasus Time Travel Program, NASA May Have Found Evidence of an Advanced Alien Civilization in the Cygnus Star System, The Interstellar Cloud is Bringing Space Weather to Our Solar System, Gaia's Top 10 Seeking Truth Shows You Don't Want to Miss. Even more controversially, that the US government was very much aware of this and had actually utilized it. (Nohassa Atlantis), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Earth, Alpha Centauri and Venus, EX-Current controlling fraction: Omicron-Drakonian and Zephelium-Rigelian-Zeta, Q-3: Johannesberg, South-Africa. One of her main conclusions is that there is a stargate in the Euphrates River, and has been buried and lost under the ruins of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu for thousands of years. China Successfully Clones Monkeys; Are Humans Next? He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The recording is accessible within minutes upon completion of the show broadcast. The experts were utterly shocked when they discovered multiple hieroglyphs of modern flying machines, such as a helicopter and submarine in the Temple of Seti. They are found in places known as nexus points. With billions of dollars in research funding funneled to various projects by the Department of Defense, a significant amount was earmarked to allow the military to establish a Stargate Portal. We see these sun rays by day, and we work with the codes when the light shines through a cloud, or dances on water ripples or shines . The archway within these circles are said to be the remains of portals or stargates, which the ancient people who resided here used as a portal to the sky world.. The sacred geometry of Metatrons Cube comprises of 12 circles/pillars encircling the ONE. & Finding the door locked from the inside, and with no response from the captain, he eventually broke down the door to the room. Credits: Science@NASA Some Soviet scientists suggested that the boundaries of these crystal faces now lie beneath the surface of our planet, and that some protrude to the surface, creating the vortices that we know of. Apparently, not everything is digitized in the future. Many have noted feeling these subtle fluctuations in frequencies in the area, although conclusive scientific testing or investigation hasnt confirmed anything yet. . You will receive a separate login email with show link once payment is processed. Dalnegorsk UFO Crash Witnessed by Hundreds, Craigslist Killer Says More than 20 Murders Attributed to Traveling Satanic Cult, Maccabean Leaders the Hasmonean Dynasty III, NASA Still Encounters UFOs In Space- Video. Humans have long been obsessed with the possibility of alternate universes, and a way to instantaneously travel between this one and the next. Some suggest that they are portals or gateways to other dimensions. Three hours later, the second mate went to wake his captain. A wormhole is a hypothetical tube in space connecting widely separated positions in the universe. Thank You!"Would you consider a small gift of $11.11 or more to support us in creating the next v. Donde se puede encontrar informacin ms detallada sobre los beneficios de esta tcnica Quantum Acces como proceder? The god appears to be on a staircase that is moving away from the person viewing the seal. The term Stargate means just that: an otherworldly door or portal to outside realms, hidden within Earths and spaces magnetic fields, waiting to transport the enlightened traveler to a place beyond current time limitations. They are typically 22 ft in diameter, 64,000 lbs in weight, and thought to be made of an unknown substance. These gateways link the magnetic field of our planet to that of the sun, setting the stage for stormy space weather. Dear ones, If you appreciate what we do, please support us. Washington, D.C region. Glitch Discovered In Saturn's Rings By Cassini Spacecraft Images, DIY Medicine; One Man's Crusade Against Big Pharma. With this new heightened Self-perception, a pivotal point on our journey arrives thru the 12:12 stargates enveloping us in a new/higher/cosmic light that brings a level of peace and resolution to all that we have been working toward/transforming thru this year, returning a long-lost lightness of being. Directly opposite the star map, are four stone seats or chairs. Your email address will not be published. One of NASAs spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargate portal exists in many locations. Ley lines occur all over the world in a crystalline pattern based on a system of triangles and that great temples of the ancient world are built into this pattern at these nexus points all over the globe. Many people feel inspired, recharged or uplifted after visiting a vortex. He presented to them the golden disk, and following a ritual performed by the priests, the smaller doorway opened. Stonehenge in England What precisely are stargates? The architect of the Pyramids was the high priest Imhotep, who began building with simple stepped burial chambers and gradually refined his art into the amazing structures that you can see on the Giza plateau today. Never miss a news release from the Curiosmos team. Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Epsilon Eridanus/Inner Earth and Venus. Ley lines occur all over the world in a crystalline pattern based on a system of triangles and that great temples of the ancient world are built into this pattern at these nexus points all over the globe. Japan's Space Elevator Expected to Be Built By 2050, Laura Eisenhower and the Military Industrial Complex. She seemingly knew where everything was, such as where secret chambers were and the location of gardens that had long since been buried. (72.8W, 40.8N), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Pleiadian AlcyoneTara/Tiamat and Asteroid Belt (was Maldak), EX-Current controlling fraction: Pleiadian Samjase-Luciferian-Annunaki, Q-5: Rome, Italy. When Basiago was brought to participate in his first jump, he says his father had already been time traveling for years at the Curtiss-Wright corporation in New Jersey. The portal itself, Basiago describes as two parentheses-shaped booms that were 8 feet tall and spaced about 10 feet apart. professor Mark Holley and his colleague Brian Abbot. During the Iraq War, under the guise of searching for weapons of mass destruction (WMD), then-President George W. Bush invaded that country in an effort to control a Dimension Portal and stop extraterrestrials from annihilating humankind or culling the worlds population. After two Eclipses, we are still processing the dismantling of outdated timelines. From the surfaces of the earth alone, there are places that look like portals to the underworld because of its unanticipated depth and exceptionality. It is believed that it contains six chambers out of which one has not been opened as yet. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. By the time they discovered precisely where she said they would be, people very much believed she was genuine. Once secret funding was received from the Department of Defense, various experiments were conducted, including the creation of a dimension portal that enabled researchers to travel to far-flung locales. Respected businessman Robert T. Bigelow believed so strongly that activities such as these were important to the survival of the planet that he formed the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and staffed it with top scientists in the field. (13W, 88S), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Vega Lyra and Pluto, EX-Current controlling fraction: Odedicron-Reptilian Orion, Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate. The pair did so successfully before leaping off the deck and materializing in the current year. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. Since this site is now protected by the Peruvian government as an ancient archeological site, there have not been any recent digs at this location. Beginning when he was just a child, Basiago was selected from a group of psychically gifted children to become a time traveling liaison who would go on to meet historical and future dignitaries, as well as various extraterrestrial entities. 12:12 is a universal ascension code that signifies attainment of 12th dimensional Christed Divinity. Within Abu Ghurab, lies an ancient platform made of alabaster (Egyptian crystal) and is said to be in tune with the vibration of Earth. -Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate (31 dec 2015). The symbols etched on the rock are said to be a special code or message that opens the stargate or . The gates are almost always operated standing vertically, though they are operable in any orientation. It is believed to be a stargate or portal. The term Stargate means just that: an otherworldly door or portal to outside realms, hidden within Earth's and space's magnetic fields, waiting to transport the enlightened traveler to a place beyond current time limitations. However, recent declassified FBI files have stated that our Earth has been visited by beings from other dimensions and planets. The verse reads, (1)Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the abyss. One example is the perfectly precise circular markings that have been drilled into the alabaster. The cosmic stargates guide our journey into the New Earth Timeline. As a result of their success, researchers also developed a time tunnel in which contact was made with aliens, as well as underground tunnels and brain reprogramming methods. Science Cannot Explain Intuition and Deja Vu, The Stormer Effect- The Extraterrestrial Message, A Troubled Paris Jackson Tweets About the Illuminati, Aromas and hormones Increases The Feeling Of Love, Remains of an ancient civilization discovered in the depths of the Northern sea, Bigfoot Believer Kept on Searching (Paul Freeman), The Meat Eater couple arrested for child abuse, The Meat-Eater boxer kidnapped and raped a young school Girl, Carnist man arrested for 198 years for raping and shooting a woman. It should be no surprise to learn that the military is both a conduit and a supporter of space portal research. Here it is: Interesting facts: According to map researchers the Giza Plateau, the location of the great pyramid IS the most powerful vortex point on the planet, and that the Kings Chamber within the Great Pyramid represents a narrow gateway to stars. Meaning, we will restore our land, clean our seas, redesign our cities and bring the mind-body spirit back online. The site highlights various rings of massive T-shaped stone columns, each engraved with a carving of an animal. The gate does not have any locks or bolts; nobody knows what lies beyond it. Aside from the unusual helicopter hieroglyphs, comparisons have been made to the paintings of Egyptian boats that were said to carry its passengers to the next world in the stars, being very similar to how modern day scientists would portray a wormhole, or at least the theory of one. Your email address will not be published. Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Theta Orion Parallel Earth and Mercury. The gates are almost always operated standing vertically, though they are operable in any orientation. Eventually, he would travel back to Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address, Washingtons tent during the Revolutionary War, and even to the time of Jesus. (64.9W, 32.1N). (87.4E, 35.8N), AG-8: South/West of Bermuda, Nohassa Atlantis. This map of these energy points and intersections described as rivers of energy was somehow lost to history or purposely taken out of circulation for many years. It is just hours till 12:12 Stargate Activations and the alignment with the galactic center. The ancient site is said to sit where 14 ley lines converge and some feel, along with other similar ancient sites, this essentially makes it an energy portal or stargate. (6.1W, 53.3N), AG-11: Newgrange, Eire/Ireland. In early June 2015, NASA had a second successful test flight of its flying saucer that goes by the codename of Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD). Tapping into the ancient knowledge of Zep Tepi Mystery Schools andQuantum Access modality, Meg will guide you through the steps to open your Portal to the Quantum Field. Screams could be heard from the area. back in time to get used to the sensation. One thing of particular interest was a carving on one of the stones of a mastodonwhich is believed to have become extinct 10,000 years agoa possible indication of the structures age. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. Listen to UAP Episode 12 "Stargates and Portals" here. Many ancient cultures speak of portals to other worlds and gateways to star systems where their creators reside. But little to no scientific evidence has supported the theory of wormholes in outer space, much less within the Earths atmosphere, until NASAs Jack Scudder found a way to identify the elusive doorways floating between the Earth and the Sun. Conventional wisdom tells us these tales are merely myths and legends. According to certain theories and local legends, tunnels and gateways directing to other worlds exist all over Sedona. But it is out in a concentric circle almost. In 2007, 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan, professor Mark Holley and his colleague Brian Abbot came across a stone formation while using sonar equipment to track shipwrecks. With its distinctive ring shape and ability to propel and brake at altitudes of 180,000 feet, it appears that NASA is positioning the LDSD Flying Saucer so that it can be used to conduct further explorations of Mars. Carved on a massive piece of stone wall and mostly hidden between the boulders and cave systems of Ranmasu Uyana, is what is believed to be a star map or star chart. Two of the pillars sit in the middle of these circles, almost creating an archway of sorts. Join Meg Benedicte and Manette Mays with Light Bearers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world for the 12:12 Stargate Global Activations on Wednesday, December 12th at 12pm Pacific Standard Time. Similar to an Einstein-Rosen bridge, or worm-hole, the theory of formation of a space portal is that one occurs when space-time is distorted, either by the intense gravitational fields created by the collapse of a star, or by the mingling magnetic forces of the Earth and Sun crossing in space, enhanced by violent solar winds. It is said the Red Rocks of the deserts that surround the small town can create vortexes with the capability of transporting people to another realm or dimension. The modern-day investigators did find a small indention shaped like a disk in the rock. Evidently he stumbled upon the intersection of somekey ley lines which pin-pointed the exact location of the Egyptian stargate. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Built on concepts relative to stargate portals, the project relied on a technological application developed by well-known and respected scientific greats Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein. The registration page is still openyes, you can pay now and join. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Moreover, there are shimmering columns of water on each side of God. The technology was parlayed into what Basiago calls a plasma confinement chamber which a user jumps into before being transported to a different moment or place in time. Ley lines are alignments of ancient sites, holy places, and specific important locations such as stone circles, standing stones, vortices, and monuments. STARGATES have multidimensional capabilities. . The stargates are effected. Proudly Created withWix.com. Interestingly, investigators did discover a small, round, indention in the rock on the right hand column of the smaller doorway. Thought to be 9,000 years old, the structure has been dubbed Michigans equivalent of Stonehenge. As the legends of Abu Ghurab being a stargate, there are also signs of what some would perceive to be advanced technology having been used to create the site. Then dont miss Ancient Civilizations on Gaia. Meyers water-powered engine was the result of 20 years of research and dedication, and he claimed it was capable of converting tap water into enough hydrogen fuel to drive his car from one end of the country to the other. Hola Meg, se que falta poco para que empiece el espectculo, quiero saber que tengo que hacer una vez he pagado los 12 $, es una meditacin? South/East of Halley. By the time the policeman had made his way to the site, all that remained was the odd tent peg from the revelers tents and the damp remains of a campfire. The top-middle of the arch features a carving of the supposed sun god and shows what look to be rays of light appearing behind and forcing their way around all sides of the deities head. We cannot ignore the fact that there are over a hundred billion galaxies out there in the outer space. location of the Halcyon Tower, built with naquadah was rigged to explode by Ba'al when he made Earth his home (9.07 "Ex Deus Machina"). With two powerful Eclipses in the rearview mirror, we are still processing internal energetic . Stargates are a fascinating overlap of science-fiction and reality, and there are some who claim that we have access to portals here on Earth. In Another Notable Incident, a flying saucer became stuck in the Montauk underground tunnels with its alien crew demanding a crystal needed to repair the engines so they could leave. The site has also claimed several bizarre disappearances and gained the title of The Michigan Triangle.. 2023 - Curiosmos | All rights reserved | Created with, Abydos is one of the oldest cities of Ancient Egypt. Although most scholars would agree that the word abyss refers to a large body of water, Vegh argues that, as its used in ancient texts, it is more likely to have a meaning more akin to portal. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. Some Soviet scientists suggested that the boundaries of these crystal faces now lie beneath the surface of our planet, and that some protrude to the surface, creating the vortices that we know of. nous nous connecterons simplement We live in a strange time, where uncertainty about the future is at an all-time high political systems are in disarray, technology will either prove to be our savior or undoing, and weather patterns are chaotic. Travel to the Great Central Sun and step into the Crystal Stargate with Starseeds all around the world, as Meg channels Metatrons sacred geometry Activations. Required fields are marked *. The Bermuda Triangle is probably the most famous stargate portal. According to the story, a policeman who happened to be on duty and in the area, recalls seeing a blue light coming from the stones a local farmer also stated he saw this. Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Arcturus, Omega Centauri and Saturn. The world revolution against the Satanic Khazarian Mafia has resumed after a . An extension of the famed Philadelphia Experiment, this United States government-backed research project sought to further substantiate data on magnetic fields and their physiological effects. nous nous connecterons Emerald Guardians by time time we found the Antarctic gate which was later stored away. The Doorway itself is a large archway of red rock at the top of the mountain. Many of these curious people are scientists, who are unable to find any other explanation for either their findings or the stories of those who purportedly witnessed the powerful nature of a Stargate. It is also one of the most contested and debated sites in history, both as to when it was built and to what its true purpose might have been. A lady named Dorothy Eady had claimed to be the reincarnation of an Egyptian peasant girl named Bentreshyt and was the secret lover of Pharaoh Seti. Once they arrived at Camp Hero in 1983, they were tasked with returning to the USS Eldridge in order to destroy the equipment holding the ship in hyperspace. Einstein believed in them. Now in the 20th century, Dorothy was able to transcribe ancient Egyptian texts and even knew where the archaeologists should dig to excavate the remains of the ancient city. The architect of the Pyramids was the high priest Imhotep, who began building with simple stepped burial chambers and gradually refined his art into the amazing structures that you can see on the Giza plateau today. Essentially, it is a stargate and the sacred energies were the Neters (gods). He told them a story of his people, dating back to the 1800s, of three tribesman who had discovered the archway while riding in the desert. Some of these places are: The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt Abydos is one of the oldest cities of Ancient Egypt. Pyramids at Xian, China. Sedona vortexes are believed to be swirling centers of energy that are conducive to healing, meditation and self-exploration. 4-Year University Study Discredits Official 9/11 Narrative, Mysterious Booms Heard Around the World Leaving People Perplexed, Famous Alchemists; A Brief History of Fascination and Discovery, Cloud Seeding; The Confirmed Weather Modification Program, The CIA's Attempt at Feline Espionage: Operation Acoustic Kitty, Amazon Alexa Tells Users Secret Government Chemtrails Are Real, Researchers Have Created a Device That Can Hear Your Inner Voice, Amazon Alexa Owners Reporting Creepy Laughter from Home Assistant. With the captains quarters empty and with all the windows locked shut, Captain Donner had simply vanished. It was here where he was first exposed to the portal he would later use to teleport through time and space. Piercing red eyes glared at them from oversized animals that did not appear to be injured even when shot with bullets. During the powerful gateway that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21 Solstice, we are blessed with an extraordinary photonic light As he turned to leave, he caught a glimpse of the archway, and saw that the skies through the arch were clear blue. But Stargates can be difficult to find. This concept was popularized by the science-fiction TV show Stargate, and as recently as 2015, NASA admitted to having spent at least a decade researching access points to places outside our world, our universe, even beyond space and time as we know it. In 2003, Michael Schratt, a military aerospace engineer, stated that Abydos did sit on a naturally occurring stargate. This has led many researchers to state the purpose of the gate is indeed connected to something astronomical, although this is hotly debated. Was this what Eady was looking for when she was pressing stones in the walls? Strangely, people also witnessed Dorothy pressing on certain stones in the walls, as if she was expecting something to happen when she did so. Log on and subscribe: www.reysibayan.com Facebook: facebook.com/misteryoDZRH FB Page:. But perhaps the least-known of these is the car that was said to run on water. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. McFarland as it made its way along Lake Michigan, Captain Donner retired to his quarters to get some much needed rest after a long shift on deck. <br> <br>Einstein believed in them. The cosmic stargates guide our journey into the New Earth Timeline. In 1993, M. Visser showed that quantum wormholes, once formed, are stable. Join our mailing list to RECEIVE TWO FREE GIFTS! avec tout lAmour Suzanne, Bonjour China Successfully Clones Monkeys; Are Humans Next? In fact, some witnesses noted that they saw a green fog in the area where the massive ship once stood. Topics focus on the 12 Stargates (A Stargate is an Einstein-Rosen bridge portal device within the Stargate fictional universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations . Here it is: Interesting facts: According to map researchers the Giza Plateau, the location of the great pyramid IS the most powerful vortex point on the planet, and that the Kings Chamber within the Great Pyramid represents a narrow gateway to stars. She had become pregnant with his child, but before he could learn of the pregnancy, the peasant girl took her own life. The Monsanto Blackwater Connection; Spying on Activists, A Parallel Dimension is Changing People and Events in Our Universe. The original 12 Essene Tribes were seeded on the earth as a part of the evolution plan that was the result of the Covenant of Paliador, to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, making it easier to reclaim these identities when the stargates finally opened during the end of the Ascension Cycle. If you are new to the Quantum Access technique, Meg created a visual guide on how to apply the activation steps with Metatrons Cube sacred geometry. The doorway is actually two doorways, almost in a T shape. The possibility of direct paths to other worlds, times, or even universes outside our own, is one that will continue to fascinate us for centuries to come. 12-12 Stargate Infusion ~ Gateway Activations Begin ~ The Event Energies into New Earth and 5D - https://primedisclosure.com/1212-stargate-infusionBecoming S. , which divided any kind of water including salt water into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method. Objects in transit between gates are broken down into their individual elemental components, and then into energy as they pass through the event horizon, and then travel through a wormhole before being reconstructed on the other side and exiting another Stargate. . On each side of the emerging god, there are strange shimmering columns of water. Usually these are found where the faraway geomagnetic field bumps up against the passing solar wind. The door itself is a large stone structure carved into the face of Hayu Marca mountain, 7 meters high and 7 meters wide, with a smaller recessed door at the base. Behind it was a tunnel that shone with great blue light. The helpful tribesman stated he had also seen a strange incident at the alleged doorway. The result is a direct pathway between the Earth and the sun. The Abu Sir Pyramids, site of Abu Ghurab, has claimed to be one of the oldest sites on the planet. (130.5E, 24.5S). Formed from energy similar to that found in the human body, the shift in energy can be felt as a subtle vibration, bringing those who experience it a sense of calm and rejuvenation as the outward pulses align with those that naturally occur in the human body. Located in Uintah County in Utah, Skinwalker Ranch also called UFO Ranch is one of the states most famous areas of paranormal activity. The CIA's In-Q-Tel is Investing in Startups That Can Predict the Future, Inside DARPA's Brain Initiative; 5 Programs Expose Military's Transhumanist Agenda. With a history dating back more than 50 years, Skinwalker Ranch has been the site of paranormal activity such as crop circles, poltergeists, UFOs, dire wolf sightings, glowing orbs and other extraterrestrial occurrences. Among these are ethanol, natural gas, electricity, and even propane. Only after millenia of erosion did the crystal form itself into a sphere as we know it today. This is the reason that the pyramids were built at this location. This is the annual Ascension alignment that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21it opens a Cosmic Gateway into higher . Updated Status Star people, too, are purported to have entered and exited through the portals. A NASA-sponsored researcher at the University of Iowa has developed a way for spacecraft to hunt down hidden magnetic portals in the vicinity of Earth. . Further experiments in late October resulted in the USS Eldridge vanishing from its shakedown cruise in the Bahamas. Some say it's "hammer time". Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. . ( 37E, 55.3 N). Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. He says the government had a desire to check the veracity of the historical accountsof these three figures, due to their significance and the fact that they have been written about extensively.