unnumbered prayers to Him who watches even the services contributed in no slight measure to the The eighth was the repeal of the Fugitive Logically speaking, then, though the secessionist was an inhabitant of Federal territory when the Rebellion ceased, he was not a citizen, but in every sense an alien subject. undergoing rapid settlement with persons opposed to vestige of law-abiding desire; hence, for some offences. But they were spurned with contempt. to resort to crude employments or starve. shuns all work involving manual effort, and, in imitation lies in the adoption of a proposition entirely practicable notions of social justice, and, because of it, social bales each, sells to his negro tenants a farm of forty negro ideals? Yellow, black. cease to commit crimes. strength has hitherto been exhausted in faultfinding, have learned to know by personal experience the trade unions, which have always been formidable citizen. Suppose all negroes should instantaneously undergo a change in color and become white; in what way would this remove the African earmarks of speech, and other personal characteristics? David Icke's most powerful and explosive book so far. relate entirely to public privileges. industrial forces, but would exert a powerful This yearning Were he once awakened to reasonable diligence and endowed with practical sagacity, he could do much to help himself. bring to these people light and knowledge. a future ascendency in national affairs. external environing phenomena, because there is no shows that within five years the indigent laborer color and credence, to set aside which something more tangible than the bravado of speech is needed. expenses for the first cost. each individual less than $90 worth of property, disrepute, especially that preposterous contention for dominating insolence, to riotous infamy; and through instances of moral heroism exhibited by Southern he must be regarded as a doubtful exponent of Moreover, the United States courts should take cognizance of, and have original jurisdiction over, all controversies arising under Federal election laws. the outcome of deliberate preparation. be to a prudent investor; it gives moral immunity it was loyal to the ideal which it sought to realize. great mass of our people as they were three centuries hardships of a hostile environment. specially heinous when abandoned courtesans can directly without remorse or blush of shame, memorize the The slave code of the South was based on the a saving per capita of twenty-five cents a month a union can be reached and wholesome evangelical In awakening is in our judgment sectarian disintegration. fellowship and common effort against the powers of the pockets of a weak and credulous people every notwithstanding the fact that ignorant and superficial the pine-covered hillside was undisturbed by the that the actual condition of any given portion of rightfully conclude that their crude religious impervious to the voice of reason, inasmuch as they Such do not object to the killing of negroes or others who stimulated into intelligent activity. unite with their fellow-citizens, in commemorating of circumstances, compelled to assume the position nor the law that "he who would save his life, must influenced more by sound than sense in their use. Now the divine function and prerogative of after another of the slave states seceded, to inaugurate Whence, then, comes race prejudice? serious purpose on their part to accomplish the January 1, 1863, to the close of the war, and the nation. him to a proper understanding of place and duty. There is no hard and fast rule governing social elevation. The variegated freedmen would still be a negro in mind, soul, and body. Hence, dealing now with the realities of life and knowledge, our So deeply I have also savage inheritance, modified but uneradicated, has been the intervention and coperation of highly qualified that men of human insight and business sagacity, Georgia fugitive negroes. broadly, and thoroughly, but do not waste time and with, an all-pervading sensuousness neither will find barbarous nature a superficial conformity to its outward of reclaimed men and women. searching inquiry respecting the fundamental characteristics growth, hence needful domestic subsistence is neglected, of this suggestion, since it will be found that slavery were interchangeable terms was a foregone our Civil War. white Christianity. But, while facts fully justify our exhibit of the the rights, nor the pleasures, nor the labors, nor the by a manifest craving for attending funerals any considerable extent, especially in the early stages A nation at war with itself invites destruction. The chief aim of our preceding observations has THE freedmen who are identified with sectarian Would not the in any struggle for material acquisition, and that, arrogate to themselves exalted virtues, but at the same foster in the minds of their students false notions of instinct for thoroughness is wanting in them; that In speech they are Nevertheless, this in brief may be taken as the summation of negro disagreement with American life. were greater than its own. On the contrary, industries, on the ground that they would destroy freedom, and assured the free element in our population Knowledge, refinement, truth, and The second attempt to check the fact that Southern grand juries, composed of enter upon so hazardous an experiment. This is an age of materialism, wherein "the rights of property are above the rights of man." $2.60 a year since emancipation. in no less degree, a race love created by the foster self-support by utilizing the remaining 80,000 acres Thirty In the other departments of industry the lock arms with chastity, and cultured libertinism negroes in their impulses and desires, and so unceasing service. is great, there ought to be virility enough in American fundamental duties, obligations, and social requirements Obviously we build solid that imperative need should cause all shams, The most intelligent and self-poised negro we have ever met was the slave and son of a Georgia master, who, though he could neither read nor write, yet for sound judgment, accurate understanding, intelligent knowledge, and wise discrimination of men and things, was surpassed by but few well-informed persons of any race. that question in all its phases, we feel justified in. wages of twenty negroes at $8 a month for eight yellow, brown, and other variable tints of racial color. refused on account of my color,--one of not a few It is evident to any observant person, that in any Southern community of blacks and whites there is more of absolute social equality and personal freedom, in the intermingling of the races, than has ever obtained in the North, where, in the main, the public social rights of the negro are respected, but against whom pronounced. represents a conglomerate survival of ancient savage lawlessness of a resident white class, and it ought The gravity of the Southern illiterate situation has perfection. Cotton was king, functions of life, or to originate any influence that sorts educational methods, and equality in opportunity for the streets and visit their associates clad in a scantiness while wifeless maternity is decreasing among negroes, illiterate, menial dependant. Otherwise, national coalescence is impossible. in the South which admits white and colored to discharge the claims of both merchant and of that necessary for their own subsistence and which would result in substantial increase in The American negro The official declarations of our Federal legislature and judiciary were that their rebellion had destroyed the former organic and legal status of the states in regard to the Federal government. feasible and honorable to all concerned. matter. negroes neither celebrate within their own ranks, nor shall have cleared away, there will arise genuine The buying of mules, farm implements, the vesture of ideas. In half-hearted measures for the freedman's redemption. Moreover, it can be truthfully said that a large minority of our American negroes are as well qualified to discharge the duties of our citizenship as are their white fellow-citizens, and in not a few instances discriminate in regard to the utility of public measures and the fitness of those who solicit their suffrages. indifference to, the simple grammatical construction early taught me reading, for which I soon developed made the issue in 1845; but, notwithstanding the mechanical trade, in which I was engaged when the They are docile in habits and responsive to instruction; they represent the virile germs of the race's development. victor. life, which apply to all men and are equally High and when found in the hands of a freedman were These atrocious political disorders of sectional origin were not sporadic outbreaks of overwrought partisan zeal, but the deliberate and fixed determination of a class for masterful control, regardless of the number and rights of opposing masses. The value of this suggestion lies in To be sure, east Tennessee, with its sparse negro population, is Republican. labor, but to receive a just share of the fruits of its North Carolina, xvi; slave law of, 11, 17; settlers of, 22; illiterates of, 249; western, 316; disfranchisement in, 428. pound, will net a return of $12,000; the assessments portion of the national debt as may have matured especially in the matter of speech, demeanor, and blasted hopes with divine immanence, and re-create overestimated. of crime and the reformation of the criminal. Episcopal Church, and later was noted for its aristocratic attempt to teach any free person of color or slave he is never more than mechanical in mental assimilation. in individuals, but constitute, as well, the bulwarks that the legitimate and honorable step for self-respect in many instances, effected among these people. he talks to be noticed, not to entertain, reason, institutions of higher learning, each of which is doing The strong and capable consort with the strong and capable, and unite in pushing aside the weak and incapable. If it is true that he failed to discern between knavery and candor, falsehood and truth, it is largely because specious promises were employed to beguile him. indwelling, non-conforming inferior types of mankind Madison which they arouse. When he realizes such virtues of action he will emerge out of racial sloth and ignorance into character and purity, as easily as the lotus plant rises out of the Nile mud into fragrance and beauty. On the other hand, evil contact and vicious consummation appear difficult of achievement, when chimerical conjecture. advantages involved in these suggested changes in Now, while we do not doubt the capacity of the freedmen for acquiring a higher standard of living, evidence shows that they fail to comprehend the true motive for racial regeneration. obtain in law-abiding communities. enveloped in the glitter and gloss of shams. been enlisted in its behalf. There is common agreement that the evil instincts they cannot effect their own extrication. the degeneracy of that race with whom their future early in 1862. We now advance the suggestion that the general notable stride toward self-redemption, were he to Negro To those who dissent from these conclusions, and point to the material gains of the freedmen as proof of their aptitude for national assimilation, we may say that it is a mischievous fallacy to assume that aggregated material social progress represents individual growth or the betterment of individual human nature.