New medical guidelines for trans patients are too political, Communist British scientist dubbed Stalins nanny who wanted face masks and social distancing FOREVER is given top job at World Health Organization,, . In any case, UK tax law is already at least 10x more complex than it should be. [7][8], Michie obtained a BA in experimental psychology from University College, Oxford in 1976, an MPhil in clinical psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry in 1978, and a DPhil in developmental psychology from University College, Oxford in 1982. These ideologues are relentless. Most sane people want a more equal society, but not one imposed top down which would be contradictory. With dangerous people like her & Null Ferguson running around, it becomes hard to maintain the principle of free speech as someone who believes in it, because their words actually can wreak concrete havoc onto the population! However, they are not honest referees, and they fail to admit their own position is a political one of self interest. On the "Why is There No Balance" thread in April 2016: What was dressed up as power to the people was really just replacing one hierarchy with another much less capable one a power grab. And receive the best part of a billion in aid from UK. Have you tried typing National Socialist? It is partly owned by the Cabinet Office, employees and Nesta, Posted by: Whoops!!! Comments are moderated, and will not appear on this weblog until the moderator has approved them. However, it only allows scheme members to jump NHS queue. - Perhaps they could learn from Sally? 29 April 2021 at 10:23 AM, Jos S. | 27 April 2021 at 09:10 PM Martin they have figured us out, we live in the tyranny of kindness. Susan Michie certainly doesnt think so, as she told me in her. Professor Susan Michie, an adviser to the UK Governmenton pandemic behavioural science, was questioned by BBC Scotlands Kaye Adams on Monday morning. I am also sure that in Brazil, like in the rest of the world, the deaths FROM covid-19 are being massively exaggerated as many are almost certainly deaths from other causes where the victim just happened to have a positive covid-19 test. So quite why she thinks she has the right to push them on the country against the concensus of the people is beyond me. Posted by: You could not say I am proud fascist, never mind N**i and be employed by the state. She was asked about the Prime Ministers plans to end the legal requirement to self isolate in England amid reports Covid tests would no longer be free other than for the elderly and vulnerable. [29][30] She made a 14,000 donation to Labour under Corbyn's leadership. Susan Michie isnt a communist, shes a damned stalinist. When Boris or Hancock open their mouths its BIT and SAGE thats actually speaking. Yes there are a lot of people dying, possibly even as a result of contracting covid 19, but there are still considerably more who die every day in India from perfectly treatable issues as simple as clean water availability or a lack of an effective health system. I believe that says all that is needed in respect of the seriousness of the situation in India. These are the infamous deaths WITH covid-19, a completely different kettle of fish. We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community - a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues. But point of nudge units was to encourage compliance by great majority and that was achieved. Posted by: Email Address:(Not displayed with comment. Brazil has a population of about 3 times that of the UK, so multiply 650,000 by 3 and you get about 2,000,000. adeledicnander | Every one is different, with different talents and skills, which have different worth at different times and in different places. Unless you have some spare capacity in the system, it will always be so. 29 April 2021 at 05:11 PM. The expert questioned the idea and the presenter. There actually is Laura, she said it during a cringy year-end interview of her and others like Null Ferguson & Devi Sridhar by the Guardian last Christmas. Much like a snake, you track off movement and can position yourself anyway the wind blows in order to manipulate popular opinion to get the reaction you want. I stand by it.". Shame on the WHO, shame on Michie. She is a psychologist and psychology in general (albeit not always) and the type of psychological research she has been involved with is wholly unscientific. The problem with Prof. Michie is that she is not a public health expert, she is not medically trained, and she is not and never has been a scientist. I am not sure it would help. The reason being that if you can maniuplate people into backing what your portray as a virtuous cause, for example, liberating a country from a dictator or allegedly saving lives threatened by a virus or climate change then you are far more likely to win the support of those who can't see beyond the smoke and mirrors. The two pasted sections below are from Gov web sites. She was asked about the Prime Minister's plans to end the legal requirement to self isolate in England amid reports Covid tests would no longer be free other than for the elderly and vulnerable. Why should her being a hardline Communist be seen as any better? Its the same rubbish journalism that spawned corrie or strictly. Due to their high kinetic energy and the pyrophoric properties of U, DU ammunitions are used solely for the purpose of armor-piercing and have little use against other targets (Bleise et al., 2003). Posted by: I just dont see this. Probably wanted to avoid the inevitable confusion with Corbynism. Web links cannot be accepted, and may mean your whole comment is not published. He inherited major interests in coal,. This is a practical guide to designing and evaluating behaviour change interventions and policies. 01 May 2021 at 09:42 AM. When Professor Susan Michies appointment as the new Chair of the World Health Organisations Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights was announced on Monday, almost every news report mentioned that she is a longstanding member of the British Communist Party. Its the psychological aspects of forcing people to suffer and obey that she is interested in. And so on. All of this is nothing to do with Boris or Hancock. Posted by: Later in the same interview, Professor Michie admitted that all of her colleagues on SPI-B, the UK government behavioural science committee, shared an ideological commitment to a more equal society: we never talk about each others politics. From the economy to culture. Paranoia it was not! She doesnt want a liberal tolerant society like all Communists this is simply a front for her real wish, which is to live in a Bolshevist one, an ideology which we should never tire of repeating, has killed tens, probably hundreds of millions of peoplein the 20th century, plus of course on a lesser but still inhuman scale, leading to economic stagnation, a complete lack of freedom, huge numbers of informers and spies etc. "RT @MaajidNawaz: A 40-year member of the Communist Party of Britain - Susan Michie - has just been appointed Chair of WHO's Technical Advis" Steve Balmforth (30 April 2021 at 03:23 PM) makes a good point about statistics taken out of context not telling the real story. And the thing is that by equality she didnt mean equal rights to live as who we are and make our own decisions, and live and let live, she meant equally mass-produced in an indoctrination factory, and any variation is abject. But its voluntary. But she added: Today, I was surprised to be interrupted on several occasions after having waited 25 minutes before being brought into the conversation. Professor Susan Michie, Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, sits on a sub-group for the Government's SAGE advisory body. adeledicnander | But is there diversity on these WHO committees? Posted by: > I think you'll find that the figure is about 9 million, so you're out by a factor of more than 10. Steve balmforth | Written by Susan Michie, Lou Atkins & Robert West forgot? Their positions are completely hypocritical, and based on self interest, while they themselves sneer at others self interest. Posted by: [31][32] She has stated that her political positions are unrelated to her scientific advice. Nigel Smith | If Covid Advice to the government was a normal business product, wed be suing SAGE for multiple violations of whatever the Truthfulness in Adverstising and Fraudulent Business Practices acts are called in the UK. Everything a communist does is informed by their disgusting, murderous politics. No, the Big, Rich Parties. It means its users reduce the burden on the NHS, leaving more in theory for the rest of us taxpayers. That said, she obviously had ulterior motives here! Nudge units appeared in various departments and even some local authorities. Communism, and communists, are pure evil. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. Susan Michie, a 40-year member of the British Communist Party and a leading participant in the U.K. Government's Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B), has been promoted to Chair of the WHO's Technical Advisory Group for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health.. Last year, when asked how long Britain's Covid containment measures should last, Michie responded that . I havent seen any evidence that Michie supported masking because she thought it had any health benefits. Thats why she tells you that there is no diversity or call for more personalized healthcare- Because its run by HER cabal! That is why, as an influential member of Sage (an oxymoron if ever there was one), she pushed for maximum lockdown. The Nazis murdered fewer people than communism continues to do, and its outlawed in the UK. Brexit has hastened the decline of the once dominant Ulster Unionist party (UUP), too. 28 April 2021 at 07:46 PM. She concluded . For it seems an average per million COVID problem . Thats exactly why the nudge theory should never have been unleashed onto the public sector, and the pandoras box that shouldve been left untouched! London overground trains between Shepherds Bush and Clapham were empty in March to May period in 2020. Member of the British Communist Party of 40 years; Donated 14,000 to the Labour Party under Corbyn; The truth of the matter is that in the community masks of all types fail to protect and fail to prevent transmission, and this is quite evident when one actually looks at the data for SARS-CoV2 by simply comparing neighboring regions with very similar demographics. [9], As a clinical psychologist she worked with adults and families on topics covering antenatal care, genetic counselling and occupational stress. Unfortunately, though, these important debates are being spoiled by a vocal minority of trolls who arent really interested in the issues, try to derail the conversations, register under fake names, and post vile abuse. All guests are offered the opportunity to have their say.. [9], In July 2022, Michie was appointed chair of the WHOs Behavioural Advisory Group. He promised to get it done and the British electorate gave the Conservative Party an absolute parliamentary majority at the last general election. The fact so many of them defend this SAGE Phycologist , and attack PH for what they claim as bullying just confirms that they dont like it when their own hypocrisies are exposed. [6], Born in St Pancras, London, Michie is the daughter of the biologist Dame Anne McLaren and computer scientist Donald Michie, and sister of the economist Jonathan Michie. Oh but actually, Ill focus on the plebs and forcing them how to be, how to act through thinly veiled psy-ops. The thing is that the grandchildren of many of those workers, unlike the descendants of the very rich for a change, who thought getting out of the European Union was almost a matter of life and death will not be able to seek work, live or study in another thirty or so European countries as easily as before. 29 April 2021 at 03:22 PM. My Italian friends say that you can only work in public or private medicine in Italy. She is director of UCLs Centre for Behaviour Change and of its Health Psychology Research Group. [12], In 2002, Michie joined the Psychology Department of University College London (UCL), where she is Professor of Health Psychology. Prof David Hendy, 27/30 'Radio Everywhere', Radio 4, 23 April 2013 [in part]: "The dream of the Nazi radio programmers was to create a kind of volkesgemeinschaft, a social unity that amounted in effect to a single way of thinking among the German people. 28 April 2021 at 11:09 PM, Mike B "You might want to check your figures there, Jaggers. Shortly before reading your exchange here, I read this weeks Spectator. That means that based on my figures - which yes, are assumptions - the daily death toll NOT from covid-19 may be about 7,500. [19] She also sits on the Independent SAGE committee, chaired by Sir David King. SAGE Member - and Communist - Susan Michie Says We Will Need Face Masks and Social Distancing "Forever" . "Their' lifestyles will continue unaffected and in fact enhanced by the policies they pursue, even if it will likely mean that future generations of their own sort may not see it last. If more people would think, more people would agree with me' My interview with Aaron Bastani, Yes, Drake did wicked things. The broadcast news media are some of the biggest offenders. Only when government announced eat out to help out scheme more covidiots came out. To equalize outcomes you need the all powerful elites to determine who gets what. What does the Marxist manifesto say about private inherited wealth". British professor who is member of the Communist party appointed as chair of WHO advisory group, said the Telegraph. 'Interrupting' BBC interviewer blasted by Covid expert over 'fixed view' on scrapping rules, Boris Johnson scraps ALL Covid restrictions in England as self-isolation ended, Ian Blackford jeered by Tory MPs for criticising Boris Johnson ending Covid rules. Would Mr. Johnson have become prime minister had it not been for Brexit? Slight exaggeration there!!! To paraphrase Trotsky: You might not be that interested in Susan Michies politics, but Susan Michies politics are interested in you. Watt Soever | BBC and universities are full of them. Progress | A Gannett Company. The India deaths total per million of population is currently 150 people. Her research focused on the areas of antenatal care and screening, and occupational stress in health care staff and students. She is a frequent contributor on. Michie S, van Stralen MM, West R. They lifted the tiny infant out of the way, to check that. The inculabor of Communism in this country can be found in the immediately pre- and post-WW2 Oxbridge. We think alike so we must be right. Also I doubt flights incoming from India to England have reduced one iota . The figure I wrote equates to 4 trillion (or 4 now defunct UK billion). last year when I asked her if she was a Communist: You could not say I am proud fascist, never mind N**i and be employed by the state.. She leads the Human Behaviour-Change Project funded by the Wellcome Trust. He added: It appears these dangerous choices are purely political and are being made up on the hoof, it is another symptom of a Government in turmoil. Diversity in large organisations is surely the best way to limit extremism. 02 May 2021 at 01:02 PM. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can Some private schools may be trading as charities when they are in reality private businesses and perhaps that should be addressed. . The communists really were out to destroy the West, a bit like the woke ideologues these days. McCarthyism is an attempt to dismiss all criticism of Communism as mindless paranoia. In the real world the only thing a thing can be identical with is itself. He does not need to worry about any political opposition, the prime minister I mean, not even from a Labour party whose leader appears to go along with government's policy in this area as if he was worrying about not damaging the image of his party in the eyes of the so-called traditional Labour voters and so avoiding the potentially catastrophic results for his party --an his leadership-- at the next general election whenever that maybe. It cannot be discovered in the real world. As you rightly point out they have no principles. Welcome to the new Dark Ages. Hit**r & Goebbels sure used this very tactic too back in the 30s. I worked in management consulting when Nudge book came out and it became fashionable among certain consultants and then the civil service who set up a nudge unit. SAGE is just an extension of the BIT (behavioural insights team) as below. Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson for starters, and of course the 3 authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, and the list goes on! But you seem to implying that their are somehow special classes of businesses which should have more punitive tax treatment than others. Some readers may be interested in this account of Professor Michie, a lifelong Communist now a prominent adviser to the Johnson government:, April 25, 2021 -"It is at this point that I recall another very interesting, thought-provoking article by Peter Hitchens last August on Claire Fox who was nominated for a peerage by Mr. Johnson despite Ms. Fox's past opposition to the very existence of the House of Lords and having been a member of a strange cultish group called the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). I know that it sounds like a clich but it really shows how decisive it is to think hard before we drop that piece of paper into the ballot box. Committee, chaired by Sir David King to check your figures there,.... Accepted, and based on self interest isnt a Communist does is informed their... To Labour under Corbyn 's leadership the NHS, leaving more in theory the! Have reduced one iota population is currently 150 people amp ; Robert West forgot told me in her compliance great. 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