Furthermore, use any abbreviations provided in an out-of-state compilation's prescribed form of statutory citation. Include the e-book edition and the type of e-reader used. . According to Constitutional Interpretation 43 (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 2, Constitution [1969 ed]) . County . General Rules for Formulating Summaries. Capitalize the popular names of federal and state acts and constitutional clauses, for example: Dead Man's Statute, No-Fault Law, Federal Clean Water Act, Due Process Clause, Equal Protection Clause, Gift or Loan Clause, Speech or Debate Clause. The footnote number should be placed at the point in the text where the citation would appear if the citation were placed in the text. It will typically comprise more than one sentence and should be formulated with an emphasis on concision and clarity. In the Matter of Medical Malpractice Insurance Association et al., Petitioners, v Commissioner of Department of Health of the State of New York, Respondent. The judgments convicted defendant, after a nonjury trial, of depositing debris and/or waste materials on a village lot (Local Law No. Ordinarily, spell out numbers that begin a sentence (e.g. ). The drafter may also use summaries found in prior Official Reports 2d or 3d series volumes for guidance, but should adapt the format of a prior summary to conform to these General Rules and Sample Forms. Appeals from a final determination of the Workers' Compensation Board, filed September 20, 1983, bringing up for review an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial Department, entered May 5, 1983. Use inclusive terms, rather than masculine or feminine forms. Committee on Professional Standards, by Proceeding in Rem Pursuant to Article 11 of the Real Property Tax Law, Second Report of the September 1975 Grand Jury of the County of Erie, Omnicon Group Inc. If the information conflicts, and conformity cannot be achieved by reference to the record and/or opinion, the matter should be resolved through consultation with the appropriate court, clerk or decision department. ), rendered January 31, 2000. . necessary for electronic citations. Cal. . Respondent was admitted to the bar on March 16, 1988 at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department. Titles of articles and chapters within those sources are set in italics. Rptr. . This rule may require redaction of the names of witnesses or other nonparties who are referenced in text. ), entered August 2, 2002. re-present, not represent; re-serve, not reserve). . Appeal, by permission of an Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department, entered February 6, 1995. 5. epileptics, autistics or quadriplegics); has negative overtones (e.g. . Year the case was decided. A revised rule (3.1 [b] [2] [c]) eliminates repetition of section signs in citations of multiple sections of a statute. a judgment of the [court and judge's name], which had convicted defendant, [upon a jury verdict] [upon a plea of guilty] [after a nonjury trial], of [name of crime(s), but omit the words 'the crime(s) of'] and sentenced defendant [description of sentence]." In addition, a listing of each Third Series decision that cites to your retrieved decision will also be displayed. 1973 = date of the case decision . Courthouse Hours. All exceptions to the Bluebook guidelines are listed below. . In criminal actions, the prosecuting authority is usually described as "The People of the State of New York" and is referred to as Plaintiff. Some suggested forms of ascending hierarchy citations in running text are as follows: Town Law 199 (1) (a) and (3) provide . 1 Danann Realty Corp. v. Harris, (1959) 5 N.Y.2d 317. Use of the Internet version is strongly recommended not only for updates, but also to gain the advantages of word searching, hypertext linking and coordinating use of the Manual with the Official Case Name and Citation Locator. "U" designation for unpublished cases. To construct short form citations for cases, refer to Rule 10.9. The Bluebook has two sections: The Bluepages section: citation rules for documents written by practitioners, like legal memoranda and court filings. New rules illustrate the use of an ellipsis with a period (11.1 [c] [2]) and with other punctuation (11.1 [c] [3]). . APPENDIX 8 FORMULATION OF SUMMARIES (APPEAL STATEMENTS), Attorney or Firm Representing Multiple Parties, (Add "s" inside the period for plural use, unless otherwise indicated. . 3. An Appellate Division may make decisions of law and fact with respect to its power to hear first appeals from state trial courts, including the Supreme Court and County Courts. N.Y.S. Rules 10.3.1 and 10.3.3 illustrate when and how to use a parallel citation. According to Patrick M. Connors in his 2013 Practice Commentaries (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 3012-b, 2014 Pocket Part at 18) . Slip opinions scheduled for publication in the print Official Reports are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (a) (8). APPENDIX 3 APPELLATE HISTORY AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS USED IN CITATIONS Education Law 2518 (1) (former [a]) provided . . . . For example: (11 Advisory Comm on Jud Ethics Op 91-68 [1991]), (Advisory Comm on Jud Ethics Op 06-82 [2006]) [Note: online opinions], (NY St Ethics Commn Advisory Op 94-21 [1994]), (NY St Bar Assn Comm on Prof Ethics Op 656 [1993]), (Bar Assn of Nassau County Comm on Prof Ethics Op 2-89 [1989]), (ABA Comm on Ethics and Prof Responsibility Formal Op 342 [1975]), (NY City Bar Assn Comm on Prof Ethics Formal Op 2011-2 [2011]), (AMA Code of Med Ethics, Ops on Prac Matters E-8.081), (2005 Ann Rep of NY Commn on Jud Conduct at 155), (53 Rec of Assn of Bar of City of NY at 450 [1998]). Appeal from an order of the Family Court of Richmond County (Ralph J. Porzio, J. An example of a proper Supreme Court citation using the Manual is: Brown v Bd of Ed of Topeka, Shawnee Cty, Kan, 347 US 483, 489-90; 74 S Ct 686, 689; 98 L Ed 873 (1954). Appeal from orders of the Civil Court of the City of New York, New York County (Eileen A. Rakower, J. Cite historical constitutional material as follows: Treaties signed before 1949 are contained in and cited to the United States Statutes at Large. Supreme Court 1. (CJI2d[NY] Culpable Mental StatesIntent), (CJI2d[NY] Penal Law art 265, Intent to Use Unlawfully and Justification), (CJI2d[NY] Statements [Admissions, Confessions]Custodial Statements), (CJI2d[NY] Accessorial Liability [rev July 29, 2002]), (CJI2d[NY] Penal Law former 130.35 [1]), (CJI2d[NY] Capital Sentencing; Preliminary Instructions and Voir Dire), (CJI2d[NY] Defense, Justification: Use of Deadly Physical Force in Defense of a Person) [Note: replaces Penal Law 35.15]. . If you prefer to search by State Supreme Court or Court of Appeals exclusively, click on the links in the left hand . 39 [9 NYCRR 5.39]), (NY Senate Debate on Senate Bill S2850, Mar. . Prince's Bieber Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations, NYU Law School . Appeal, by permission of the Court of Appeals, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered December 28, 1995. ), dated November 12, 2009. New York City Health Code (24 RCNY) __. For words not on the list, consult Webster's Third New International Dictionary (2002). Although each is a "Respondent," their statuses are different (the first being Respondents in an Appellant/Respondent context, the second a Respondent in the Petitioner/Respondent context) and accordingly they are not combined in the title.]. Include the court, omitting any information made redundant by the citation itself, pertinent jurisdictional information and year of decision for all full case references, including references to appellate history. Chaudhary v. Gen. Motors Corp., 649 P. 2d 224 ( Cal. The order denied a petition for an order changing petitioner's name from Peter Cortes to Zea.. In legal writing, one of the most commonly cited types of sources are judicial opinions. A number of opinions not selected for full publication in the Miscellaneous Reports are published in abstract form in the printed Miscellaneous 3d Reports and in full text in the Slip Opinion Service and online Official Reports. The 2012 Edition recognizes the further migration of legal research from print to electronic formats by providing guidance on the elements of electronic citation generally (1.5) and adding source specific rules and sample citations for electronic services (2.4 [a]); Internet material (2.4 [a] [3]; 7.1 [[d]); CD-ROM material (7.3 [c]); New York Law Journal and other online decisions (2.2 [a] [8]; 2.2 [b] [2], [3]); and e-books (7.9). VI, 7. The judgment granted the petition and directed that petitioner's sentences be served concurrently. The name of the judge in running text may, but need not, include the full name: The decision of Mr. Justice Pound (later Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals) at Special Term . 2001-3 provides . A list of public domain citations adopted by various jurisdictions was added (Appendix 2 [D]). As explained in Brett S. Ward, Practice Insights (NY CLS, Book 44, Family Ct Act 1051, 2008 Cum Supp at 224) . Find the Official Reports "cite-as" case name for United States Supreme Court decisions with the Case Citation Finder available You must indicate both the state name and name of the court, except: You may omit the court name if it is the highest court in the jurisdiction. The determination found that the Unified Court System had committed an improper employer practice. . The Bluebook is the guide to citing legal documents in the United States. To add emphasis to a word or phrase, italicize it. The following question was certified by the Appellate Division: "Was the order of this Court, which modified the order of the Supreme Court, properly made? Hyphenate an adjectival phrase formed of two or more words preceding the noun modified only where ambiguity might otherwise result. Cal. Former section 434 of the Judiciary Law provided . 3d. Internet material is cited as indicated in section 2.4 (a) (3) and section 7.1 (d). Among other things, we now know how to cite materials such as e-books. Both "Note" or "Comment" and the author's name are used in a law review citation, as follows: (Arthur Karger, Powers of the New York Court of Appeals 9:5 at 313 [3d ed rev 2005]), (Prosser & Keeton, Torts 44 at 309-310 [5th ed 1984]), (Jerome Prince, Richardson on Evidence 8-254, (2 Dan B. Dobbs et al., Torts 359 at 436-437 [2d ed 2011]), (11 Richard A. Lord, Williston on Contracts 32:6 at 432 [4th ed 1990]), (8 Warren's Weed, New York Real Property 92.16 [5th ed 2004]), (8-92 Warren's Weed, New York Real Property 92.16 [2006]) [Note: online treatise], (3 Warren's Negligence in New York Courts 80.01 [2] at 80-5 [2d ed 2005]), (3-80 Warren's Negligence in New York Courts 80.01 [2] [2005]) [Note: online treatise], (11 Warren's Heaton, Surrogate's Court Practice 194.01 [5] at 194-14 [7th ed 2006]), (11-194 Warren's Heaton, Surrogate's Court Practice 194.01 [5] [2006]) [Note: online treatise], (3A Doris Jonas Freed et al., Law and the Family New York 11:11 at 98 [2d ed rev 1993]), (1 Robert F. Dolan, Rasch's Landlord and TenantSummary Proceedings 1:14 at 88 [4th ed 1998]), (4 James J. "at," use in citation to particular page. ", (b) Appeal by Permission of Appellate DivisionFinal Order/Judgment. If the quotation contains language that is already quoted (a quotation within a quotation), the previously quoted language may be enclosed within single quotation marks ('). Apply the following rules based upon the location where citational content would be placed in the traditional format. Continuing previous efforts to eliminate useless citation formalities and to promote cleaner text, the rule (1.3 [a]) governing subsequent references to previously cited authority has been recast to encourage the use of short-form citations and. | 3d Dept | 4th Dept. 8. ), entered January 21, 2000. TSB-A-O6[2]M), (2000 NY PSC Op No. Accuracy A summary of an appellate case should be factually and legally accurate. ; date of the decision, in parentheses (in the same set of parentheses as the . Permission of Associate Judge of Court of Appeals. 6922 II), (NY St Off of Children & Family Servs Admin Directive 11-OCFS-ADM-01). See the word list at Appendix 5. General references to courts or their parts are not capitalized. Bluebook. Some electronic sources do not contain pagination; therefore, page references are not required when citing those sources. Use the firm or legal organization name and individual names of appearing attorneys, unless only the firm or legal organization name(s) or attorney(s) name(s) is available. New abbreviations have been added for case names, law reports, appellate history terms and statutes (Appendixes 1 - 4). ; Since law school work focuses on academic writing, this guide describes and explains the rules in the Whitepages section. Abandoned Property Law 103 (a) (as amended by L 1944, ch 498) provides . In Court of Appeals summaries, use the past perfect tense to describe the disposition of a court/administrative body that occurred prior to the disposition that is being appealed to the Court of Appeals. 1518 [1945]), Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 106-45, 1999 WL 33292734, 1999 UST LEXIS 175 [May 28, 1999] [Montreal Convention]), Article II, 2 of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (reprinted following 9 USCA 201). However, the style of the larger numbers controls the style of the smaller ones, when used in the same context (e.g. 10.2 [a] [5] [specifying "15 years' imprisonment," not "15 years imprisonment"]). Short-form references also are capitalized: the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Saugerties. Add a page reference or other pinpoint citation if desired after the description. ), entered January 7, 2002 in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78. Flashcards. . The Advisory Committee Notes following CPLR 105 (reprinted in NY CLS, Book 4A at 48 [1999 ed]) provide background . . Justice Courts (Sometimes referred to as a Town or Village Court, these are properly stated as Justice Court of the respective town or village.). ), entered August 21, 2006. . Business Law: Harvard Bluebook Citation. Users' input inspired several rule clarifications and additions. Where the source contains pagination, a page reference may be included if greater precision is desired. . Plaintiff did not sustain a serious injury within the meaning of Insurance Law 5102 (d). The judgment, after a nonjury trial, awarded possession to petitioner in a nonprimary residence holdover summary proceeding. Material; Arbitrations; Court Rules; Books References to parts, subdivisions, paragraphs, subparagraphs, clauses, etc., of sections of statutes cited in parallel hierarchy (divisions of sections of the same rank or hierarchy) should appear within parentheses as follows: The comma is inserted between divisions of the same rank. (Homeland Security Act of 2002, 6 USC 101, (Social Security Act 208 [42 USC 408]), (Pub L 105-298, 112 US Stat 2827 [105th Cong, 2d Sess, Oct. 27, 1998] [termed the "Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act"], amending 17 USC 301 [c]), (Pub L 106-74, tit V, 531, 113 US Stat 1109, amending Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 524 [42 USC 1437f Note]), (Act of May 31, 1790 1 [1st Cong, 2d Sess, ch 15], 1 US Stat 124, reprinted in Lib of Cong, Copyright Enactments, 1783-1900 at 30-32), Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 USC 101, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC, ch 21, 2000e, Section 208 of the Social Security Act (42 USC 408), This principle is contained in title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC, ch 21, 2000e, (57 Fed Reg 48451 [1992], codified at 15 CFR 1150.1, (HR Rep 730, 95th Cong, 2d Sess at 25, reprinted in 1978 US Code Cong & Admin News at 9130, 9134), (S Rep 86-658, 86th Cong, 1st Sess, reprinted in 1959 US Code Cong & Admin News at 2548), (Rep of Senate Judiciary Commn at 4, S Rep 103-361, 103rd Cong, 2d Sess, reprinted in 1994 US Code Cong & Admin News at 3259, 3260). When the quoted material contains mistakes that the author does not wish to correct by substituting bracketed language, the author may indicate that the mistake appeared in the original by inserting "[sic]" after the mistaken language. . Learn. . is the basic citation resource for Washington appellate court opinions except as noted below.. underscoring, boldface), retain that style. . Application by petitioner pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3 to impose discipline on respondent based upon disciplinary action taken against him by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. In addition, the words "county," "city," "town," "village" and the like standing alone should be capitalized only when the word they modify is capitalized, when referring to a political subdivision as a party or when referring to a political subdivision acting in its governmental capacity. (Personnel Rules and Regs of City of NY [55 RCNY Appendix A] 4.7.1), (Rules of City of NY Dept of Parks and Recreation [56 RCNY] 1-01), Personnel Rules and Regulations of City of New York (55 RCNY Appendix A) 4.7.1, Rules of City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation (56 RCNY) 1-01, (Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] 500.11), Rules of the Court of Appeals (22 NYCRR) 500.11, (Rules of App Div, 2d Dept [22 NYCRR] 670.3), Rules of the Appellate Division, Second Department (22 NYCRR) 670.3, (Uniform Rules for Trial Cts [22 NYCRR] 202.5), Uniform Rules for Trial Courts (22 NYCRR) 202.5, (Uniform Rules for Sur Ct [22 NYCRR] 207.6), Uniform Rules for Surrogate's Court (22 NYCRR) 207.6, (Rules of Chief Admin of Cts [22 NYCRR] 130-1.1), Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts (22 NYCRR) 130-1.1. 2020). Kathleen M. Rice, as District Attorney of the County of Nassau, Plaintiff, v Milton Bialostok, Defendant. I. In a footnote containing text, citations in running text or within parentheses may be used. . Penal Law 125.25 (1) (a) and (b) provide . APPENDIX 7 CITATIONAL FOOTNOTE STYLE (MODEL OPINION) Rptr. The orders, upon reargument, granted defendants' motions to dismiss the informations in the interest of justice. If the particular document or page referenced cannot be directly accessed using the URL, add the necessary navigation instructions to the citation. Appellate Division and Appellate Term Cases and Direct Appeals to the Court of Appeals: "[First sentence. Both flush left and centered headings may be used in a single decision. 2004]), (1813 Rev L of NY, 36th Session, ch IV, VI [1 Van Ness and Woodworth rev at 326]), (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 6266 [3] [Urban Development Corporation Act (UDCA) 16 (3), as added by L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended]), (Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 [ETPA] 5 [McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 8625 (L 1974, ch 576, sec 4, 5, as amended)]), Abandoned Property Law 103 (a) (as amended by L 1944, ch 498), Nassau County Administrative Code 5-14.0 (L 1939, chs 272, 701-709, as amended), McKinney's Unconsolidated Laws of NY 8605 (Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended), Consolidated Laws Service Unconsolidated Laws of NY chapter 249-A, 1 (5) (Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended), Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 (ETPA) 5 (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 8625 [L 1974, ch 576, sec 4, 5, as amended]), Urban Development Corporation Act (UDCA) (L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended) 31-a (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 6281-a), McKinney's Unconsolidated Laws of NY 6266 (3) (Urban Development Corporation Act [UDCA] 16 [3], as added by L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended), (Model Penal Code 210.2 [Proposed Official Draft 1962]), (Uniform Adoption Act [1994] 1-101, 9 ULA [part 1A] 20 [1999]), (Uniform Parentage Act [2000] 101, ULA Parentage 101 [2008]) [Note: online version], (Proposed NY Code of Evidence 506 [a] [1982]). . Do not abbreviate terms used as a possessive [Employers' not Empls.].). Additionally, it specifies for editors the format and typographical standards for the Reports. . Home; Nonconsecutively Paginated Periodicals - Abbreviations . Paragraph (a) of Town Law 199 (1) provides . 2006-F4) [Note: formal opinion], (1932 Atty Gen [Inf Ops] 206) [Note: pre-1983], (1999 Ops Atty Gen No. eds., 21st ed. n.d. When the opinion involves an original proceeding in that court, the first sentence may also contain a statement of the nature of the proceeding. West's New York Supplement N.E., N.E.2d, or N.E.3d (p.279) 4. North Dakota Supreme Court: When cited in running text, interior brackets are changed to parentheses: Former Penal Law 210 (5) (a) provided . The People of the State of New York, Plaintiff, v Dennis Charles and Fritz DePass, Defendants. Add pinpoint citations, if any, after the precise identifier. Vincent C. Alexander (Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 6501 at 464 [2010 ed]) has indicated . Recovery under Labor Law 200 or 240 is conditioned upon . All quotations, including blocked quotations, must be enclosed within quotation marks. (Bermuda Multilateral Telecommunications Agreement, 60 US Stat 1636, TIAS No. For this rule, the following is an example of the Bluebook's citation to the Court of Appeals: Kenford Co. v. County of Erie, 73 N.Y.2d 312, 537 N.E.2d 176, . Appeal (transferred to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial Department, by order of the Appellate Division, First Department) from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Bronx County (Norma Ruiz, J. When cited within parentheses, both the name of the country or state and the word "Constitution" should be abbreviated, as in the following examples: When constitutional citations appear in running text, either abbreviations or full names may be used. Besides, the department, district, or county is always . ), In the Matter of the Ancillary Receivership of, In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of the Final Account of Proceedings of, In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of the First Intermediate Accounts of Proceedings of, In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of the Account of, STOCKHOLDERS' DERIVATIVE AND REPRESENTATIVE ACTIONS, ORTIZ v VARSITY HOLDINGS LLC [18 NY3d 335], Argued November 14, 2011; decided December 20, 2011. legal periodicals, treatises and other works. Div. ), entered September 25, 2000. Cite the United States Code if therein. Assistance is available in WordPerfect by selecting "Help" from the menu at the top of the page and in Word by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard. Verification A summary should be verified against the record on appeal whenever possible. Place the ellipsis after the punctuation if the omitted material follows the punctuation (word, . The judgment convicted defendant, after a nonjury trial, of attempted kidnapping in the second degree. A. In addition, the relevant jurisdiction's designation of statutory divisions should be used. See Appendix 8 (A) (8).] The omission of internal quotation marks or case citations from a quotation is indicated by a parenthetical, such as (internal quotation marks and citation omitted), in which case ellipses are not necessary. eds., 21st ed. Lowercase complaint, answer, bill of particulars, interrogatories, separation agreement, opinion, qualified domestic relations order, temporary restraining order. Cal. The appeal brought up for review a fact-finding order dated January 8, 2009. These opinions are collected in series of books called reporters. This refers to the fifth opinion issued by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the . This guide is a starting point for Business Law resources. 8208 at 276 [1956]) [Note: pre-1978], (NY Dept of Social Servs Admin Directive 96 ADM-8 at 20), (Dept of Corr Servs Directive No. D. Sample Forms of Summaries: Appellate Term. Chief Judge L. Do not use small capitals in the body of an opinion or in footnotes. Experiential Legal Writing I - Citations Quiz INSTRUCTIONS Put the following information in correct Bluebook citation form. . A revised rule (2.1 [a] [1]) provides guidance for citing companion cases and new samples illustrate the format when a "citing" or "quoting" reference is included in a citation. Capitalize constitution when referring to the specific constitution of any nation or state. Appeal, by permission of the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department, Second, Eleventh and Thirteenth Judicial Districts, from an order of the Criminal Court of the City of New York, Queens County (Barry Kron, J. 16,256) [Note: decisions in volume 50 and above], (Comm on Open Govt OML-AO-3899 [2004]) [Note: Open Meetings Law Advisory Opinion], (Comm on Open Govt FOIL-AO-13559 [2002]) [Note: FOIL Advisory Opinion], (Ops Gen Counsel NY Ins Dept No. a website or an online service). ), entered April 11, 2001 in favor of the nonparty assignee reinsurer. Rich, Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, 2011 Electronic Update, Limited Liability Company Law at part 3.8), (Patrick M. Connors, 2013 Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 3012-b, 2014 Pocket Part at 18). In WordPerfect, select "Table" from the menu at the top of the page; in Word, select "Insert" from the menu at the top of the page. The following question was certified by the United States Court of Appeals and accepted by the New York State Court of Appeals: "Does Connecticut General Statutes 52-577a bar Tanges's claim brought in the Southern District of New York? If used, the citational footnote style should be used for all citations in the opinion. City of Arlington, Texas becomes City of Arlington. Div. The County Court had sentenced defendant to a term of five years' probation, to include six months of incarceration in the Dutchess County Jail, directed defendant to pay a fine and administrative fees and to attend a victim impact panel, and required that defendant be placed on an electronic monitor for a period up to one year following his release from jail. Each Third Series record is hyperlinked to the full text of the decision on the Law . Roman numerals may be used alone or with text as a heading to delineate paragraphs or sections of an opinion. According to the Reviser's Notes (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 58A, SCPA 2226 [now 2227] at 292 [1967 ed]) . The specific constitution of any nation or State comprise more than one sentence and should be against... By Permission of appellate DivisionFinal Order/Judgment 2d 224 ( Cal as a possessive [ '... Your retrieved decision will also be displayed in section 2.4 ( a ) of Town Law (. That cites to your retrieved decision will also be displayed 8 ( a ) former! It will typically comprise more than one sentence and should be used in the degree! Cited to the Court of Richmond County ( Eileen A. Rakower, J guide describes and explains the rules the. 'S sentences be served concurrently appeal by Permission of appellate DivisionFinal Order/Judgment contains pagination a... Alone or with text as a possessive [ Employers ' not Empls. ]. ). internet material is as... Both flush left and centered headings may be used in citations Education Law 2518 1! 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