Notice on the lower levels, her Eros had reached her Fortune 10th, Capricorn. His Spirit ZR periods started in Virgo for 20 years, then Libra for 8 years, then Scorpio for 15 years, and then he reached Sagittarius, his Fortune 10th in 1995. In mythology, Juno was married to Jupiter, and was incredibly loyal to himTOO loyal, really! , I wish I had an experience like the other people here but mine was lacking. ever-expanding knowledge, and a hilarious sense of humor. . I definitely look forward to further consultations as I dig deeper into my astrological studies. Planets in the sign, its ruler and the relationship to the Lot of Fortune divides someones life into discernible chapters. I walked away from our session with a better sense of who I am as well as my direction in life. Yet you can become cold and distant after the fact. Maybe. Try keeping an erotic journal. The ruler of Meghan's 4th house, the dispositor of both her Lord of Eros and the Lord of her 7th, is Venus, fallen in Virgo in the 3rd house. I started studying astrology when I was your age (17) and through everything in my life it has been my shield, my sword, my cup and my wisdom. Eros Meaning in Astrology Even the most devoted followers of astrology might have never heard of asteroid 433 Eros. For instance, an individual with Venus conjunct Eros in the 5th house could indicate an insatiable appetite for love and sex, and such an individual is also likely to be driven by the idea of being successful through creativity. This is long af but I promise I'm wrapping it up. An honorary Gemini rising with Mercury in Leo, copresent and ruled by the sun in Leo. Invocation of this right would never be based on any discriminatory bias regarding race, sex, gender identity, adult consensual sexual orientation, religion, national origin, ability, health, socioeconomic status. Pay attention to your Lots because they can place emphasis on planets and signs that you would never think to look at for certain topics otherwise! This combination of using zodiacal releasing together with the Lot of Eros has proved to be extremely effective for studying the topic of relationships in natal astrology. What does something pleasing to your Spirit even mean? For all intents and purposes, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen have charts which are almost completely identical. 3) Prices are provided in USD. I have never resonated with my astrology chart as much as I do now. 2) Analysis provided by this horary service are based on Patrick Watsons opinion of astrological factors and are not intended to contradict, supersede or be in any way a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals in other fields such as medicine, law or finance, etc. That sounds vague though so let's explore that. Meanwhile, Mary-Kates Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Nemesis is different, starting in Cancer for 25 years, Leo for 19, Virgo for 20, etc. Night: Take the distance from Fortune to Mars, count the same from the Ascendant Select an Arabic Part from the pull-down menu. Note that Eros is not always sexual, per se, as Eros represents creative passion as well. The Lot of Unchastity by Women? and motifs in my life. Not long into his Fortune 10th Eros period Brady and Bndchengot married on February 26th 2009. This sounds totally arbitrary and nuts, a lot like the entire technique, which beyond all expectation can be quite formidable, so you know, Im open to exploring it. My consultation went really well. What's really interesting about this exalted moon in Taurus is that it signifies both of them in different ways. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! I highly recommend Patrick. Overall, I couldn't have been more satisfied than this. You dont need eminence to be happy, but if having a high rank in your society is important to you to be happyI hope you have some eminence factors. He originally went to see her ill-intentioned, but he couldnt go through with his plan, and instead, mesmerized by her beauty, he took her as his wife. He guided me so well that I now found how to, get rid of the problems I had with my grandmother. For example, his Aquarius-(Leo) Loosing of the Bond coincided with his successful 1992 run for President. Sexual and emotional healing are crucial. Circumstances create opportunities for taking action, but sometimes actions lead to different circumstances. Additionally, his Spirit is in Sagittarius and Jupiter is in Sagittarius, its own sign. I see its been a few years since this was written and Im just learning about ZR- if I understand right, I just released spirit fortune and Eros on the 14th and Im all wtf now. Now that we have a much more direct activation of the Lord of Eros, Harry put out an official statement regarding Meghan as his girlfriend and condemning the harassment that she was already starting to experience. His Fortune 10th is Sagittarius. Meghan Markle has been subject to racist abuse from the UK media, and I have no doubt from others as well. Fine. He has little electrical vibes that touch . Some people think of Fortune in terms of wealth or luck, but we should really think of it more in terms of chance and inherited circumstances. Sometimes theyre very literal. Holy shit. Gosh, I dont know, its almost like he becomes well known for being someones partner, but its a kind of inverse of aMars archetype or whats expected of a malelikeFirst Gentleman. So I opened up their charts and took a look. All rights reserved. I ended up booking a reading with a different astrologer who said a lot of the same things (and a lot of new) but way more fleshed out and edifying. Just a year after beginning the Scorpio period, they were married on February 26th 2009 under Scorpio-Scorpio-Cancer-Capricorn. Mr. Patrick is a great astrologer. This man is LITERALLY lunar and Venusian. Mercury rules her Lot of Nemesis, which indicates that letters, money, contests and disputes would be her downfall, her nemesis. I had a fabulous consult with Patrick recently. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Lot = Personal Point + Significator - Trigger. Very accurate description of my past and my future goals, fascinating discussion overall. On the opposite end of the boob spectrum, we have Angelina Jolie. For me, my Lot of Eros signifies my love of games, learning, verbose people, mental stimulation, etc. 8 is Culture, Art, Design, Esthetics, Harmony, Eros, Yin, Music and Dancing. From this you could extrapolate that Ashleys personal downfalls are connected with or coincide with her career, whereas Mary Katespersonal downfalls areseparate from valleys in her career. Eros is the force that draws us onward and compels us to seek physical pleasures and chase after our desires. If youre studying astrology, youll get a reading and a lesson for the price of one. After attending the PHASE Conclave in 2006, I was introduced to Zodiacal Releasing, a timing technique which is primarily based on the Lots, or more specifically, the Hermetic Lots. With Eros, the desire for something can come on . Lots are simply taking this exact separation between two planets in a natal chart as being significant for that planetary combination, and examining it in relation to the Ascendant. . I had an amazing consultation with Patrick and his reading truly resonated with me. So much makes sense now. In your natal chart, his house position is more important than his sign position because, like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, he is a slow planet. However, Eros isn't just sexual (though this is one of it's main representations), it is also desire and passion as a whole: Eros can show us what we'd do when consumed with love! Love is your bottom line and your ultimate goal is a committed relationship. So Ashleys Nemesis ZR starts in Gemini for 20 years, then Cancer for 25, Leo for 19, etc. She did several more resizings going smaller and larger over the course of the L2 Pisces period, but it was all kicked off at the Loosing of the Bond, and her body went under this huge change. The most well-known goddess asteroids are Juno, Vesta, and Pallas. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. The mind is a powerful venue, and so the downfall of Eros in Gemini is distractibility. In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. In the chart, it can point to areas into which we pour a lot of passion. You probably do not. The two primary Lots are Fortune and Spirit, the Lots of the Moon and Sun, respectively. But before you start thinking this is all too wishy-washy and click X on this window, youre going to want to continue reading for one reason: Boobs. You may well say 'yes,' and then change that 'yes' to a 'no.' A bulk of the information given to me was about general astrology. zodiacal releasing. And most importantly for the purposes of this analysis, this event was particular to Mary-Kate and not Ashley. Jump forward a couple months to the date of Harry's statement and we see Meghan moves into a 12th house Gemini year, activating her Lot of Necessity in Virgo because they're both ruled by Mercury. . Or maybe you do! Eros takes about 1.76 years (643 days) to complete an orbit around the Sun. It gives me some hope for the future, and enhances my understanding of struggles Ive dealt or been dealing with. He also needs a lot of freedom. His Spirit ZR periods start in Sagittarius, the sign of his Lot of Spirit for 12 years. The rehab stint tarnished a multi-million dollar empire built on a wholesome image, and their Got Milk ad was taken off the airwaves. Lange's Lot of Spirit (faith, intellect, mind, career) is in her 3rd house (frequently traveled places) in Libra, ruled by Venus in Taurus in her 10th house. Magic happens when a Pisces man and a Capricorn woman fall in love. As well as studying the physical body, astrologers look to its name to find its meaning. By my purchase of this horary service I acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions: 1) I do not hold Patrick Watson to be legally liable for any circumstances or consequences arising from his analysis of my question. For example, I have the Lot of Eros in Gemini, ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius. Without using the Lots, there's no reason I should enjoy anything Gemini-ish. Most people probably see the word "Eros" and "Venus," jump straight to "erotic," and conclude that The Lot of Eros must signify romantic relationships. Having a rectification chart done with Patrick availed me the opportunity to connect deeply with the aspects of my. So much makes sense now. In Greek mythology, Psyche was a woman of great willpower and determination, and her life story is [], PSYCHE IN ASTROLOGY: The Soul Asteroid (16) In some accounts, Eros is equipped with two distinct kinds of arrows. THANKS SO MUCH, PATRICK! I had a general chart reading today with Patrick. That is unadulterated, unadulterated personal and sensual pleasure. Meghan is attracted to people/things that are both lunar and Venusian. Now, you must be thinking, why on earth was I messagingmy friend messagingstrange questions to voluptuous women in the porn industry on Myspace, and to that I can only say that I, I mean, he was single, 19 years old, and was willing to go that extra mile for sound data in the name of proper astrological research, dammit. It helped me a lot. Well, it's basically things that make you happy, things that make you feel entertained, things that make you feel good, things that you choose, willingly. Eros in the Signs. I highly recommend him to anyone considering a reading, I set up a consultation with Patrick hoping to understand parts of my life better but I left with vastly more. The Lot of Necessity is the Hermetic Lot of Mercury. That's who this woman is and that's who Harry fell in love with. Eros was the god of passionate and physical desire, and similarly, represents these things in an astrological chart. Eros represents what turns us on. I really enjoyed my reading and felt that I learned so much in just 1 hour. It's perfectly all right to get to know somebody well before you open all your secret places to them. Bill Clintons chart is pretty excellent, but its been kind of confusing from the standpoint of Zodiacal Releasing. Its not too doom and gloom nor over the top unrealistic. The Asteroid Eros represents erotic love. The term Lots capture the original idea from Platos Timaeus of souls casting lots for different []. This reminds us of Ashleys Lot of Nemesis ruler, Mercury, ruling contests, legal disputes, accusations and money. Bee Wolf-Ray is a long-time professional astrologer. Mars is fallen in Cancer but, it is of sect and has triplicity. Let's look at some examples of the Lot of Eros and things people enjoy! More importantly, Patrick was fun, personable, and very good at explaining the complicated aspects in a way that made sense. Night: Take the distance from the Sun to the Moon, count the same from the Ascendant. He provided me with insight and. Communication is key! The asteroid Eros relates to the god of sex and desire in Greek mythology, and thus in astrology comes to show us our own sexuality (habits and desires, not orientation). The Loosings between Gemini-Sagittarius and Virgo-Pisces are more variable. Libra is ruled by Venus, which she has in Gemini, applying a square with Saturn in cadent houses, suggesting inconstancy and obstacles. Hop on over to my post about the symbolism behind the formulas for a refresher on why the Lot formulas are structured like that. Tom Brady was born with the Lot of Fortune in Gemini and the Lot of Eros in Aquarius. Eros, named after the Greek God of love, desire, and sex and the son of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus), is a near-earth asteroid designated number 433 in the inner asteroid belt orbiting mostly between the orbits of Earth and Mars. I. E. lets spend 15min talking about what the 8th house represents versus what this means for me. My consultation went really well. Necessity signifies enemies, contentions, hatred, etc. In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign: Astrologys Big Three, Thanks to the explosion of astrology online and in social media, many people are taking a deeper dive into their personal astrology. That's a lot of power for such a tiny bit of rock! I had an amazing consultation with Patrick and his reading truly resonated with me. Detailed interpretations of Eros, the irresistible. i just had my chart rectified by Patrick. Lol It's more complicated than that so don't get too caught up on the sign but this is one easy way you can see it come up. Meghan's 7th house is Harry's 1st house, etc. So her Eros ZR started in Virgo for 20 years, Libra for 8 years and Scorpio for 15 years, which she is still in the middle of. Looking at Meghan's profections when they met, she was in an 11th house Taurus year, with Venus in Virgo in the 3rd house activated as her timelord. Ive only recently found out about zodiacal releasing, a practice that comes from traditional astrology, which assists the native in understanding her past life chapters as well as the upcoming one(s). Meanwhile, Giselle Bndchen was born with the Lot of Fortune in Aries and the Lot of Eros in Virgo. Nemesis in Greek mythology is the spirit of divine retribution, of righteous indignation against those who succumb to hubris. Other than the Lot of Eros and a couple other Lots, Gemini is my 6th house and it's empty. She first went to rehab in June 2004 before June 15th, right in the middle of her Cancer-(Capricorn) Loosing of the Bond on Nemesis. In this episode Chris and Leisa present a 4-hour workshop on the technique, in order to provide the audience with a broad overview and introduction to zodiacal releasing. No, I have no doubt they still would be. Order a synastry report and find out now! In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. Ive been attracted to astrology for about 30 years, mostly via friends in the field. You have an ideal vision of the person who is right for you even though that person in all likelihood does not exist outside your mind. He cheated like no one's business, and Juno stuck by his side through it all. So that's a plus.). I definitely look forward to further consultations as I dig deeper into my astrological studies. Its my hope to someday systematically go through every combination of Lot and come up with modern names for each one that accurately reflects the relationship between each planetary pair. Any Planet. We had a preview of this transit from May 13 - July 28, 2021. 4) I accept Patrick Watsons right to refuse service and provide a full refund on the basis of any ethical, legal or other concerns about my electional request. See if it describes the hobbies and the activities you enjoy. The couple met in July of 2016. Howdy, I had intended to write in a different thread this evening/morning [it's somewhat past 1 am here] in the mundane forum but it can wait. DERP. Eros is portrayed as a God who invokes love and desire in the hearts of gods and mortals alike, and yet, without even realizing it, he was struck by one of his own arrows at the mere sight of Psyche, his future wife. I have never resonated with my astrology chart as much as I do now. Her Lot of Eros is ruled by Saturn, the Lord of Darkness, and she doesn't use flash. She literally was an ambassador. Your weakness. Meghan has her Lot of Eros in the 1st house in Cancer, ruled by the moon in Libra in the 4th house. Would do again 10/10! Zodiacal releasing is a time-lord technique that has been recovered over the past two decades through translations of the Greek text of the 2nd century astrologer Vettius Valens. The distance between two of the points is added to the position of the third (very often the ascendant) to derive the location of the lot. For example, Barack Obama has Fortune in Aries, and the ruler of his Fortune 10th and Lot of Exaltation is Saturn in Capricorn, in its own sign in the Fortune 10th. YeahThats right. What is lot Spirit astrology? I couldnt have asked for a better astrologer to read my chart! All their eminence factors are the same. It suddenly occurred to me to look at her Fortune releasing, since it concerns the body and this was a pretty, um, big deal, a big deal for her especially because her body is such a large part of her work. It is rare in life to meet someone with a keen intellect, sensitive interpersonal communication, a wellspring of. The Lot of Spirit signifies all actions that you take, and has a key role to play in determining one's daimon and the work they're meant to be doing in this lifetime. (He was also super nice to me, a non english speaker. It was probably one of the most therapeutic self-care things I have. So with Virgo-Pisces activated on Fortune, her Mars in Virgo opposite Jupiter in Pisces came to life. Additionally, Saturn is a trigon lord of his sect light. Day: Take the distance from the Sun to the Moon, count the same from the Ascendant 2. until the time of my reading which is FINE if it wouldve resulted in more information about me. All of your turn-ons begin mentally. Choose your partners wisely! The Lot of Eros can help us understand what we really want; what truly makes us happy. Well, it's basically things that make you happy, things that make you feel entertained, things that make you feel good, things that you choose, willingly. You crave it, and as much as you enjoy exerting your sexual power, you are also compelled by it, helpless in the face of the forces that drive you. I am new to astrology and the accuracy of what he was able to predict about me and events in my past was astounding. That is the epitome of Meghan's type with her Lot of Eros. The Romans knew him as Cupid. Fortune is a lunar Lot, and Saturn is a diurnal planet and not exactly a happy guy. Jupiter enters Pisces: 8:10 PM PST. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Not only does he exhibit an extraordinary depth of knowledge, skill, talent, professionalism, and passion in his craft, as well as demonstrate a notably strong capacity to pinpoint the precise timing of imperative events in peoples lives via Zodiacal Releasing & other beautiful techniques, but his approach achieves the ideal balance of kind sensitivity and 100% honesty. He gave me some really interesting, perspectives into my birth chart. Claudia Marie was born on August 17th 1974, 6:38 am, Morganton, NC. Too often this stuff is dressed in the robes of rhetoric and academia, so its nice to see it brought down to Earth with humor and simply being real. Pay attention to what you are feeling and learn to quiet your mind. For instance, Eros in Aquarius/11th house conjunct with Saturn might indicate the person concerned may not have had many sexual experiences early in their life, perhaps because of their difficulty understanding their own sexuality or sexual aversion. interpretations is A-MAZ-ING! In your natal chart, Jules Kound, the ten main planets are distributed as follows: The three most important planets in your chart are the Sun, Venus and Neptune. In Roman mythology, Eros was known as Cupid. Harry has the moon exalted in Taurus. You can find your own Eros sign and learn how this asteroid applies to you. Heres Chris Brennan giving a visual explanation. Lets take newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an example. Since Aries is ruled by Mars, there's a. Signs of moderate activity are <the IX Place of> the God, <the III Place of> the Goddess, and the other two angles. For example, a Lot of Eros under Aries in the 5th House can be interpreted as this is how the native will always find help, support, friendships and . Here Eros wants to lose all sense of where his being ends and . Basically we have this lovely royal relationship that isn't being supported. Eros in Aquarius desires the weird, the wonderful and the unusual. Its a whole bunch of WTF. According to Masha'allah, if the Lot of Spirit is in a dark house, the . 8 the self-defense art of Aikido: using the energy of the opponent to neutralize him. Eros and Psyche symbolize a soul mate connection. Many describe Eros as the innate desire of human beings to transcend themselves through impelling an urge for union and interconnection and the drive to unite with the absolute truth. The Sagittarius people are very open minded and love travelling. You find yourself thinking of other things when you need to be in your senses. And you must evolve. So it is with great trepidation that Im stepping beyond even the bounds of planetary arcs projected from the Ascendant, and into another level of abstraction with a very special class of Lots, the Hermetic Lots. And money for the future, and so the downfall of Eros and a couple Lots!, contentions, hatred, etc the force that draws us onward compels. Fortune 10th Eros period Brady and Bndchengot married on February 26th 2009 under Scorpio-Scorpio-Cancer-Capricorn from others as well as direction... About me and events in my past and my future goals, fascinating discussion overall her Nemesis [.. Notice on the opposite end of the problems I had an experience like the people! Purposes, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen have charts which are almost completely identical gloom nor over top... Select an Arabic Part from the Ascendant at some examples of the moon in Taurus is that it signifies of. Lower levels, her Nemesis period, they were married on February 26th 2009 by his side through all! 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