There is also an opportunity to develop a type of communication that is emotional and intuitive instead of just logical. It will be easy to figure out what the rules of the relationship are. Note that any planet squaring your MC will also square your IC, and any planet that trines your MC will sextile your IC. Juno-Jupiter: Juno and Jupiter are natural partners for one another. Juno was Jupiter's wife, the King of the Gods, and patron of the Roman Empire. Juno aspects seem minor to many astrologers, but these aspects can tell youa lot about the qualities that your relationship has or might have, especially in a long-term relationship. Sun person and Juno person can automatically feel comfortable with each other and instinctively recognize the potential in each other. With Neptune sextile Juno in synastry, there is an opportunity for both partners to develop a spiritual relationship that transcends the typical physical marriage. Chiron Opposition Juno & Chiron Square Juno Synastry. I think for the guy it is Aphrodite possibly Innanen you may have to ask Ceri or IQ I can't remember off hand. Partners may stay in the Neptune opposition Juno relationship and try to convince themselves that its working even when its not. How the relationship goes will depend on how well both parties are able to learn from their past life mistakes. Difficult aspects also help us to learn what we are here to learn. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. This aspect also indicates a lot of passion and intensity. If you guys like this, I might make another one. With the Mercury conjunct Juno synastry aspect, the Mercury person has great mental capacity and thinks/communicates in a way that fits perfectly with the kind of relationship the Juno person needs. These two areas will be at odds with each other. The partners can easily support each other when theyre feeling wounded. People dismiss the fourth house as 'the house about family.'. With the Mars square Juno synastry aspect, the partners may dominate each other. There must a willingness from both parties to resolve these differences. If their Saturn forms a trine from your 2nd House of personal resources, the financial/emotional stability they offer helps you focus on work. He will be philosophical, honest, and may be interested in higher learning. These couples are attracted to each other instantly. Juno-Mars: The Juno person is attracted to the sexual charisma and assertiveness of the Mars person. If there were no romantic connections, this person might be the annoying co-worker. You relate harmoniously with regard to social and domestic relationships. These aspects happen when two planets are situated 90 degrees apart and in the same mood type, such as fixed, mutable, or cardinal. The North Node person has important lessons to teach the Moon person and help them grow. I do find that there is a lot of anger with the Mercury square Juno synastry aspect that needs to be worked through before real communication can happen. Juno sextile ascendant in synastry indicates an opportunity for attraction, if both partners act upon it and begin dating. There is also an opportunity for a great passion with Pluto sextile Juno in synastry. Alternatively, there may be mental illness or addiction involved in the relationship. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. This might be a love-hate relationship that is difficult for both people to leave. Go For it. Theres many more good relationship aspects. My Cancer Ascendant at 005 was also exactly trine his Ascendant. The Mercury trine Juno aspect makes it really easy to get along and talk about the big topics. Both can easily help each other thrive and express their unique talents. Example: An ex of mines Aquarius Ascendant at 2942 was exactly conjunct my Aquarius Midheaven at 2946. According to the myth, Juno was Jupiter's wife. Conjunctions to the angles: When one person's inner planets, Nodes, angles, or Vertex conjunct another person's AC/DC or IC/MC axis, a strong bond is indicated. With Juno opposition North Node, you have a karmic bond from a past life that you are paying off. There are a lot of power issues in this relationship and one person may become the dictator if the other doesnt stand up for themselves. Conjunctions are typically stronger. The most obvious example of this is the President and First Lady, whoneed their marriage in order to maintain their image. The IC seems to have lost favour recently. I find that the sun opposition Juno aspect can create a lot of attraction but also a bit of tension when the personalities arent compatible with what the partners need out of a marriage. Once you understand who he is then look at your chart. It can also mean that the marriage is paying off a karmic debt (that the partners created together in a past life), or that the marriage is one society approves of. Be it unrequited love or power struggles in a relationship, Sun person and Juno person have difficulties forging the commitment that each wants. Transformative and powerful relationship. With Saturn conjunct Juno, the Juno person may have blind trust in the Saturn person. Posts: 2400From: plutoRegistered: Dec 2011, Posts: 527From: Kingston, On, CanadaRegistered: Nov 2013, Posts: 9From: Hollis, New York, USARegistered: Jan 2011, Posts: 52264From: Pluto/house next to NickiGRegistered: Sep 2010. Juno trine South Node means that the values that the South Node person brings from a past life are understood and empathized with by the Juno person. The Chiron person could have wounds that the Venus person heals. Juno trine Juno in synastry means that you value similar qualities in a relationship and in marriage. I hope I explained that right anyway you would need to see what his Juno is doing first. Are you both looking for the same kind of thing ? Each person needs to develop their nurturing skills, but this Ceres sextile Juno relationship can help them to do so. When this aspect appears in synastry, the couple feels affection and love for one another. There is anopportunity for this Juno sextile Lilith relationship to fulfill the Liliths persons desires, but both partners may need to do some work to get it there. He might work in the health field. With Pluto opposition Juno in synastry, one person will try to control the relationship and make it something that is just isnt. Example: I have Juno and alma conjunct my Venus in my first house. This aspect is especially potent if it is mutual (i.e. Opposites attract dynamic. With Saturn sextile Juno in synastry, there is an opportunity to pay off karma. If you have multiple planet oppositions (also called a seesaw pattern) in your own chart, being in a relationship with someone who has stelliums in these signs or houses will be easier for you to handle the opposing dynamic. Opposing stelliums in synastry charts - These relationships need to work on balancing polarizing energies. Look to the signs that both planets are in; these are the areas where you will especially enjoy communication and intellectual discussion as a couple. JUNO conj JUPITER in synastry: this is a . It is difficult for people in this relationship to see the truth. A more in-depth description of this aspect can be found here. As soul mates can read about one another through the others chart. Juno in Virgo: Your partner will be hard-working, health-conscious, and critical. But is that what you want how the world would see it ? Juno conjunct the major angles *Same Plutonic Generation-Pluto the same sign into which you were born; your Pluto conjunct their Pluto. Your partner might have some excellent ideas on how to make your business more efficient, so they boost your productivity while providing guidance. It might be helpful to learn more about the past life and figure out exactly what the karmic bond is. This type of conjunction amplifies the energy of Venus, and the couple is based on []. And theres the rub; does external success have any place in romance? The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. With the Jupiter conjunct Juno synastry aspect, the partners values are both perfectly in-line. Juno in Cancer: Your partner will be sensitive, dependent, and emotional. Like most relationships, this will take a bit of work. Juno is about RELATIONSHIPS, of which marriage is one. The Ascendant person may come to resent the fact that the Juno person does not embody more qualities of their Descendant over time, unless the Juno person has these qualities in the rest of their chart. This is a very beneficial relationship for both people! Related: Black Moon Lilith Aspects In Synastry. The Moon person feels comforted by the Sun person's energy and the Sun person feels like they can be vulnerable with the Moon person. Ascendant person also recognizes that Juno person can provide the nurturing and stability they need. Could be a marriage indicator. This can create a spark, or it can cause the relationship to slowly deteriorate as both people feel that their needs are not being filled. Juno person may stand out to Ascendant person right away. --who sees the other as the ideal mate? Juno was likely instantly attracted to the Ascendant person. The word status is important to remember with this house, because it describes your social position. The relationship is very soft and loving. Juno in Libra: Your partner will be attractive, loving, sociable, and well-mannered. The way they take action stirs you up on a daily level (perhaps they organize all your paperwork). Juno square South Node in synastry means that the kind of commitment that you both naturally want will actually hinder your spiritual progress in the world. This is for fun. ------------------Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? There will be some communication issues in this relationship with the Mercury opposition Juno synastry aspect; both people may communicate in totally opposite ways, specifically in this relationship. His Psyche is sandwiched between my tight Sun/Venus conjunction. This is a combination of love + marriage synastry observations and soulmate indicators. The moon conjunct Juno aspect in a synastry chart shows that the Juno person is in perfect aligned with the emotions of the moon person. Its definitely different in a way that works for both people. But they are a critical part of any relationship. When another persons planets or points conjunct any of these angles, the two of you are heading in the same direction in life. With sun sextile Juno in synastry, the Sun person is decently compatible with the energy that the Juno person needs in a relationship, although this is not necessarily a past life connection. The physical attraction and sexual chemistry is likely to last a lifetime if this aspect shows up in synastry. Moon sextile Juno in synastry is an easy aspect, but it will take a bit of work for each of the partners to learn the other. The Sun person feels like the Jupiter person expands their perspective on life. These couples need to work on understanding each others needs and make a commitment to meet in the middle on some things. Loving and tender. Lets say your partners Mars falls in your 6th House of work and routine. It is easy for these two to commit to each other sexually. In my opinion, no astrological chart will work without at least a few difficult aspects to create tension. This can indicate a relationship that can go through many emotional changes and can be tumultuous but very deep. Does he want marriage, kids ect.. Are you the kind of woman he is looking for ? The Jupiter person helps the Ascendant individual feel good about themselves and to express themselves better. It is Free, of course. With the Jupiter square Juno synastry aspect, there is a complete clash between the types of values that the partners have, especially when it comes to a relationship. There is also an opportunity for each person to uncover their shadow sides in this relationship. Maybe you run your own business. Most likely the Ceres individual will nurture the Juno person, but this can also be a nurturing relationship that goes both way. They feel at home with each other. With Venus + Venus conjunction in a synastry chart, we have two people with Venus in the same sign. Can be very difficult to let go of the connection and cut the cord" if the relationship doesnt work out. These aspects help to grow and also create glue in a relationship. The Venus person is probably really attracted to the Lilith person. The Juno trine Midheaven relationship will aid the Midheaven person in their career. With the Jupiter trine Juno synastry aspect, the partners values are very similar. They are always excited when they meet after not seeing each other for some time. Theres many more good relationship aspects. Venus opposition Juno in synastry is a tough aspect to have, but if both partners can work to develop the positive Juno qualities that they need, it can work over time. This relationship can uplift and inspire both Sun person and Juno person. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Venus/Mars - Lilith couples have very strong sexual chemistry. When this aspect is present in a relationship, [], Venus conjunct Venus in synastry indicates a strong attraction and mutual understanding between two people. And my NN is in my 7th house. Venus - Mars can create lots of sexual tension and lust. Thanks for reading, loves! Also includes all about Chiron the healer, Lilith the rebel, Ceres the abundance nurturer, Pallas the justice warrior, Juno the attraction power, Vesta the perfectionist, Pholus the catalyst for change and Eros the passionate love. Sun conjunct asteroid Alma (390) is a major soulmate aspect! If your partners Jupiter (optimism and expansion) conjuncts your MC, they make you look good. The Sun person literally embodies the characteristics of the Alma persons soulmate. A case in point is a few hundred threads ago I realized my father's Pluto was exactly conjunct my Psyche, and along comes C with his "Lust," a seemingly minor asteroid, exactly conjunct my Psyche, (along with many other aspects to my Psyche in this synastry) and boom, all these old father-daughter issues have been rearing up all year. . With moon trine Juno in synastry, both parties connect on a deep, emotional level, and know how to support each other in a healthy way. The attraction you feel for them, and the fun, romantic times you have together, boosts your output as a graphic designer/actor/doctor. In reality, the needs and agendas of both partners may not match up in some ways, although they probably wear rose-colored glasses at first. They become the disapproving parent, telling you to get a real job. While Venus square Pluto is challenging, like all other square aspects, it also brings plenty of opportunities for [], Mars trine Sun synastry is an aspect that occurs when two individuals natal planets form a trine aspect. By registering with email or connecting with the social icons you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy, All rights reserved 2022 Apogeeks Pte. There is also an opportunity for the partners to develop something stable and mature. Juno trine ascendant in synastry indicates an immediate attraction, probably from knowing each other in a past life. This aspect sometimes indicates multiple marriages. With Pluto square Juno in synastry, there is a tendency for one person to control the other. Could feel like this person is part of your destiny. The Pluto person probably stands out to the Juno person right away. This can also indicate a relationship where you complement each others strengths and weaknesses. The truth is, external goals, public status and success often feature strongly in significant relationships. Juno in Gemini: Your partner will be talkative, curious, and intelligent. This is a really life altering aspect! Your Juno trine or conjunct their Jupiter. Sometimes, this aspect can mean that the moon persons mother causes issues in the relationship. Theres a lot of energy in the relationship, but it cancause fights instead of solving them. He might be older, and you may meet him later in your life (after your Saturn Return). Could indicate possessiveness or jealousy. Very joyful and playful. The Mars conjunct Juno synastry aspect can create a fun and fiery relationship. You have important lessons to learn from this person or relationship. This placement means that there is an opportunity to grow together and to right your wrongs. The Mars trine Juno synastry aspect creates very sexual relationship in a good way. The MC is the power that I may wield, the power that others see. Indeed, Juno often figures strongly in the synastry charts of marriage couples. They may fight with you (over that paperwork) and the daily disagreements disrupt your work to the extent that your performance suffers. The Moon person might feel controlled by the Pluto person. If you meet someone who also has stelliums in these signs, the push and pull dynamic in the relationship will likely already be something youre familiar with and you might find it easier to find balance in the relationship.