I wonder for all of us if considering a more tri-type version of of the Enneagram might take a lot of the pressure out of the search to try to nail everything down to one type alone. . E-courses provide an easy way to dive in deeper to some of Cynthias most powerful teachings without having to leave home! Gurdjieff emphasised the need for limbic balance and mastery across our thinking, feeling, and emotional centres, and Ive therefore found it helpful to better understand the issues associated with each centre (in 7, 4, and 1 for me) and to see how Ive spent more time in one-or-other centre at different stages in my life, or as a result of different situational or relational triggers. While the course is anchored in the original Mystical Hope book, it is not simply a rehash of that book. Finally, love endures all things. . Your take feels much closer to home for me and, I think if this had been the description instead of this perpetual happy and party chaser I would have landed as a 7 years ago. She examines how the practice is related to the classic tradition of Christian contemplation, looks at the distinct nuances of its method, and explores its revolutionary potential to transform Christian life. We gather online for 30 mins to share chant, body prayer, a short Lectio Divina and a 20 mins Centering Prayer Sit. Rev. To deconstruct it appears to them like sure and certain death. Cynthia Bourgeault here cuts through the misconceptions to show that Centering Prayer is in fact a pioneering development within the Christian contemplative tradition. Reason seeks a profit. The story starts out right: perceived lack of parental nurturance, Puer Aeternus (eternal youth), planning (gottcha!). The passion classically assigned to the Seven is gluttony, but I believe this assignation rests on a misunderstanding of the true motivation driving the Seven typology, plus a comparable misunderstanding of the true nature of the passion in question. I learned some of the depths of 7 while leading a panel of sevens. A lucid, brave, and significant contribution to the two deepest questions being asked by all seekers now: What really happens after death and how can human relationships help us to achieve an initiation into divine human love? I am not a Space that God does not Occupy. Cynthias published articles cover a breadth of topics that take us on a journey toward a deeper embrace of our human frailty, messiness, and limitations as the very path and locus of transformation. She divides her time between solitude in her seaside hermitage in Maine and a demanding schedule traveling globally to spread the recovery of the Christian contemplative and Wisdom paths. Read full bio Most Popular The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind--A New Perspective . What/where do you suggest? Please hold a bit of openness about panels. It seems more to the point of the seven dynamic. In such a way, and only in such a way, does the Seven finally come to rest and in the simple immediacy of the presence there find, as St. Augustine (probably himself a Seven) so profoundly summarized: Our hearts are restless until they rest in God., Two personal vignettes to illustrate the above points. More detail on these books can be found here. With a blend of Christian and Eastern mysticism running throughout, as well as recognition that learning to chant may be difficult, she gently guides readers through the whys and then through the hows.. To live our lives fully. The fruit of that alchemypresented hereis a profoundly renewed vision of Mystical Courage, a hope and strength emerging from beyond our own making that is available right now to guide our way. The imaginal realm has long been associated with the personal world of dreams, prophecy, and oracles, and it also points toward a higher vision of our human purpose that is both evolutionary and collective. Stereotyping is such a huge problem in the Enneagram world. They both have asked me to help clarify, and I really didnt know what to say, so Im very pleased to see you addressing this question. Inside every Four is a Seven screaming to get out. Heres youll find Cynthia in lively conversation with some leading-edge spiritual commentators on topics of both perennial and current interest. Top 15 Cynthia Bourgeault Quotes (2022 Update) 1. As Maurice Nicoll and others have delineated, we are a multitude of Is, and whilst we might have one chief feature, there is certainly not only one key psychological feature blocking our paths. Just my thoughts. I would also suggest looking at your dominant instinct in relation to point 7. ???????? She is a faculty member emeritus of the Center for Action and Contemplation and the founding director of an international network of Wisdom schools, uniting classic Christian mystical and . a hope that is related not to outcome but to a wellspring . Maybe thats why he keeps pulling me in). a way of perceiving that leads to cynicism and divisiveness, a closing off of possibility; and there is a way that leads to higher faith and love, to a higher and more fruitful outcome. But, 7-4-1 is a triad of sorts I think. (Either I am totally un-self-aware or else the person who invented the Seven story was clearly not a Seven.) Founding director of Northeast Wisdom/ Wisdom Waypoints, The Contemplative Society and The Aspen Wisdom School, Cynthia is also a core faculty . You can learn more about the inner dimensions of Cynthias spiritual journey in her blog series entitledI am not a Space that God does not Occupy. Just an observation. Thank you for sharing your thought process around being an Enneagram Seven, but not as most of the authors describe this type. I would add that in the various tests Ive taken online (RHETI andotherwise), the Seven doesnt usually come up as a strong contender. 13.67 . From time to time, we also offer teaching and exploration of foundational contemplative practices eg; Centering Prayer, Welcome Practice, Lectio Divina. Cynthia Bourgeault on Surrender #3 Cynthia Bourgeault offers an important caution for practitioners of Centering Prayer. After Rafes death in 1995, Cynthia accepted an invitation to move to Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, to help found a new organization called The Contemplative Society. Im teaching the Enneagram to my senior high school students (like Jack!) The turning point in Cynthias journey came in 1990 when she ventured to St. Benedicts Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado, for a ten-day Centering prayer retreat led by Fr. Picture . Famously characterized by the early desert fathers as the noonday demon, accidie is not primarily sloth (i.e., passivity or sluggishness) but the sense of paralyzing dread called forth by the engulfing immediacy of the present where the egoic escape route of flight into the future is cut off and one is face to face with the inescapable reality of the NOW. I wasnt perpetually seeking happy experiences. It is not, as is sometimes thought, simply an act of devotional piety, nor is it a Christianized form of other meditation methods. finding our core point again is not a statement about our ultimate identity but it gives us a foundation from which we can do our inner work. : Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:7). I experience you as a light in the world and have identified with your strenght and courage to SEE so creatively and Boldly at times. Robert Pynn, poet and Dean Emeritus of the Anglican Cathedral, Calgary, Alberta. Including a balance of contemplative practices and theory, seekers from all wisdom traditions will find spiritual nourishment in the pages of this beloved text. Spiritual or mental sloth; apathy. When you were saying that you come up as a more dutiful type on some of the tests, it would seem, according to the descriptions in The Complete Enneagram, that you are probably the counter-type, or Social Seven. As I tried desperately to avoid a total meltdown, my attention fell on something that looked like a big dinner plate hanging on the wall, with numbers painted around the edge and two hands that moved in what seemed like a slow but regular way. I feel like you nailed it for me as a 7. I have have always described the effect in my experience of being overwhelmed by the love of God as this stillness that comes over my body and mind. See more My Gritty Daughter by Cynthia L Akins (Paperba. Together they provide an illuminating, expansive approach to both encounter and generate trust, as an essential substance and offering, so needed in our world today. She finds in the idea of the Holy Trinity a striking vision of the nature of reality. To answer your question, yes I have met self-identified 7s who fit your description. She is the original creator of the Wisdom School and has been organizing and teaching schools since 1999. (By the way, she is claustrophobic! The Center for Action and Contemplation1705 Five Points Rd SWAlbuquerque, New Mexico 87105, Copyright 2023 Center for Action and Contemplation. Over seventeen years Lily would show me how concern can be one of the deepest forms of love. But I think the pain beneath the pain is truly an existential dread- a fear and anxiety of complete disconnection, or as you said, annihilation. Im not sure the words have to be changed that are used for the passion and virtue (Gluttony and Sobriety) if we could be more clear and comprehensive about what these words could mean and look like in the Seven. The arrows of equilibrium and disequilbrium for numbers 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 include the trinity of body, mind, and spirit (heart) unlike the other numbers 2, 4, 5, 7 which do not. Rather, I am feeling to my very bones that yearning for being and sharing of being that permeates the entire created order. I so resonate with your insights and conclusions. What emerged over a six-week collective journey was a remarkable series of revelations and reflections encompassing not only the Gurdjieff tradition but her own deep insights into the Christian mystical and Wisdom traditions, together with sagacious tips on practice and a prophetic vision of a post-pandemic future. Thank you for the gift of new understanding. Coming from a mostly Christian-averse viewpoint, Im pleasantly surprised to find myself excited and inspired by the mystical viewpoint Cynthia provides into the life teachings of JC. The E. and I have mutually and recipracally resisted until now. And in the midst of this long winter of our Christian discontent, when spiritual imagination and boldness are at an all-time low and the church itself hovers at the edge of demise for lack of an animating vision, perhaps now more than ever the time is ripe to remove the packing boards from this tea cupboard and release its contents., The Christian Doctrine of the Trinity is upheld by some as a border checkpoint to restrict access, while it is disparaged by others as extra baggage to be left behind. Thank you, thank you. Cynthia is the author of eight books: The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three, The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, The Wisdom Jesus, Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, Mystical Hope, The Wisdom Way of Knowing, Chanting the Psalms, and Love is Stronger than Death. Each time I found myself having to adjust what I thought a 7 looked like. The topics explored in theme range widely within the her four core areas of interest: Centering Prayer, Christian Wisdom, The Western Esoteric Tradition, and Conscious Love. It felt better and Ive stuck with that. It was Rafe who taught her how to integrate the treasures of the Christian mystical and monastic paths with the mindfulness and self-inquiry practices they had both been powerfully drawn to in their independent encounters with The Gurdjieff Work. I have a very similar trajectory to yours in terms of finding my number, in that I initially identified myself as a Seven but found that mainstream descriptions of the Seven did not take into account my desire to help others and make a difference in my work, and my fear of seeming selfish or frivolous. I too experienced death at a early age while being a Christian Science pre-schooler; the death of my little sister. Thank you, once again, for sharing your sensitivity, openness and self knowledge with such clarity. The Author of eight books and Contributor to many articles and courses on the Christian spiritual life, she lectu. Disenchantment of ever attaining the ideal leads to yearning and this building psychological momentum becomes envy. Cynthia shows how an understanding of Mary Magdalene can revitalize contemporary Christianity, how Christians and others can, through her, find their way to Jesuss original teachings and apply them to their modern lives. A brilliant analysis of nondual Christianity in theory and in practice and a major contribution to the Centering Prayer movement and to interspiritual dialogue.~Thomas Keathing, author ofOpen Mind, Open Heart. The heart is the instrument to read the patterns., The three centers have to be online and balanced. Explore by topic or use the search bar to find wisdom from specific teachers. Yet in the midst of suffering, Love proceeds like a millstone, hard-surfaced and straight forward. I recognized the 4 in me but contested Envy. For example, if Im in 1 the last prescription I need is to buckle down and do more work or take more responsibility but if Im in 7 thats exactly whats needed! not. The journey of discovering this was pretty long and difficult because I too dont fit the party animal description. Cynthia Bourgeault is a modern day mystic, Episcopal priest, writer, and internationally acclaimed retreat leader. Way before knowing the Enneagram, I talked about that event as me being still which was so unusual. Love bears all things. This does not mean a dreary sort of putting-up-with or victimization. Transformation for the Seven: The Holy Idea and Virtue, Sit in your cell and it will teach you everything. This is indeed the terrifying eye of the needle the Seven will have to thread to move from choice freedom (as both Thomas Merton and Beatrice Bruteau call it) i.e., freedom experienced as keeping my options open, to spontaneity freedom: freedom experienced as the capacity to say yes wholeheartedly to NOW; freedom to trust the primordial nurturing to be found only in the plenitude of presence. What emerges is a radical view of Mary Magdalene as Jesuss most important disciple, the one he considered to understand his teaching best. It will be better than sleep, which is the alternative., Limit the amount of spiritual information. I do avoid emotional pain and often rationalize them away but I am facing them and trying to solve the puzzle so that I dont have to suffer. Cynthia Bourgeault, is drawn from the life and experiences of Brother Raphael (Rafe) Robin, an Episcopalian priest, author and a Trappist hermit. Better than choosing., All judgment not founded in love will be inaccurate. . An emeritus faculty member at The Center for Action and Contemplation, she was honored as one of the 100 most spiritually influential living people in 2021. . The outer layers of meaning. Now I wonder if possibly moving towards integration (at times), I am releasing my know it all the correct way attitude. I was gratified, Cynthia, to read your dissatisfaction with how 7s are portrayed. Her tone is, as ever, as accessible as it is compelling, and its a wild ride. She has a fairly strong 6 wingit creates that loyalty and dutiful tendency and tempers any moves towards gluttony. I absolutely think that the combination serves me so well..and I am 87. Nothing in the cosmos works in service to the individual., Dont watch the individual pieces, watch how they flow. This book is a collection of writings birthed in the immediacy of the moment. As I was experienced in the daily routine of Buddhist retreats, I found the routine at this Wisdom retreat . Bourgeault explores both aspects of imaginal reality and shows readers how we can cooperate more fully with its guidance in our lives. Reference: I sense an energetic symbiosis of your mind and hers until I am not sure who is speaking and that is the amazing anamnesis you have achieved. At first when you begin a practice of meditation, it feels like a place you go to. Re-listening to Russ recent teaching on point 7 and the instincts, and Im seeing more clearly how my line to 7 from my core point of 1 gets expressed through my dominant instinct of social, and my secondary instinct of self pres. . She invited members of her Wisdom School Community to join her in a rigorous practice with six of these exercises. Read up on Cynthias theological insights on the cutting edge between contemplation and ordinary life. As Naranjo notes, these Sevens In striving for purity and anti-gluttony express a kind of ascetic (or Five-ish) ideal. You cant do equanimity in your head!. Ian Brown, You said it perfectly for me, Ian. People with a dominant Social Subtype of Seven called sacrifice can be other-sensitive, responsible, more subdued, accepting of limitations and able to postpone their own gratification for the sake of a bigger goal. There are panels, and there are panels. Stay well! i resonate more with your vulnerability that frees-at least it does for me as a FOUR. People who viewed this item also viewed . This is their great spiritual challenge. I finally owned my Oneness and am increasingly aware of the resentment, anger and rather extreme idealism. . Here youll find Cynthia in lively conversation with some leading-edge spiritual commentators on topics of both perennial and current interest. Beware the incomplete observation. As soon as you make judgment, you are not seeing., Imaginal seeing matches Imaginal selfhood., We perceive wisdom entering from a higher level as the future., The timeless wisdom that comes to us from another realm when we wake up is what we know as the future., The future is not what lies ahead, but the larger dimensions of the whole. In the midst of a deeper paradigm shift, with all the hopes and fears that surface in times of change, Cynthias voice is that of a spiritual teacher who knows the territory from the inside out. and for more than half of them, it seems, the Enneagram is very insightful. Loved your sharing on Buddha at the Gas Pump! Later, I recognised that the allocation of Envy to a four is correct! Would 6 or 8 make sense to you as your wing? Another dimension which this book opens up is that of the real place of eros in Christian mysticism and the act of living mystical experience.~ Andrew Harvey, author of Son of Man, Just as shes done in her previous books, Cynthia Bourgeault asks us to take a look at an idea from traditional Christianitythis time the formula of Father, Son, and Holy Spiritas though were looking at it for the first time. For many sevens, the profile of gluttony may indeed appear to fit superficially, at least. By skillfully tapping into that source we can begin to rebuild trust within our own lives, and also contribute to its cultivation within our shattered world. In this collection from Cynthia Bourgeault, journey deep into the heart of Nondual Christianity, mysticism, and the many incarnations of the divine feminine. Now, five years on, . Thanks, also, for bringing in the range of Sevens experience. This simply never resonated; it still doesnt. Susan Barley Rather, it means that in every possible circumstance of life, there is . Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault, modern-day mystic and Episcopal priest, teacher of Centering Prayer and the mystical theology in which it is grounded. Richard Rohr, OFM, Director of TheCenter for Action and Contemplation, Drawing on resources as diverse as Sufism, Benedictine Monasticism, the Gurdjieff Work, and the string theory of modern physics, Cynthia Bourgeault has crafted her own unique vision of the Wisdom way in this very accessible book, nicely balanced between concept and practice. ~ Gerald May, senior fellow, Shalem Institute, and author, Addiction and Grace and Will and Spirit, The spiritual wisdom and practical suggestions in this lively and beautiful book will be helpful to many who find themselves setting out on the interior journey. ~ Bruno Barnhart, a Camaldolese monk and author, Second Simplicity: The Inner Shape of Christianity, Cynthia Bourgeaults book is a valuable contribution to the much-needed reawakening of spiritual practice within a Christian context. Drawing on the experience of revered mystics and martyrs, she explores not only the spirituality but the actual practices that allow our hearts to access a potent, hidden wellspring of trust. So that what is hidden becomes manifest., Align with the highest possible outcome when wrestling with judgment. and that is moving toward Seven. At a time when people are yearning for good news, Cynthia Bourgeaults new book invites us to find our way to the hope that does not disappoint or fail. All of her writings have had that mind-opening and heart-resonating quality that this post offers. Are there any books that approach the depth and redemptive analysis for the Four as Cynthias post has done for the Seven? My Gritty Daughter by Cynthia L Akins . Can it be seen from the outside?, Wisdom isnt knowing more Its knowing with more of you.. Envy the idea that someone else has what you have lost or failed to attain. This feels different from lack of nurturance. During that time, she also met the hermit monk Raphael Robin, who became her close friend and spiritual partner. From the start she has taken an active interest in mentoring a new generation of Wisdom teachers and leaders, and it has been a joy to watch their emergence. Cynthia is the author of more than a dozen booksand counting! A waypoint is a specific location en route to your destination, allowing you to check your position, mark your progress, and stay on course as you journey forwardimagine our globe encircled by a network of wisdom waypoints keeping the ship on course as our planet journeys along its imaginal trajectory. Love believes all things.. An emeritus faculty member at the Center for Action and Contemplation, she is the author of numerous books, including Eye of the Heart, The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three, and The Meaning of Mary Magdalene. 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