EC12x4 (EP: probably between e900-e1000 EP, TT: 9,000+ | Goal: 1e146,000 IP within 0.4 seconds (400 seconds real time)): Completions of EC12 are getting harder, which the last completion limits you to only 0.2 seconds (200 seconds real time). Your goal is now to reach ~e11 at which point your black holes are very close to being permanent(90-95%). The numbers you likely need to play with is 'eternity time', you might want to increase some to more seconds if you see yourself getting stuck during 'farm section'. A HUGE speedup to realities and skips the whole annoying manual early game section while massively improving your potential perk gain speed. (You should get as much time studies as you can, and get all active time studies and study 62) Doing ec6 is slow at first, as you get replicanti galaxies very slowly, but do not give up too quickly. Eternity has also introduced a new type of dimension, Time Dimensions. All you need is TS192 and TS213, but TS211 is optional. You can get this during the end of a Challenge 8 run. (after can fill full tree can also beat 11x4 and 11x5), EC12x2 (EP: 1.39e706, TT: 6,958 | Goal: 1e122,000 IP within 0.8 seconds (800 seconds real time)) (there's not really anything else to say at this point, all you need to do is grind and get enough IP). Your Challenge 8 runs will take about an hour each, although the period prior to unlocking Dimensional Sacrifice is slower. After you beat this, you're ready for the next section, as the only thing currently important to do is to grind EP (and eternities). By the time you're back to 80 Eighth Dimensions, you have a ~9.54x bigger multiplier to all dimensions from Tickspeed, which is an equivalent ~68 Million x multiplier to Antimatter! This allows you to more or less safely change automator into a far superior and essentially 'final' build which should be used for nearly everything with small changes. Completing IC5 will continue the increase of IP, making galaxies 10% stronger and reducing requirements for galaxies and dimensional boosts by 1 8th dimension. I used 4 repli(no glyph level) + Effarig(achievement, buy 10, antimatter production) - all at around lvl 3000-3500. Eternity/second and Infinity/second are a big boost as well removing the annoyance of farming those. It starts out by costing 10 IP but costs 10x more with each level, with it being endlessly rebuyable. Repli x3(no glyph level), Time(eternities/game speed), Effarig(Game Speed/RM multi/any other 1-2). The reward is unlike the 7 eternity milestone, instead of completing ICs when unlocked, it unlocks them forever. Cost: 4 Time Theorems. Unless you get some crazy rarity(80%+) - don't bother waiting for levels too long. "We could afford nine": Turn off replicanti upgrade autobuyers, and wait for your replicanti amount to hit 9, then eternity. Note: Remember to increase your maximum automatic galaxy autobuyer. The advice at this point is to get more Time Theorems to be able to get more Eternity Challenges to complete for more bonuses. This upgrade will push you to about e1600 EP. You need 1e260,000 Antimatter in dilation under 1 minute to get this achievement. Having a 'record' reality is important for 'replicative rapidity' bonus. Your goal is to produce as much antimatter as possible by purchasing dimensions. With every Infinity Upgrade achieved, you get the achievement 'No DLC Required' and can now buy levels of Multiply IP from all sources by 2. When your next dimension 8 is above e11111, you can max dimensions 5,6 and 7 too. "Never again": You need to get a sum of IC times of 0.75 seconds or less. (Otherwise, it is useless to buy any less than 10 dimensions at once, because they will be growing so fast from the dimensions above them that only the 2x multiplier for completing a set of 10 matters.). Leave the second field at 2 or more for now as it isn't needed), Automatic Galaxies (set max galaxies to 1) and Automatic Big Crunch. You can only use the TD path (and since the RGs take longer to get), you have to use the passive path (middle path). - Username5243 (I agree with this - lilk0408). Same goes for 11x5. For more IP, you may try The Creepersnowguy Trick: Set Dimension Boost Autobuyer to 4 max dimboosts and 6 galaxies required to always dimboost, Automatic Galaxies to 6, and Big Crunch IP to either 1.35e3 IP if you have a 32.00x IP multiplier, Or 2.70e3 if you have a 64.00x IP multiplier, and hold M or use your autoclicker, this should result in an IP/min production of about 19k/min or 38k/min depending on your multiplier. Spend your first EP on First Time Dimension. With this much I got to 1e59 RM/minute with e59 upgrades so only took 10 minutes to reach e60 from there. Now look at the Eternity tab. Doing Dimensional Sacrifices (S). In fact, getting to IC4 really doesn't take long while being active, so this should be updated)(this takes 10 minutes when you are active - e581927j) (yeah this entire section is fast - YT kerfuffles). If your fastest Infinity is under 6 seconds, you are good. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [72,82,92,102], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171, Eternity Challenge 2, at least 135 Time Theorems. Also, while you're doing EC1, go to the infinity challenges tab and start an IC of your choosing - this gets you the achievement "I wish I had gotten 7 eternities" - and then exit the IC. Upgrade itself is pretty useless for a while. These should take less than .5 seconds each and drop as you go along. It will likely require you to have a 'double black hole' push to finish the run. The 200 TT cost may be too much for you right now, but it will not matter as much as other expensive studies later on. In addition, each EC can be completed up to 5 times, with each one being more difficult than the last- generally having higher IP goals, but the rewards are higher as well up to the 5th time you beat the EC. Once you get at least 5 dimension boosts, this turns into an (almost) normal run. To get to 1e170 IP after unlocking replicanti, keep crunching every 5 orders of magnitude of IP then buying all the infinity dimensions, IP multipliers, and replicanti upgrades. During this period - check the perk order above as it will last you the entirety of this section. Since 1st dimensions are not produced by the 2nd dimension, you can easily get this achievement without having to wait. In this case, do a 36 galaxy run (takes 4-5 hours) and you will earn ~6.8e57 IP all at once! Before starting challenge - click 'store' for a few seconds to store some time. First dimensions directly produce antimatter, while higher dimensions produce the dimension before them. In this technique, you have to buy around or at least 12-13 RGs to complete it. Keep crunching at higher and higher IP, and try runs between 1-10 minutes to see how much IP you get in those runs (even though you're continuing to increase in IP). You should have up to ID3 (2 purchases), and the multiplier from infinity power will be able to complete all normal challenges in less than 0.1 seconds. You should be done just fine. This means you need to do the "Unique Snowflakes" achievement without buying any RGs. Set the DimBoost autobuyer to 0/0/0.05, Galaxy autobuyer to a very large number and Big Crunch autobuyer to 1e40x last crunch. Which translates into ~19 RM. This is the Study Tree for eternity challenges (made by E308.25): Bold: need, can't change or else impossible to start/complete (or study access to challenge), Italic: recommended, can change/remove but may make completing challenge more difficult, Underline: can add in later challenge (and complete easier). Matter cannot surpass antimatter or you fail the challenge. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on. Make sure you have dimension boosts before you big crunch). If your time seems way off - make sure your line 9 leads to a build which has IDLE path and all dark aside of 225. : This is a very simple achievement, an achievement that may have been already achieved if you were far into the lategame of April 2018, although you could get this achievement way before that. Time Dimensions generate time shards, which are translated into tickspeed upgrades. You need to get 569 galaxies without replicated galaxies. Well, here it is. Selected effect filtering is IMO best. You'll see that your Sacrifice multiplier will reach double more rapidly and eventually your benchmark can be raised higher from previous Sacrifices. Shouldn't take longer than an hour or two. Regardless, I'd get >1e85 IP before attempting]. You also get the Achievement To infinity!, rewarding you with starting runs with 100 antimatter (that includes Boosts and Galaxies!). This guide (based on Patashu's Guide on Kongregate) is about getting through Antimatter Dimensions as fast as possible. Now once you are back to ~5e9-1e10 relics for ~+5% rarity chance - you can go farm glyphs yet again, but this time you can use 'weight' to boost the amount of levels you can get further. At this point, you should hit 3.5e8 IP/min with your big crunches or higher. If you can't complete all challenges - don't worry, as long as you can try something new - you are doing it right. This is a huge jump in complexity compared to the rest of the game - what do all of these buttons, dropdowns and input fields do? Spend on 1 cost upgrades + 2 cost dilation one. How you progress from here kinda depends on what you were doing. This will unlock a new field in the dimension boost autobuyer called "buy max dimboosts every X seconds". The main difference is that you can't use any 'game time' modifiers or you will only make your run 'worse' since you need 'game time' as your record. Get e500 IP on this run, then eternity for 4 EP, getting 1 TT for each currency. The reason why you can leave either the Eighth and Sixth (and First if desired) Autobuyers on is because Eighth should always be bought ASAP, and the First and Sixth never conflicts with the Eighth Dimension. You lose ~10 level glyph potential but win a lot of time in actually getting glyphs. Ah, that's not Infinity Challenge 6, that's just regular Challenge 6. But, you might want to buy ID2 first if that is too slow. (you will need to change up the setups a little). Time Dilation costs 5,000 Time Theorems (which are taken away permanently) and any necessary time studies up to that point. Think about it this way - 58 Tickspeed Upgrades (costing ~1.111e60 Antimatter total) used to give you an 926x boost - now it gives a 2574x boost! Once you do - time for Teresa. '2 MILLION INFINITIES' - Just wait and maybe fix infinity and turn on your crunch autobuyer on and set your update rate to 33ms in options. If you put off doing this challenge until now, you now have the Tickspeed Autobuyer and can now automate infinities. When you complete it, you will now have the Dimensional Sacrifice autobuyer, which does a dimensional sacrifice at a specific threshold, and Dimensional Sacrifices are MUCH more powerful as well(about from 1e7x -> 1e90x). This strategy should work anytime. Statistics has also been given a new section, showing past Infinities, and the feature to be able to complete Challenges is unlocked. Out of Row 2 - the most important upgrade is 'knowing existence'. You could have done this earlier, right when you were able to get banked infinities, but you can do it at this point as well. Once its interval is at 0.1 seconds you won't have to touch it until attempting to optimise some Challenges later. Here are the challenges in estimated order from easiest to hardest (might be slightly different after the reality update but should be almost the same), Note that challenges 10, 11 and 12 require 16 infinities (which you will have at this stage): And lastly, the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge (C9). To demonstrate this, go to Infinity > Autobuyers and look at Automatic Big Crunch. Eternity Challenge 9 (2.37e63 EP, 535TT | Goal: 1e1750 IP) can be attempted as soon as you can access it. Glyph Instability starting level - an obvious candidate for glyph grind. With this combo you should instant complete it. You will likely skyrocket to ~e27+ RM just with whatever you currently have by boosting RM gain really fast which you should certainly do. The upside? Now put that value in your crunch autobuyer. Antistellar 3/6, Mattercept 4/6, YB 1/6, Glyph 4/6, Eternal 2/6, seven 5/6. There's no point in doing that - Buy a single 1st Dimension when you have over 1e150 of them, making 1st Dimensions 10% stronger. Last 2 row 3 upgrades are something you will only get in automator section. First, get near the end of the Challenge and turn off all Autobuyers. At this part of the game, you are basically playing the waiting game to 1e308 IP, as runs are now much slower than before as you have to wait for replicanti to build up. Once you can't get e10 increase in EP within ~20 seconds is a good time to stop. 'close' to done at ~20 galaxies? This is the build to maximize what you can 'store'. (active only 1x replicated galaxies effect, idle gain 10x less replicated galaxies, YOU NEED STUDY 213 TO POSSIBLY COMPLETE, these will gain 20x more replicated galaxies). After 2-5 hours depending on how many upgrades you have, you will have at least 1e1900 antimatter. Antimatter Dimensions is a popular web-based incremental video game made by Hevipelle. Unduh di perpustakaan GameLoop atau hasil pencarian. Once you beat this challenge, you won't have to worry about these challenges again (until the reality update). This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the number of Time Studies you have. Because of that, you will need to dilate time for tachyon particles every now and then. Automator is mandatory and even if you think you can ignore it for now - it becomes virtually impossible to remotely match the speed of what even simplistic automator can do quite soon. Oh great. It might seem like progress is slow but that's because you are waiting for ID7 and ID8 which are the big spikes at e250 IP and e280 IP. Cost: 1e3 Buy Max Tickspeed: 1000 Dimensions Options Statistics Achievements Challenges Infinity Eternity Dimensional Sacrifice (1.00x) Max all (M) (If you followed the guide though, this is already complete, so you don't have to complete it again if you don't want to.). This will let ooze out a few extra levels at good speed. 6) Beating all challenges should give you enough to tackle C10. Beating this gives a HUGE multiplier to glyph sacrifice. The rewards for finishing the Eternity Challenges will help in how much EP and progress you make. Turn on tickspeed autobuyer and wait for antimatter to hit e11111" - Patashu's Guide IC6 - There's an exponentially rising matter that divides the multiplier on all of your dimensions. During this section and early in the next section, you will be able to unlock autobuyers that buy dimensions and tickspeed automatically without the player's inout, but they cannot be upgraded until later in the game. When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades, and after ~2 days you will finally reach e15 DT and e2350 EP. Location After that it kinda depends but certainly all remaining light aside of 223 which is garbage. At this point, your Dimension bulk purchases should be at minimum 128x. Enable Automatic DimBoosts autobuyer and set it to 5 max dimbosts and 6 galaxies required to always dimboost, Start the challenge in question, and use the M trick (ie: hold the M key), Get ID4 (takes 30-60 minutes at this point depending on what upgrades and IP and stuff you have, also will complete NEW DIMENSIONS?, achievement bonus affects infinity dimensions, currently around 17.08x), Complete the first 7 rows of achievements (At this point, you should only need "Error 909" in row 7 - big crunch with only one first dim on challenge 11 (challenge 2 on mobile): turn off autobuyers and in options switch "buy up to 10" to "buy 1"), Minimize all challenge times (get the lowest time as possible, but this was easy to do a while ago, so you should've done it then). Its content takes months to complete and is the perfect choice if you want to get into incrementals. A good 'lazy mode' if you don't want to configure advanced ones. Back to square one. At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. Before performing your first eternity, you should do all of the following: Once you have possibly done all of the above things, you can Eternity. However, you receive a new currency called Tachyon Particles which produce dilated time. Export your saves regularly and save them to a text file in some cloud storage (like, Buying exactly one of the highest dimension available to you (1-8 + shift key). Go to the Infinity tab, then to the Autobuyers sub-tab. After that, you can buy anything else with your profits. 'How the antitables have turned'. By default it's 25% each. Sadly this leaves us at 29/36, 1 away from next big power spike. RM recommendation: Get 4 RM(e4444 EP) - to reach this I recommend all up to 1e18(including them) upgrades in dilation. Quick interruption: here's a super awesome chart made by Ninjatsu, it helps to summarize all the Eternity Challenges (click it to view it full size). EC10x5 (7.20e316 EP, 2884TT (you can definitely do this with much lower EP: 1.07e252 EP, 2314TT) (Goal: 1e4200 IP, you will get "5 more challenges until the update" achievement here): You don't have to grind infinities here. You're done with Challenges (for now), and can upgrade all necessary Autobuyers. The whole process took ~40 minutes with disabling autobuyers at correct time, will likely take ~1 hour of full idle. The automator itself is a bit unoptimal by now(it has served us well since teresa end and still works okay'ish, but it's obviously possible to optimize much more by now) but it's not worth the hassle to update it for now, I will update it on Ra unlock since it will be a big difference due to you being able to use all trees. The second field says that, once we have this many Galaxies. (In fact, there's a whole lot more content to get through! If it takes 5 seconds from x1.00 -> x1.01, wait 5 more seconds then Sacrifice. You get a reward, boosting dimensions proportional to tier (from First getting +1% to Eighth getting +8%). Meaning new effarig stat priority will soon become gamespeed/achieve power(must have) > AM prod exponent(almost must) > dim power(not too sure here, buy 10 is not far either way, no big deal to have either), I stopped my glyph farm upon reaching ~6-7e33 sacrifices, Eternal 5/6 allows you to do 121,131,122,132,226,221. It now has a field of 'Amount of IP to wait until reset'. This makes it much simpler to do a fast reality. If you are stuck on some challenge - you are likely missing 1 'power' glyph. 1e28000 time shards - this one can be simplified by using 5 'time' glyphs. . Also, when sharing saves from the game, it is advised you use as you can quickly and easily transfer saves. You can use: Amount of galaxies to always dimension boost:(this may change based on how many galaxies you can gain without boost). - lilk0408, 4/8 (max boosts/galaxies required to dimboost). If you want to keep doing progress, import this build in Time Studies tab: (At this point, you should have a time studies setup like this), 11,21,31,41,51,22,32,42,33,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,201,72,82,92,102,222,224,226,228,232,234|0. This one is all about waiting and doing nothing for quite a long while with everything disabled once you finish your study tree. After this, continue to do ~10 minute long crunches and complete each IC as it unlocks. You will have to wait long for 1e100 IP, which is over an hour, and without doing anything. In general, you get more IP/min by pushing to the next galaxy. Continue to decrease the intervals of the Automated Big Crunch and Automated Galaxies then grind for 1e4 IP, then buy one more IP doubler. Trivial, hold down M and autobuy 25ish galaxies. Once you reach ~1e165 IP, get the achievement Game design is my passion (complete IC5 in 15 seconds or less) with /u/1234abcdcba4321 strat: (Since Autobuyer Priorities don't exist anymore at least on some versions, this is very hard even with 1e185) (Since reality, this section is outdated. 9e89 BH upgrades are what I reached within ~10 minutes, solid enough. Eternity Challenge 5, at least 157 Time Theorems. A great build is - 1 replicanti(all aside of glyph level), 2 Infinity(ID power, Infinity COUNT, IP power conversion), 2 Power(AD power, AD multiplier - the big number one, buy 10 multiplier). Dimension Autobuyers: There are 8 for each Dimension tier. Instead of full dark change 226 to 225. This pushed me to ~5e29 sacrifices. Unique snowflakes: Progress related achievement. At this point, you will increase the multipliers so fast that your Dimensions are doubling every second anyway. If you can, go to step 1. First of all - rarity is increasingly important the higher it is. With your upcoming IP, get the upgrade Increase the multiplier for buying 10 dimensions 2x 2.2x for 1 IP, then go down the rest of the second column to get Antimatter Galaxies are twice as effective. At this point, buying TT will not make as much of a difference, as you produce more than you can buy, and you don't have to buy TT anymore. Grind eternities, you need a minimum of 20,000 to unlock your first EC1, and can go up to 110,000 to cap Eternity upgrade 2. Do a quick RM farm once you got some minimal value setup ready, don't stall too long as it's a big boost. Because it will automatically buy many dimension boosts at once, dimension boosting is now worth it for IP/min grinding. 139. Previous challenges that you have completed before will have to be completed again, until they are automatically completed in later eternities. 3. After getting 1e9 DT upgrade, it will be more useful to do long runs with the active path. The upgrades further on will eventually make it impossible (or very hard) to get this achievement until later. After a long time of waiting for time theorems and eternitying every 10 orders of magnitude of EP, you will get the 5th time dimension (e2350 EP), then the 6th (e2650 EP), then the 7th (e3000 EP) then the 8th (e3350 EP). ), 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,161,171. You could have farmed glyphs/farmed RM/farmed reality count + perks. buying Dimension 3 removes some number of First Dimensions. This section is a bit RNG heavy. Before you grind realities however - recomplete Teresa. You might have to get 2 galaxies to finish this one, even with the Galaxy doubler upgrade. Once you have at least 1e7 IP, buy Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 x128. For the order of ECs, follow this EC guideline chart. You can continue grinding for EP, but at some point you will have to do the other challenges (as told in the last section). In IC4, spam 87654321 and occasionally hit M. In IC5, hold 8 and occasionally buy max tickspeed. Antimatter Dimensions Pengantar The challenge itself consists of 3 layers. On a new galaxy, turn on autobuyers until you have to lose a reset, and then follow steps 2-3. Your browser is not supported. After that priority is approx 221/226(which is better somewhat depends on scenario) > 233. EC7x1 should be quite easy to beat. It is worth getting this now, as it becomes nigh-on impossible to get later. Fifth Dimension Autobuyer (C5): Pretty much just a slower game with no special tactics. Disable auto replicanti galaxies, and buy regular galaxies. Antimatter Dimensions App 2.40.3 Update 2022-09-30 2.40.3 - Fixed a crash 2. . Afterwards, you should be able to do EC7. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges.