Its only 12 miles but traffic is pretty bad in my area (and Im only able to do it in this time because I avoid the highway highway traffic could easily double the commute home on a bad day!) There are a lot of people selling stuff, panhandling, or just riding the trains to get off the streets. If you are not on my email list, sign up at Craig Peterson dot com slash subscribe. how much social media use at work is too much? The alarm clock flashes 4:30 a.m. Danny Finlay drags himself out of bed and mentally . I did 45 minutes for a while (not traffic, just distance) and that was rough. No thanks! I work in the East Bay, and people in my office commute from Tracy, Manteca, Stockton, Merced, Sacramento, Vallejo. And the smog in LA is disgusting. Start looking for something closer. Oh I guess you mean if you have columns of LA vs NYC, not Pros and Cons.. Another thing I did for a while was bike/train commute 1-2 times per week. I had a 15-minute commute for 11 years. Most people who work in Burbank cant afford to live here anymore houses in my neighborhood start at over $800k for 1100 square feet. Unfortunately that is not unusual for LA. Seattle commutes can be 2 hours for 30 minutes as well. I lived in Northern California and the commutes were similarly awful. So once in a blue moon, I would hit them all, and when that happened my commute took 45 minutes. Id take a pay cut to work closer to LB over living in the valley for ANY amount of money. I grew up in NM and live in NY now. People texting, tinted rear windows, vigilantes who try to control the flow of traffic by driving slow in the fast lane, illegals aliens with legal drivers licenses who are unfamiliar with and did not learn how to drive on our freeways, lack of situational awareness. I live on the east side of LA with a 10-mile commute. The only way I see people make it work is to have jobs you can start really early like be in the office at 6:00 AM and leave work at 2:oo PM. Yeah, no, I would consider 2 hours each way to be completely unsustainable. Time is valuable, and spending it commuting sucks. I am borderline fanatical about not touching my brakes on the freeway for this exact reason. Californians absolutely choose jobs (and/or homes) based on the commute they can bear. Sure, traffic lights are a bore, but sometimes its a little easier. The worst days weve encountered in 8 months were 2 separate days where it took me two hours- and that was literally when a water main break (and a gas pipe leak) caused multiple freeway shut downs that made everyone get stuck. Lombard to Deerfield is a haul, congrats on finding something closer. That leaves 7 to 8 hours free time- let's be generous and call it 8 hours. I frequently have to do a 90 minute one way commute to work. Ive had 5 minute commutes in West TX, 15 minute commutes in northern CO, 20-30 minute commutes in Albuquerque, NM, around an hour commute from rural central NM (to a 2 hour commute if I was attending class in Albuquerque that day), and 30 minute commutes in NE FL. If not, find another job. Thats actually why I stopped taking public transit and started biking in the first place. My husband is currently in a similar boat (Long Beach to Burbank), so his commute takes 1.5-2 hours each way. Its also just far 75 miles one way which is definitely preferable to going 0-15 miles an hour for 30 miles. THAT SAID, that doesnt mean you have to live with it. Delays are constant, leaves on the track, problematic signals, repair work etc. My longest commute was when I first started working, and it was just over an hour each way. Public transportation is only a viable option if you work downtown. Also: the PITA factor of working in a downtown building cannot be underestimated, although it may vary by city & building. I live 15 miles from all directions from Boston. I agree with most people that having 1 hour of it be by train made it OK for the year I was doing it. However, a lot of that was a voluntary tradeoff of having a pleasanter commute (living farther up the line meant I was guaranteed a seat on the train) vs. a shorter commute (when I might have to wait for a few trains to go by because theyre so squished). The best thing I could find to do was use alternate county backroads to get home once I got off the beltwayit doesnt get me home any faster but as I tell my husband, its the illusion of getting home faster because at least Im constantly moving and not killing my knees pumping the brakes! There might be a convenient public transit option for you. Its really hard not to see the possibilities lurking around every corner. It's been absolutely fine occasionally and I enjoy driving (most of the time!). I would say DO NOT DO IT, unless you can't afford not to. A lot of people, a lot of cars, not a lot of trains, and limited road options because of the terrain. It depends on your definition of L.A. A lot of people here consider L.A. the entire county, not just Los Angeles proper, and the county is huge. It was an aggravating way to start the day anyway. No regrets. I told myself my commute was just 3.5 hr of reading time that I normally wouldnt allow myself, so really, I was the lucky one (positivity and denial were really helpful too!) Thats how crazy two hours is. And that would have to be for a super terrific, well-paid job. Most of my friends live 25-30 miles north, so I see them on the weekends or evenings when I can do the drive sans traffic. I live in Sacramento and commutes are better here than in L.A. or the Bay Area, but it is getting worse. I had a boss who did a 4+ hr round trip commute everyday just to afford a nicer house in the DC area. To be fair, Walnut Creek to San Jose/Peninsula is 45 min. Thank you so much for posting my question, Alison. Ive only done a 2 hr commute when I had an end in sight (I was living at home during an internship to save money, and the second time I was looking for an apartment so I was again living at home). 2 hours isnt normal, but its not unusual. While my to the office commute was short, I did travel alot and the drive to/from LAX was horrible. And then there is the increased wear and tear on your car and the associated costs. by car: 25 minutes. Its totally fine. I used to commute from Pomona to Pasadena, about 30 miles. I can think of a few senior execs who might but they are not in the office 5 days per week; they are either on the road as part of their job (sales) or have worked out a WFH/remote schedule. Its a ~10 mile commute that took me 45 minutes each way on a good day. I live in SW CT so the only reason my drive is doable is because I stay off (and away from) 95. LA is 469 sq. Yeah, I honestly do not want to move into LA at all (I left NYC cause I was tired of the city struggle/high rents) and love where I live. Unfortunately, as the cost of housing rises in major cities, more people are living outside of them, meaning more traffic. By bus (three buses total) it takes an hour. Alas, Los Angeles is like this nowadays. Many (MANY) years ago, when I was a teenager, I was walking with some friends looking for a party, and we turned right when we should have turned left. So Cal native yup, 2 hours can be totally normal. Ive since moved to a place with no public transportation (well, it exists, but its minimal and does not serve me at all), and how I long for my zone-out commute. It made a huge difference for me. Now I live 6 miles away from the office and have a 25-minute drive (on side streets only). On average each way is an hour due to congestion or accidents on I-95. I remember how I felt about it two years after and can promise that compared to then I feel a lot more confident and comforable now (~5 years out). So true! My commute is 15 minutes on foot and Im willing to sacrifice a lot to keep things that way. Its really not that bad and I worry perhaps your judgement is based on stereotypes about said neighborhoods. the job was great, i would have worked there forever, but, ugh, LA. Yeah, when we lived in LA our home was very strategically placed with regard to work and other places we went. Good luck! Sometimes I go to another gate and back around the base to my building so at least Im moving versus just sitting in a long line. Although, I mean, I know of a couple of people who commute from Modesto to the city, and thats like2.5 hrs or something, so there are always those who are willing to go to extremes. I lived in downtown LA for 2 years and commuted to Culver City, about 12 miles away. If the commute doesnt work for you assess if youd rather house hunt, or job search, and proceed with whichever fits better into your plans. More time to read & crochet. By that time, it would take about 1.5 hours or more to get to my work. If I were you I would make sure you keep the appropriate . Then there are the 55, the 57, the 22, the 405 freeways as well. If you're working a long day (especially with overtime) you find yourself with very little time to do anything outside of work. I had to try really hard not to laugh. I dont think Id personally cope well with much over half an hour if I had to drive but I probably have a bit of bias that comes from living in a small UK city where lots of things are well within walking or cycling distance, or public transport, so my expectations of what I find doable in terms of committing is affected by what Ive become used to. I miss it. Morning commute averages 40 minutes, can be as short as 30 and as long as 75. Los Angeles is not only not really bike friendly, in fact it is quite a bit bike hostile. Is it an hour today? I work in Pasadena, where you need to earn about 2.5x the living wage in order to get by. If this job allows you the finances/time to travel, do things you love then its something you have to take into account. Not quite three years and I missed warm sunny days more than I ever thought would be possible. Here in California, I recently (2.5 months ago) accepted a new job as an EA for a great company thats about 30 miles away. yeah crossing the 405 definitely deserves mention. Perhaps this has been suggested already, but can you move closer to your job? After this long of doing that drive, I am very resentful of losing those 2-2.5 hours of my life five or more days a week. If youre having trouble visualizing this, check out the old Mythbusters episode where they tested it. This information was found in a TUC study on commuting times in 2019. In the early afternoon, traffic isnt bad and I can make it from Irvine to Pasadena in about an hour. I think this is exactly the problem. I used to have a 1.5 2hr commute (depending on rush hour) from a part of Northern VA into DC, so its definitely not just California. Oh, missed the only twice a week bit. Timetables are generally designed for people travelling from the far-flung reaches to Sydney, and not the other way around, so this required some awkward choices, including two occasions when I had to grab a midnight train from the city and then lurk awkwardly on a remote platform waiting for a connecting service at 3am. Its like another 10 minutes to get to my desk once Im here.. I hope you can find a new job, or possibly leave the area altogether. There are lots of nice areas that arent super expensive, and it would immediately solve both of your commutes. LA traffic is no joke and unless you are able to afford living right next to your work, it is just how its going to be. Jk :) But seriously, Im glad it worked out for you. (If you havent seen the movie L.A. But, thats because I work 7-3 or 3:30 and get in about 6:30-6:45. Google that it hurt me just to hear her talk about it. I worked all week and basically slept all weekend because I was so exhausted. I tell my guests to do Westside things (beach, Getty) on one day and Eastside things (Hollywood, Griffith Observatory) on a different day. I have a friend, God bless her, who lived in Running Springs and worked in Woodland Hills. yikes thats awful. Not entirely true- it depends on where in the Bay Area- and if you can afford to be 30 min away- I was in Solano County- and wages are on the low side- it would have made more financial sense for me to look in Contra Costa- but that commute was 45-90 minutes one way depending on the way the Traffic flowed (and I wouldnt have made nearly enough to move to Co-Co county). Someone mentioned Santa Monica above you would be hard pressed to find a 1-bedroom apartment for under $2000 a month. You have no control over traffic. Its really relaxing and satisfying after a long day, but then again, Im a distance runner, and all of us distance runners are crazy. Get a budget card and park m deck. I lived in Tokyo for years and 90 minutes-two hours is common but that is by train so you dont have to pay attention. They offer typical traffic estimates. Who cares whats normal if it doesnt work for you! Her fiance had a 10-minute one because he taught at the neighborhood school. It worked for a while (about 3 years), but only because all the stars were aligned to make it feasible: my husband also worked long hours, we didnt have kids, I could travel much of the distance on bus/train and indulge my love of reading en route, and I loved the job. (And then for 2 more yrs, it was only an hr each way.) They both decided that we should get off the highway and go the backroads, which, of course, was probably one of the worst neighborhoods and were driving a rented Camaro convertible. I would 100% ask about flex time, and if not granted, change jobs. If you feel like you're wasting time on the drive, listen to an ebook or an educational podcast. My commute for the last 4 years has been 2 hours each way, 90 minutes of which is on a train (Thanks, outdated NJTransit!). However, driving is typically stress free regardless of traffic or not. 3) Start looking for a new job closer to you (also may not be possible) Groundwork cafe at the north Hollywood intersection of the redline and orange line has glorious gluten free baked goods(Im celiac, so I live by my map of places that I can eat). I didnt end up taking the job, but I thought that the honesty was nice probably better than losing someone to the culture shock. Yes! Work until 5-6PM 8 oil changes a year, $320. It would not work for lots of people. You already know its unsustainable for you, OP, and Im glad youve noticed that. I found anything over 30 minutes was just unmanageable for me. Its much quicker, more reliable, and less stressful to *always* have a 35 minute commute than a car that could get you there in 25-45 minutes whenever you wantor get you stuck on a bridge burning fuel in bumper to bumper traffic for an hour and a half+! most people I know in the Us walk or bike to work. I used to live in Northridge and worked in El Segundo, 405 all the way. In bed by 9-10PM No way does bushwick to soho happen in 45 minutes. Hes pretty much resigned to the fact that hes going to have a commute wherever he lands. I find driving FAR more stressful than the trains, and would probably take a one-hour train ride where I feel like my time is my own over dealing with NJ drivers for 20 minutes. By 630AM, the 28-year-old project engineer is out the door of his Bishan flat and in his car, on his way to work. It really doesnt matter whether I leave at 7 am or at 9 am it takes just as long to get in every day. Thankfully I found something closer to home. That area is home to Highway 401, the busiest stretch of highway in North America and one of the busiest and widest in the world. Its worth it for the commute for me. MUNI IS THE WORST. I was going to say in my comment above, I didnt mind an hour or even longer commute when I was on public transit and could read, but that would frustrate thefudge out of me! This was about 10 years ago and I couldnt wrap my mind around their commutes then, I shudder to think what thatd be like today. And then the housing is even more expensive. 2 hour commute twice a week; 2 hour commute twice a week. Later in the day, though, its another stories. Absolutely brutal. I think the only reason it was doable was because I *wasnt* in the car, and I could zone out (and not having to make any connections was great). I need to have time to rest and a life, so Ive always applied for jobs that were a reasonable 30-minute commute away. But the salient point here is that the OP is asking if she has to just suck it up because *shrug*, thats LA, and so many of us are saying that while LA traffic is indeed ridiculous, there are better and worse commutes, and we are reassuring OP that people in LA do indeed make choices that allow them to have more manageable commutes within the terrible, horrible, no-good traffic. The trains are generally safe, but they are still public transportation. I stuck it out for a year and my new commute is still 50 minutes but its a solid 50 with little variation and I cannot tell you how much my life has improved with less than an hour commute. Never, ever again. I had learned to drive in Phx, had gone to Cali plenty of times, but I could not handle an LA freeway. I hope you find the perfect combination. 2 on bad days. This is why we are hoping Elon Musk gets hyperloop technology built beneath LA! Traffic where I live is rough. Now Im back to an hour commute with daycare, but its not nearly as bad. But depending on your field it is just something we sadly have to deal with. Would you be able to at least leave earlier, even if you cant start work early? I think your commute is longer than average for LA standards. I loved my neighborhood when I first moved to DCI was near Shaw, and it was amazing: I was right across the street from a great bar, cool restaurants in easy walking distance, and I loved the architecture. Most years, five of the 10 busiest freeways in the world are on southern California. (None of this is easy in LA, but its the only solution for long-term happiness.) So my only advice, which is pretty unhelpful, is think seriously about how long you might wanna be in this job and then, if it seems like a while, just move closer. Joke was that it would take 45 minutes to get anywhere. I did that for 6 weeks and It felt like 2 years. My wife had a 90-120 minute commute for a year and change and it was almost unbearable. According to google: the city extends for 44 miles (71 km) longitudinally and for 29 miles (47 km) latitudinally. (Okay, its usually 5-10 minutes to walk to the train/grab coffee, 30-45 minutes on the train to Hoboken, then either PATH to my office (~10-20 minutes, then walking 10 minutes) or Citibike (~5 minutes on light rail, ~15 minutes biking, 5 minutes walking). On days with very light traffic (aka bank holidays), going a steady 45-55 mph the whole way, it would take me about 45 mins. But I will say even when I worked 12 miles from my home, it was 40-45 minutes. On some Saturdays (when theres far less road traffic) I RUN home from work! The 20 minute subway ride OP describes from Bushwick to Soho is only about 6-7 miles. That experience was so miserable that I have organized much of my adult life to avoid anything even resembling a suburb. In Los Angeles if you cant bear a long commute you need a job that is very close to where you live and/or is the opposite direction than traffic. Oh, and my old commute had 17 traffic lights. I do all my decompressing in my car and I drive 45 minutes out of my way to shop in peace as well, so Im just a big ol crazy pants wanderer. I mean because I've never had to do this drive on a regular basis for long periods of time. I could tell so many stories about the times where out-of-towners (friends, relatives, etc) think I can get them from Silverlake to the coast in 30 mins because it doesnt look that far on Google Maps!. DH and I also get dinner every night together, Im able to workout more and so is DH (since Im home earlier and can keep Tiny Human alive so he can go to the gym). I think it displays a real lack of empathy, to be honest. I live in SoCal and I find it best to think of the stretch of Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena and the West LA areas like Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Long Beach, etc as separate cities. I used to have a 15 mile LA commute that was never less than 45 minutes and would reach 2 hours at least a couple of tines a week. We travel(led) a lot for work, and that kind of journey would be a routine length once per week in normal times. Im from Sunnyvale and I go to college in Merced. My commute in Sacramento is 20-30 minutes average. I have lived in the LA area most of my life. Since hes from a smaller town, he never really got used to commuting and hates it passionately. Id love to do that walk in the morning, but maybe not so much in the afternoon! You might still be spending 2 hours but at least you can read or play a game or something. I cant imagine wasting 2-3 additional hours of my day just getting to/from work. Your boyfriends in the right on this one. On some freeways its almost all trucks and it makes a difference. Im in Atlanta too. Ive got two young kids I never get time to myself at home before their bedtime. Coming home is a lot worse. I worked swing shift, which helped, but I also had a sports car, which I *loved* to drive! If Im going back for the weekend, I have to leave before 2 pm or after 8 pm, otherwise theres tons of traffic in Modesto all the way down to San Jose. Take subway. Splurge on Audible, or ad-free Spotify. I love LA and I would not love it if I had to spend four hours in the car every day. Biking takes me 23-28 minutes every single time. Best trade I have ever made. My gf at the time, her dad would watch all the cop chases and I hit the floor a few times because I know what gunfire sounds like. I have a =/- 1.5 hour one way commute right now, due to economic factors turns out housing close to work is crazy expensive, who knew? I used to live in southern California and that is not unusual. I live/work in northern VA (just south of DC), and traffic is notoriously bad here, as well, though not as bad as in LA. I commute from a northern suburb of Seattle down to Redmond every day (about 20 miles), and it takes me anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours each way, depending on the weather, accidents, etc. Is your boyfriends work near yours? This is totally normal for Los Angeles (Im a SoCal native who has lived here all my life). My brother has a 50 minute commute, but its on highways and country roads with no traffic, to the next town over. For many folks this probably would not work, but it seems to the best fit for his family. Thatd be an increase of 1500/month vs what were paying for our house here (so 18,000 a year difference in housing cost, plus the fact you dont get equity). Hope you find something that keeps you off the road! Still long, but more tolerable. It takes 15-20 minutes most days, never more than 30 in heavy traffic. 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